HCS443 Week 5 Critique of Quantative Study FINAL

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Analysis and Critique of a Published Journal Putting All the Pieces Together Article :

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Sandra St John- Kelleher HCS/443 University of Phoenix September 5, 2011 Ann Marie Spinelli



Processes for Analyzing Data

Plan for Data Analysis; Is it Important?

What Quantitative Research Report is being Analyzed?

Pain 4/18/12 Assessment in Persons with Dementia: Relationship

v Quantitative Research and
Statistical Procedures
v Whats it all about?


Critical Appraisal v Phase 1: Comprehension Process


Phase 2: Comparison

Phase 3: Analysis


Relationship Between Theory, Practice, and Research


Theory guides the research process, forms the research questions, aids in design, analysis and interpretation

The choice of a research design depends on the question asked and the current state of theory development. (Kaiser Permanente, 2009) How can we bridge the gap for the clinical nurse?



Pain Assessment in Persons with Dementia: Relationship between selfreport and behavioral observation.

Type of Study:

quasi-experimental, correlational design was used to investigate pain in older adults with mild to moderate dementia,; data collected in various ways, both qualitative and quantitative
Hypothesis Tested:

If self-report and behaviors were related in cognitively intact persons, there would be some basis to infer that the same behaviors 4/18/12 indicated pain in

Research Study
v Strengths of Study
Clarity of the problem Logical methodology, research

Use of validated measurement tools Builds on previous research ( 14 assessment

tools recently developed)


Shows the importance Composition Weaknesses of Study: Sample for nursing

Sample was predominantly caucasian Sample was predominantly female


Statistical Tests What Types of Statistical Tests were Used Used?

Brief screening interview to confirm study eligibility and to ascertain cognitive status. Interviewer administered surveys; Control group interviewed about their pain and completed an activitybased protocol designed to evoke pain behaviors in persons with persistent pain. Numerical Pain Scales McGill Pain Questionnaire MMSE; to assess cognitive status

What do These Tests Tell Us About the Data?


Theoretical and Methodological

Theory was appropriate and Limitations logical

Multidimensional Methodology gives this study strength


v What is Bias ?

Researcher Bias

v What are some reasons it occurs? vWas there evidence of Bias in this study?

Ethical and legal considerations related to the protection of human subjects


Regulated by Law and Ethical Considerations

No Deviation from Ethical and Legal Standards were noted in this study


Statistical Tests Used

v What Types of Statistical Tests

were Used?

v What do These Tests Tell Us About

the Data?


Nurses Role in Implementing and Disseminating Research



Additional Studies to Corroborate v Numerous studies substantiate findings for study Findings examined
v Pain is under-recognized in people with dementia v Behaviors are indicative of pain v Education of staff in recognition of behaviors that

indicate pain can help alleviate suffering


Key Points of How the Study Provides Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice
cognitive impairment diminishes self reported pain assessed at rest but only when analgesics are not controlled.
v v

cognitively impaired elderly people less likely than cognitively intact elderly people to report pain, consistent with reports in the literature, but when analgesics were controlled for, these differences disappeared. findings support the usefulness and the importance of mobility-based pain assessments The number of occurrences of each of the eight behavioral indicators observed was summed. ANCOVA models, controlling for analgesics and using Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (P5.005), revealed no significant differences between cognitively intact and impaired elderly people for any behavioral pain indicators investigated




AllNurses.com,(2009). Gerontological Nursing: The Interrelationship between Theory, Practice, and Research Retrieved on September 5,2011 from: http://allnurses.com/nursing-articles/gerontological-nursinginterrelationship-379831.html Current Nursing,(2011). Nursing Theory and Research.Retrieved on September 5,2011 from: http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/research_and_nursing_theories.html Horgas, A. L. Elliott, A. F. and Marsiske,M.,(2009).Pain assessment in persons with dementia: Relationship between self-report and behavioral observation. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. JAN. 2009VOL. 57, NO. 1.Pages 126132.retrieved on August 12,2011 from: http://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=9897e0d8-7ca7- 4783af4b-2420172a07d9%40sessionmgr14&vid=3&hid=23 Kapp,J.R.,(2006). Ethical and legal issues in research involving human subjects: do you want a piece of me? J Clin Pathol 2006;59:335-339 doi:10.1136/jcp.2005.030957 . Retrieved on September 2,2011 from: http://jcp.bmjjournals.com/content/59/4/335.full Pipe,T.R.,Weilik,K.E.,Buchda,V.L.,Hansen,C.M.and Martyn,D.R.,(2005). Implementing evidence-based nursing practice. Retrieved on September 2,2011 from: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/514532_2

Reference s


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