Flight 301

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Birgenair Flight 301


Birgenair Flight 301
Details about the flight.
Passengers killed and nationalities
The crash
The investigation and final report
Conclusion, and
Details about Flight 301
Take off was at 11:42 pm, On 6 February 1996.
From Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to Frankfurt,
Time of flight 5 min.
Aircraft type: Boeing 757-225.
189 Passengers
Nationality Passengers Crew Total
Germany 167 0 167
Poland 9 0 9
Turkey 0 11 11
Dom.Rep. 0 2 2
Total 176 13 189
The Crash
During takeoff the captain noticed that his ASI was
not working properly, but chose not to abort takeoff.
The co-pilot's ASI was functional.
Minutes later the captain's airspeed indicator read 350
Co-pilot ASI read 220 knots and decreasing.
The airplane started to give multiple contradictory
warnings that it was flying too fast, including rudder
ratio, Mach airspeed and over speed lights and sounds.
The captain confused thought that both ASI were
wrong and reduced power.
Few seconds later the stick-shaker stall alert.
 The co-pilot seemed to recognize the approaching
stall and tried to tell the captain.
At 11:47 p.m., the airplane crashed in the pacific ocean.
Investigation and final report.
The DR Government, investigated the accident and
determined the following probable causes for the
The crew failed to recognize and recover the plane
from Stall due to fatigue and the homesick syndrome.
The investigation concluded that one of three pitot
tubes, used to measure airspeed, was blocked.
 Experts believe the blockage was caused by a nest built
by the black and yellow mud dauber wasp.
As result of this accident, the FAA requires that every
Boeing 757 pilot receives training in the simulator in
this kind of situation.
FAA also emphasizes the use of the pitot tube cover in
the aircraft while it is in maintenance.
"Souffront, Emmanuel, Presidente, Junta
Investigadora de Accidentes Aéreos (JIAA) of the
Director General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) of the
Dominican Republic. 1996. Aircraft accident
information. Dominican Republic
"Mixed Signals", Air Crash investigation Episode,
National Geographic Channel
 Accident description at the Aviation Safety Network.

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