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Word web: VARY
Fill in the blanks in the sentences with one of the forms in the word web VARY:

1. He didn’t want to become Marketing Director for a ________ of

2. varieswith season.
Their price ________
3. She has had a ________ career.
4. variousgoods.
They sell ________
5. ________ costs go up and down according to the quantity of goods
produced. variations
6. There are wide regional __________ in house prices.
7. Students are offered a wide __________ of courses in this department.
Noun plural
Supply is/are or has/have
1. We cannot make a decision until sufficient statistical data
are available.
is essential to businessmen.
2. Information _______
3. Economics _______is the science of choice.
4. The Government _______is spending millions of dollars to
combat unemployment.
5. The Government _______ discussing the proposal.
6. I’m currently watching just one TV series. It _______ been
really interesting.
7. The latest news _______ been very depressing today.
Noun compounds
Make noun compounds using these descriptions:
1. an officer of the department which deals with the personnel
a personnel department officer
2. a board for notices
a notice board
3. a department which deals with the accounts
an accounts department
4. a manager in charge of a works
a works manager
5. a project lasting six months
a six-month project
6. a position of a company in the market
a company market position
7. a manual which gives instructions
an instruction manual
income / revenue / earnings
Fill the gaps with a suitable word:
income / revenue / earnings
1. The company gets 98% of its __________ from Internet
2. The company’s __________ per share have fallen to 35p.
3. Taxes provide most of the government’s __________ .
4. Examples of earned __________
income are salaries and wages, tips,
commissions, bonuses.
5. HM __________
revenue and Customs is the tax authority of the UK
Definitions of terms/ idioms
(from Units 4 and 6)
What are these called? (Unit 4)
1. a brand that dominates all products or services in a range or across a business,
e.g. Mercedes-Benz and BMW
– master brand
2. two or more shops or outlets that have the same owner and sell similar products
– chain store
3. a process of taking a look at the overall identity of a company and making
changes or revisions to the identity
– re-branding
4. the activity of engaging with famous and powerful people in order to get
content disseminated to large audiences
– influencer marketing
What are these called? (Unit 6)
1. a private individual who runs a one-man business and takes all the
profits but also all the risks
– sole trader
2. a company of which at least half the share capital is owned by
another company, called a parent company
– subsidiary
3. a business activity in which two or more people or organisations
work together
– joint venture
4. organisations with social aims such as helping the sick or the poor
– charities
Supply a MARKET/ PRICE/ ENTERPRISE word partnership to
complete the following definitions.

1. An __________________
OPEN MARKET is a country or area in which, by agreement, several
manufacturers are free to compete with each other in selling their products.
2. A ________________
CLOSED MARKET is a country or area which a monopolist has declared to be
out of bounds to all producers except himself.
3. A label attached to goods showing the price; also means price ________
4. A good period for sellers, when prices are rising quickly _____________
5. A business activity owned by individuals rather than the state _____________
6. An economy characterised by an enterprise culture _______________
Questions from the units
(Units 4 and 6)
(with suggested answers)
Answer the following questions from Unit 4
1. What are the two main concepts in marketing?
– Selling concept and marketing concept.
2. What is a target market?
– A target market is the customers who your product is aimed at.
3. What is marketing mix?
– All the various elements of a marketing programme and their
4. What does “four Ps” stand for?
– product, place, price, promotion
Answer the following questions from Unit 6
1. What are the four main types of business ownership in the private sector of the
economy in the UK?
1. sole trader; 2. partnership; 3. private limited company; 4. public limited company
2. Who is a sole trader?
– A sole trader is a business organisation where one person is in business on their
own, providing the capital, taking the profit and standing the losses themselves.
3. What are typical areas of commercial activity for the sole trader?
– retailing and building, i.e. activities which are not usually capital intensive.
4. What is a takeover? What are the two types of takeovers?
– A takeover is when one firm buys out another.
– The two types of takeovers are friendly and hostile.
5. Who usually forms partnerships?
– doctors, architects, solicitors (lawyers), stockbrokers...

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