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Basic Arithmetic

• If 2<X<4 and 3<Y<7, what’s the greatest integer value of X+Y?

• Last semester in Canterbury High School 5/9 th of the students failed.
If 1/3 rd of all the female students failed with grades less than 10%,
and at least half of the male students failed with grades less than 10%,
what is the minimum percentage of the students failed with grades less
than 10%?
• On an orchestra set, 1/3rd of all the members play 2 instruments.
Among them, 4/5th have more than 25 years of experience. What is
the ratio of members playing 2 instruments that have 25 years or less
experiences to them who do not play 2 instruments?
• Two workers build a fence in 10 hours. How many hours will it take to
build a fence twice as long with three workers? Assume that all the
workers work at equal speed and quality.
Co. A owns 40% of the stock in the XYZ corporation. Co C owns all the
stock not owned by companies A or B and Co. B owns 15000 shares.
How may shares of stock does Co. A own if Co. C has 25% more shares
than Co. A?
A) 45000 B) 50000 C) 60000 D) 75000
A pension fund has invested 1 million dollars in the AB corporation and
DE company. AB bond yields 10 % in cash and DE stock generates 20%
in cash. If the total earned by the pension fund last year was $115,000,
how much is invested in the bonds of AB corporation.?
• A) 600000 B) 650000 C) 750000 D) 850000
If b equals 10% of a and c equals 20% of b, then which one of the
following equals 30% of c?
A) 0.0006% of a B) 0.006% of a C) 0.06% of a D) 0. 6% of a
The selling price of 15 items equal to the cost of 20 items. What’s the
percentage profit earned by the seller?
A) 15% B) 20% C) 25% D) 33.33%
• Bob paid $46.50 in a restaurant for the food and the tip. How much is
the tip if it is 15% of the cost of the food?
• A store owner has 90% markup on all the items in the store. During a
sale, all the items are sold with 20% discount. If he sells an item
during the sale, what is the percentage markup?
Alma bought a laptop computer at a store that gave a 20 percent
discount off its original price. The total amount she paid to the cashier
was p dollars, including an 8 percent sales tax on the discounted price.
Which of the following represents the original price of the computer in
terms of p?
A) 0.88p B) p/0.88 C) (0.8)(1.08)p D) p/ (0.8)(1.08)
• Kate eats 3 meals a day. At breakfast, she eats 3/8 th of the total daily
calories. For lunch she eats 50 calories less than 3/4 th of what she eats
for breakfast. For dinner, she eats 710 calories. How much is her total
daily calorie intake?
• Ali brought a refrigerator for a price of 867 $ after a discount of 15%.
He later noticed that the store had offered several other discounts on
same refrigerator during the year 5%, 15%, 20%, 18%, 15% and 10%.
What was the original marked price offered by the store before any
• Sally received a total of $63900 as her gross payment after gaining 7%
in the first year, 5% in the second year and 9% in the third year. What
was her pay before the increment?
• A lot of highly improvised watermelons comes in a box of 5 pcs, with
weight of 20 kg, and each watermelon consisting 96% water. If after
some time the water level decreases to 95%, then what is the weight of
the watermelons?
• The rent of an apartment goes up 10% every year. How much is next
year’s rent compared to last year’s rent?
• A) 1 time B) 1.1 times C) 1.21 times D) 2 times
• One day at the University, 1/12th of students were absent. 4/5th of
those present went on a field trip. If the total number of students
present but not on field trip that day was 572, what’s the total number
of students at the University?

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