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Scale & Paraffin Deposition And Their

Mitigation, Flow Improver.
Assistant Professor
Department of Petroleum Engineering
School of Energy Technology
Pandit Deendayal Energy University
Wellbore Damage
• Invasion of materials such as mud filtrate, cement slurry, or clay particles into
the formation during drilling, completion or work-over operations and reduce
the permeability around the wellbore, called Wellbore Damage.​

• The region of altered permeability is called the skin zone. ​

• Extends from a few inches to several feet from the wellbore. ​

• Wells are stimulated to increase the permeability near the wellbore.​

 SKIN ZONE (Contd.)​


• Positive Skin Factor, s > 0​

• Negative Skin Factor, s < 0​

• Zero Skin Factor, s = 0​


• Mechanically Induced include physical migration of In-situ

fines, solids entrainment phenomenon, etc.

Chemical • Chemically Induced, chemical reactions are involved. E.g.:

wettability alterations
Biological • Biologically Induced, microbes are leading cause.

• Thermally Induced; mineral transformations, mineral and

formation dissolution

Drilling • Mud invasion
• Cement intrusion, etc.
Perforation • Layer compaction
• Explosive residues
Production • Paraffin & Asphaltenes Deposition
• Scale Deposition, etc.
• Production is at lower rates than expected, may be due to Wellbore Damage

• Production engineers determines about formation damage

• Can be identified through well tests.

• Pressure Buildup Test.
• IPR Plotting.
• Pressure buildup testing requires shutting in a producing well.

• Requires that the well produces at a constant rate to establish a

stabilized pressure distribution.

• Data's to be noted:

Pwf , tp: Production time & Δt: Running shut-in time.


• Deviation at early stage is due to

Skin and Wellbore Storage.

• PI: Measure of the ability of
the well to produce

is the equation of IPR

Paraffin and Asphaltene
• Paraffin and asphaltenes are constituents of most crude oils.

• Deposits of paraffin or asphaltenes in surface equipment and downhole are a major

problem in production operations.

• Severity of deposition varies widely, depending on crude oil composition, well depth,
formation temperature, pressure drop, and producing procedures.

• Any organic deposit associated with crude production is often called paraffin or wax.

• While paraffin compounds are usually the major component in these deposits, they
are frequently a mixture of paraffin and asphaltenes.

• Many low API gravity crudes have asphaltenes as their primary constituent.
Reasons for separation of paraffin
• The cooling produced by the gas in expanding through an orifice or restriction

• Cooling produced as a result of the gas expanding, forcing the oil through the
formation to the well and lifting it to the surface

• Cooling produced by radiation of heat from the oil and gas to the surrounding
formations as it flows from the bottom of the well to the surface

• Cooling produced by dissolved gas being liberated from solution

• Change in temperature produced by intrusion of water

• Loss in volume and change in temperature due to the evaporation or

vaporization of the lighter constituents.
Paraffin Chemistry
• Paraffins are normal (straight-chain) or branched alkanes of relatively
high molecular weight

• This class of hydrocarbons is essentially inert to chemical reactions and

is, therefore, resistant to attack by bases and acids.

• Paraffin deposits chiefly contain alkanes having a carbon chain length

from 20 (melting point of 98°F) to 60 (melting point of about 215°F).

• Crude paraffin deposits are mixtures of these alkanes and consist of

very small crystals that usually agglomerate to form granular particles.
Paraffin Chemistry
• The wax varies in consistency from a soft mush to a hard, brittle

• Paraffin deposits will be harder if long chain alkanes are prevalent.

• Paraffin deposits can also contain asphaltenes, resins, gums, crude oil,
and inorganic matter such as fine sand, silt, clays, salt, scales, and
Asphaltene Chemistry
• Asphaltenes are the black components present in crude oil. Their molecular weight
is relatively high, and they are normally polar chemicals because of the presence
of oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and various metals in their molecular structure.

• Chemically, asphaltenes consist of polycyclic, condensed, aromatic ring


• They are soluble in aromatic solvents such as benzene, toluene, xylene, carbon
tetrachloride and carbon disulfide but are insoluble in distillates such as kerosene
and diesel oil.

• Asphaltenes are also insoluble in other low molecular weight hydrocarbons such
as propane and butane.
Asphaltene vs. Paraffin Wax
Asphaltene Wax Paraffin Wax

Melts slowly Melts over a narrow temperature range

Gradually softens to a thick viscous

liquid. Hot liquid has a low viscosity

Burns with a smokey flame and leaves a Burns rapidly with less smoke than
thin ash or carbonaceous ball. asphaltenes and leaves little residue.
Factors influencing wax deposition
• Paraffin wax is primarily a solid – liquid phase equilibrium phenomenon;
the lowering of temperature is the significant driving force for
precipitation. Crude oil is made up of many different properties and
freeze points. As the temperature falls below the freeze point of a
hydrocarbon, it falls out of solution. The harder waxes deposit first,
followed by the softer waxes as the temperature drops.

• Hydrocarbon density – paraffin waxes are increasingly soluble in lighter

gravity, low molecular weight hydrocarbons.
Factors influencing wax deposition
• Solution gas – as oil losses light ends it becomes more dense, and paraffin
solubility decreases. The light end losses usually occur at pressure drops,
which cause the release of the volatile hydrocarbons, which are good solvents
for paraffin wax.

• Rough surfaces provide sharp edges, which promote the deposition and
agglomeration of wax. Suspended solids also provide surfaces for wax to
adhere to and start accumulating.

• Water cut: As the water cut increases in a system it affects the temperature,
water carries and retains more heat than oil does. The water reduces the
tendency for wax to deposit by increased velocity and water wetting surfaces.
• Paraffin deposits vary greatly from one reservoir to another, and
differences have even been noted in wells in the same reservoir.

• Most common methods of removing paraffin from wells are

• Mechanical
• Solvents
• Heat
• Dispersants
Mechanical Wax Removal
• Scrapers and cutters are used extensively to remove paraffin from

• These techniques are relatively economical and usually result in minimal

formation damage.

• However, scraping can cause perforation plugging if it is necessary to

circulate scraped paraffin down the tubing and out of the casing.

• If frequent cleanout is required, mechanical cleaning becomes more

costly, especially when the value of lost production is added to cleanout
Mechanical Wax Removal
• One widely used paraffin removal method in flowing or gas lift wells
employs a scraper attached to a wireline.

• Although most wireline units are operated manually, some scraper units
are controlled automatically by a timing device.

• Another system requires shutting in the well long enough for a scraper
to fall to the bottom of the tubing; when production is resumed, the
scraper opens up or expands and scrapes the paraffin from the tubing
as the scraper moves to the surface.
Mechanical Wax Removal
• To operate this tool, wells may be shut-in and opened manually or controlled with a
timing device.

• Paraffin may be removed from the tubing of gas lift wells with free pistons, which
are primarily installed to improve the efficiency of gas lift.

• Also scrapers may be attached to sucker rods to remove paraffin as the well is

• Flowline deposits may be mechanically scraped by forcing soluble or insoluble

plugs through the lines.

• Soluble plugs are made of microcrystalline wax or naphthalene, which dissolve

over a period of time.
Mechanical Wax Removal
• Insoluble scraper plugs are usually hard rubber or sharp-edged plastic

• Automatic dispensers are sometimes used to periodically inject these

spheres into the flowline; scrapers are trapped at the end of the line and
Case Study
• Paraffin Scraping is done to remove the paraffin deposited on the inner
walls of the tubing.

• A Dummy mounted Butterfly Scraping tool was connected above the crown
valve and was lowered to a depth of 800m through slick line.

• Below the tool, a dummy was attached so that the tool is automatically
pulled downward.

• The lowered depth is measured using an odometer attached to the line

• After reaching a depth of 800m the scraping tool is retrieved.

Case Study
• During the upward movement the scraping
tool scraped the inner walls of tubing thereby
removing the paraffin deposits from the wall.

• Such operations are often done in winter as

paraffin deposition is often observed during
those days.
Operational steps for scrapping
The following steps are required to be taken during scrapping:
• Lubricator is fitted on top of crown valve of Xmas tree.
• Cap of the lubricator is removed and scrapper assembly is lowered inside
lubricator while crown valve is closed. Stuffing box is fitted firmly on
lubricator. Crown valve of X-mas tree is opened and assembly is lowered
• In case obstruction is felt while lowering, the scrapper is moved up and
down to give a soft hammering effect. In case scrapper assembly does not
go down even after hammering, the same should be pulled out and smaller
size of scrapper should be lowered. While lowering, the wire should always
be in tension to avoid any twisting.
Operational steps for scrapping
• After lowering scrapper assembly up to the desired depth, the same should be
pulled out slowly with the help of power of scrapping winch.
• Tentiometer or weight indicators and depth meter fitted on winch should be in
working condition and should be monitored during the job.
• Pulling out should be done at slow and steady rate.
• After scrapper assembly reaches at top and inside the lubricator, crown valve
should be closed and trapped pressure in lubricator be released through cock
valve in the lubricator. Cap of lubricator is unscrewed after release of pressure
and scrapper assembly is then removed.
• Length of lubricator should always be more than the length of scrapper
Operational steps for scrapping
• During scrapping the well should be kept in flowing condition. In case of severe
deposition of paraffin, the bean size in the well should be increased suitably for
a period of 2 to 3 hrs. to remove cutting of paraffin during scrapping.
• Assembly of sinker bar and scrapper with wire should be made by an
experienced operator only.
• Bean/choke of well taken for scrapping should invariably be checked before
and after scrapping as paraffin cuttings are likely to plug the bean.
• Scrapping operations should not be carried out on non-flowing wells or during
the night.
Thermal Wax Removal
• Hot oiling is one of the most popular methods of paraffin removal.

• Paraffin is both dissolved and melted by the hot oil, allowing it to be circulated from
the well and the surface producing system.

• Lease crude or other oil is heated to a temperature significantly greater than that of
the formation.

• Hot oil is normally pumped down the casing and up the tubing.

• Where lift equipment permits or in flowing wells, hot oil may be circulated down the
tubing and up the casing or to the formation face.

• Paraffin could be removed from shallow pumping wells by periodically circulating hot
oil down hollow rods to a depth below the lowest paraffin deposition in the tubing.
Thermal Wax Removal
• There is evidence that hot oiling can cause permeability damage if
melted wax enters the formation, particularly in wells having a reservoir
temperature of less than 160°F.

• There is much greater risk that perforations or formation pores will be

plugged when hot oil is circulated down the tubing rather than down the

• Formation damage may occur if melted or oil-saturated paraffin enters a

formation in which the reservoir temperature is less than the cloud point
of the hot oil or below the melting point of paraffin.
Thermal Wax Removal
• The formation will cool the hot oil, causing paraffin to be deposited in pores of the rock.

• Hot water is sometimes used to clean wells completed in low temperature reservoirs.

• Hot oil or hot water can be effective in removing paraffin, but care must be exercised to
prevent melted paraffin from entering the formation and re-precipitating.

• Paraffin deposits frequently contain scales and formation fines that are released when
the paraffin is dissolved or melted.

• Well productivity can be reduced if these solids are forced into perforations or
formation pores and fractures.
Thermal Wax Removal
• Steam has been used to melt paraffin or asphaltenes in the flowline,
tubing, casing, wellbore, or formation.

• This method should be used carefully in down-hole applications

because melted paraffin forced into the formation may congeal before it
can be produced with formation oil.

• If steam is injected for a number of days, as in the case of "huff and

puff" steam stimulation, the huge quantities of heat normally will prevent
wax re-precipitation in the formation.
Thermal Wax Removal
• Any application of heat to remove paraffin should be carried out before
large deposits have accumulated.

• Effective removal of paraffin from tubing that is almost plugged is very

difficult since loosened or partially-melted paraffin may bridge in the

• If large deposits have accumulated, mechanical removal of some of the

paraffin may be advisable prior to heat application.

• The use of hot oil at regular intervals has proved to be effective in wells
in which paraffin buildup rates are known.
Case study
• Hot fluid was injected through the Casing-Tubing annulus and Paraffin,
Production as well as the injected fluid is recovered through tubing.

• This method of Circulation of fluid is known as Reverse Circulation.

• At first steam was injected through the Casing-Tubing Annulus at high

pressure (about 40kgf/cm2) for 1 hour so that the paraffin deposited on
the walls of casing as well as tubing melts.

• After Circulation of Steam for 1 hour, when paraffin deposits starts, crude
oil (at 10-12kgf/cm2) is mixed with steam and pumped through the
casing-tubing annulus.
Case study
• During the reverse circulation
process the entire amount of
paraffin deposit melts and
comes out through the tubing
along with the production of
the well.
Operational steps for steaming (pipeline)
• Steam is used to heat the paraffin for making it soft and easily removable.

• Portable steam boilers, taken to well site, should have all safety devices as
required by boiler act and be inspected as per IBR act from time to time.

• Boiler operators, deployed for steaming operation, should have valid IBR
• Record ABP (After Bean Pressure) of well.
• Keep mobile unit at a safe distance Lay the steam line with NRV and test it
at a pressure higher than tested pressure of flowline
Operational steps for steaming (pipeline)
• Do not close the well while steaming flowline.

• In case of longer flow line, steam injection in the line should be carried out at
more than one point. For this purpose steaming points are given in flowline at
the time of laying line.

• Steaming of flowline should invariably be followed by line flushing with oil to

remove molten paraffin.

• In case of multiple points steaming, it should be started from the steam points
near the installation side and the operation should be moved towards well side
in stages.

• Steaming should not be taken up in the line which has severe deposition.
Operational steps for steaming (Wells) No Packer
• Steaming in wells is carried out to remove paraffin deposited on inside walls of

• Steam is applied through annulus.

• It heats outer surface of tubing and heat is transferred to inside of tubing by


• This softens the paraffin scale, which is removed during oil circulation and

• This method is applicable for wells where annulus is not packed off.
Operational steps for steaming (Wells) No Packer
• Annulus pressure should be recorded. If it is more than working pressure of
boiler, annulus gas should be bleed off to bring the pressure sufficiently below
to that of working pressure of boiler.

• NRV should be fitted on steaming line which should be set at higher pressure
than maximum working pressure of boiler.

• Annulus valve should be opened only when line pressure of steam becomes
higher than annulus pressure.

• Steaming should be done continuously without any interruption.

• It should be followed by oil circulation and scrapping, if required.

Operational steps for steaming (Wells) CTU
• Coiled tubing unit (CTU) is used with hot oil or hot water for removal of

• This is especially useful in wells where annulus is isolated with a packer.

• Hot oil or hot water is pumped through coil tubing and taken out from
annulus of CT and tubing.

• Oil temperature is normally kept at 60 to 70 °C.

• Circulation of hot oil and lowering of CTU should be taken up

Operational steps for steaming (Wells) CTU
• Tubing BOP is to be installed and tested prior to starting the job.

• Circulation of oil should be done at maximum possible rate and lowering

of CTU should be done slowly so as to avoid stuck up.

• Circulation should be maintained at least for two hours after reaching

the desired depth (normally 100 meters below the paraffin deposition

• Extreme care should be taken while handling hot oil. Fire-fighting

equipment should be kept as stand by.
Coiled Tubing Unit

Control Cabin
Power Pack
Coiled Tubing Unit
• Coil tube is a long, continuous length of pipe of high fatigue strength steel wound
on a spool that can be injected or pulled out of a well under high pressure through
a stripper.

• The pipe is straightened prior to pushing into a wellbore and recoiled to spool the
pipe back onto the transport and storage spool.

• Depending on the pipe diameter (1 in. to 4½ in.) and the spool size, coiled tubing
can range from 2000 ft. to 15,000 ft. [610m to 4570m] or greater length.

• The historic roots of the Coiled Tubing industry have been in the jetting of well
bores to clean up or initiate flow.

• This technique has firmly established a place in mainstream operations. 

Basic Components of a CTU
• Tubing reel 

• Injector and tubing guide arch 

• Power supply/prime mover/Power pack 

• Control Cabin/Control console 

• Crane 

• Stuffing Box  

• Blowout Preventer (BOP)

• Stripper
Tubing Reel 
The primary function of the coiled tubing reel is to store or spool the coiled tubing. 

• The CTU reel provides a means of storage for the tubing.

• The reel  has a core diameter of 60 to 72”.

• The CT reel provides no energy to run and retrieve the coiled tubing from the
well. The reel only supplies tension on the tubing between itself and the injector

• The reel swivel and manifold provides a pressure tight rotating seal, which
enables fluids to be pumped through the coiled tubing under pressure whilst RIH
or POOH.
Tubing Reel 
Injector Head
• Used to grip the continuous length tubing and provide the forces needed for
deployment and retrieval of the tube into and out of the wellbore.

• The fundamental operating concept of the counter-rotating, opposed-chain

injector is one that utilizes two endless drive chains fabricated with interlocking
gripper blocks mounted between the chain links

• A hydraulic tensioning system forces the chains and blocks together, thereby
gripping the CT.

• Hydraulic motor (s) drives the chains powering the CT in or out of the well.
Tubing Guide Arch
• Tubing guide arch is located directly above the injector

• The tubing guide arch supports the tubing through the 90°+ bending radius and
guides the CT from the service reel into the injector chains.

• The tubing guide arch assembly may incorporate a series of rollers along the
arch to support the tubing or may be equipped with a fluoropolymer-type slide
pad run along the length of the arch.
Injector Head with Guide Arch
Power Pack
• It is a high power engine that moves the unit and also drives the hydraulic
pumps through the PTO, which provide the hydraulic power to drive the
different devices of the unit.

• The power pack can either be a diesel or an electric power source.

• The power pack drives an array of hydraulic pumps, supplying each system or
circuit with the required hydraulic pressure and flow rate.

• It is used for rigging up/down & other hoisting operations.
Control Cabin
• It contains all the controls and instrumentation necessary to run the CT
operation from one control station. Control and monitor the operation of all
coiled tubing operating functions.

• Control and monitor all down hole information and tools.

• Control the directional and orientation of the drilling assembly.

• Control and monitor the operation of CT well control equipment.

• Control and monitor pumps and surface volumes.

• Monitor and record the principal well and CT string parameters, including
wellhead pressure, circulating pressure, tubing weight at the injector head, and
tubing depth
Stuffing Box
• It is the primary sealing mechanism for isolating wellbore fluids while under
static or dynamic operating conditions.

• Stuffing box is mounted above the BOP and below the injector head.

• The stripper (stuffing box) between the BOP and the injector head provides the
primary operational seal between pressurized wellbore fluids and the surface

• The stripper forms a dynamic seal around the CT during tripping and a static
seal around the CT when it is stationary.
• It is used for securing the CT and isolating the wellbore pressure during
normal, unusual or emergency operating situations.

• BOP’s are rated for 5,000psi to 10,000psi working pressure, with some rated
for 15,000psi.

• It has four sets of ram:

• Blind rams: to seal off the wellbore once the pipe is out of the well.
• Shear rams: designed to cut the CT
• Slip rams: supports the CT weight hanging below it.
• Tubing rams: To seal off the annular area around the CT, preventing
wellbore fluids from reaching surface or the slip inserts.
Solvent Wax Removal
• The use of solvents is relatively common, but care must be observed in
solvent selection.

• Chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as CCl4 are excellent paraffin solvents.

• However, they are not generally used in the United States because they can
have an adverse effect on refinery catalysts.

• CS2 has been called the universal paraffin solvent but it is expensive,
extremely flammable, and toxic.

• It should be handled only by persons thoroughly trained in its use and

Solvent Wax Removal
• It should be used as certain water-soluble organic compounds which
decompose to generate carbon disulfide inside the well.

• The compounds are mixed with water and introduced into the tubing or
annulus and fall to the bottom of the well. These aqueous solutions are
somewhat safer to handle than carbon disulfide.

• Condensate, kerosene, and diesel oil are commonly used to dissolve

paraffin in wells in which the asphaltene content of the deposit is very low.

• Asphaltenes are not soluble in straight-chain hydrocarbons such as

kerosene, diesel oil, and most condensates.
Solvent Wax Removal
• However, some condensates contain aromatic components that enable
them to dissolve asphaltic deposits.

• Aromatic chemicals such as toluene and xylene are excellent solvents

for asphaltenes as well as paraffin deposits.

• The solvent power of these chemicals can be enhanced as much as ten

times by the addition of about 5% by volume of a specific primary or
secondary amine, such as Halliburton's Targon, to the solvent.

• These solvents also help dissolve paraffin that may be deposited with
the asphaltenes.
Solvent Wax Removal
• Moderate heating of the solvents will hasten deposit removal. Care
should be taken during warming because of the relatively low flash
points of toluene and xylene.

• Selection of a solvent for any application should be based on its cost

effectiveness in dissolving a specific organic deposit.

• Solvent application must be adapted to fit well conditions.

• One procedure is to circulate solvent down the annulus and back

through the tubing.
Solvent Wax Removal
• Soaking or surging of the solvent over a period of time will usually dissolve
the maximum amount of paraffin per gallon of solvent.

• If the formation is partially plugged with wax, squeezing solvent and

surfactant into the formation and soaking for 24 to 72 hours is very effective.

• Severe paraffin buildup in the tubing of rod pumping wells often makes rod
removal very difficult.

• In these instances, pumping a solvent down the tubing softens paraffin and
facilitates rod pulling.

• Solvent selection can be accomplished by simple field tests.

Solvent Selection test
• A small amount of paraffin is immersed in the solvent in a clear glass container.

• Side-by-side comparison of available solvents will usually enable selection of the

best chemical within minutes.

• Treatolite (Petrolite) markets Parid PD-72 as an asphaltene solvent which is

toluene plus a surfactant.

• Toluene dissolves asphaltenes and the surfactant increases the surface tension
of the crude oil above asphaltene precipitation level.

• PD-72 may be injected into a well on a continuous basis or employed on a batch

Solvent Wax Removal
• However, preferred treatment is on a batch basis, with PD-72 left in contact
with the asphaltenes for up to 24 hours.

• PD-72 plus YP-81, which is primarily Zylene, is sold by Treatolite as YP-194.

• Usual treatment is to mix YP-194 and heat to 180°F or greater temperature.

• Treatolite offers a number of paraffin solvents and dispersants, including Parod

PD-10, 62, 70, and 103.

• Selection of solvent depends on required application and economics.

Solvent Wax Removal
• However, preferred treatment is on a batch basis, with PD-72 left in contact
with the asphaltenes for up to 24 hours.

• PD-72 plus YP-81, which is primarily Zylene, is sold by Treatolite as YP-194.

• Usual treatment is to mix YP-194 and heat to 180°F or greater temperature.

• Treatolite offers a number of paraffin solvents and dispersants, including Parod

PD-10, 62, 70, and 103.

• Selection of solvent depends on required application and economics.

Dispersant Wax Removal
• Water-soluble dispersants can be used to remove paraffin deposits.
Halliburton's Parasperse, a water-soluble dispersant, is used in 2% to 10%
chemical concentrations, depending on the amount of paraffin to be removed.

• It does not dissolve paraffin but disperses paraffin particles to be circulated

from the well.

• The Parasperse solution is more effective if it is heated to about 120°F before

treating a well.

• Since the system is 90% to 98% water, it is relatively in-expensive and

constitutes no fire hazard.
Dispersant Wax Removal
• Laboratory tests have indicated that, on a gallon to gallon basis, Parasperse
is capable of removing fifty times as much paraffin as the best solvent.

• Many wells have been treated with 30 to 50 barrels of Parasperse solution.

In low pressure wells, the solution may be injected down the annulus and
then pumped out with oil production.

• Where paraffin is very hard and dense, a two to four hour soaking period is
suggested prior to returning the well to production.

• Surface lines can also be cleaned of paraffin by circulating Parasperse

through the system.
Dispersant Wax Removal
• Exxon Chemical's Corexit 7815, an effective water-dispersible paraffin removal
additive, is a hydrocarbon solvent-dispersant.

• It solubilizes and disperses paraffin and asphaltenes and is water wetting.

• Exxon's Corexit 8685 Paraffin Dispersant is water or acid dispersible and can be
diluted with aromatic naphtha (I-IAN) or IPA.

• It is designed to solubilize and disperse paraffin and asphaltene deposits prior to

other stimulation treatments.

• Petrolite's Parod PD-33 is an alklyaryl sulfonate.

• It is an excellent paraffin dispersant for sandstone squeeze applications as well as

for general use.
Case Study using pour point depressant
Case Study
• The pour point depressant is first heated in a heater to prevent
crystallization of the pour point depressant itself due to cold weather

• It is then sent to pour point depressant tank where solvent (diesel) is

added to the pour point depressant in the ratio of 1:1 and is continuously

• The solution is then compressed.

• Crude oil coming from the well is first sent into a heater treater.
Case Study
• A pneumatic pump is then used to pump the compressed Pour Point
Depressant solution at a rate of 7l/hour to the crude oil coming out from
the bath heater.

• The Pour Point Depressant solution depresses the pour point of the
crude to prevent it from crystallization.

• The crude oil is then stored in storage tank with capacity of 170m3 and
then through pipelines it is transmitted to Group Gathering Station 22
km away.

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