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ABOUT PI3.1415…
What is Pi Day
The History of Pi
Calculating Pi
Pi in Mathematics
Pi in Science
Pi in Technology
Fun Facts
How To Make a Pi 3.1415…)
Pi in Real Life
Pi Day
Pi is an irrational number with no finite value often represented by 22/7 or
3.1415…… its obtained by dividing any given circles circumference by its diameter
which is always equal to Pi

Consequently, its decimal representation never ends, nor enters a permanently repeating pattern.
It is a transcendental number, meaning that it cannot be a solution of an equation involving only
sums, products, powers, and integers. The transcendence of π implies that it is impossible to
solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straightedge. The decimal
digits of π appear to be randomly distributed,[a] but no proof of this conjecture has been found.
Welcome to this presentation on Pi Day! Today we People around the world celebrate Pi Day in various
celebrate one of the most fascinating mathematical ways. Some hold pi-themed parties and bake pi-
concepts in history - pi. Pi is a number that has shaped pies, while others participate in pi recitation
captivated mathematicians, scientists, and artists contests or engage people in pi-related activities. In
for centuries, and its importance cannot be Japan, Pi Day is celebrated with a game called 'pi
overstated. memorization', where participants compete to see who
can memorize the most digits of pi. In some schools,
In this presentation, we will explore the history Pi Day is used as an opportunity to teach students
and significance of pi, as well as its applications in about math and science through fun and engaging
mathematics, science, technology, and culture. activities.
We'll also share some fun facts about pi and
provide ideas for activities and recipes to celebrate
Pi Day.

It has been known for thousands of years and was first used by ancient
civilizations such as the Egyptians and Babylonians. However, it was the
Greek mathematician Archimedes who first calculated an accurate
approximation of pi around 250 BC.

In the centuries that followed, pi continued to be studied and William Jones

used in various applications such as geometry, trigonometry,
and astronomy. The symbol π was first introduced by Welsh
mathematician William Jones in 1706, and it wasn't until the
18th century that the symbol became widely adopted. Archimedes of

Pi can be calculated using algorithms and formulas to iteratively calculate pi with increasing accuracy. One such
method is the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe (BBP) formula, which allows for the calculation of any individual digit of
pi without having to calculate the previous digits.

Pi is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is an irrational
number, meaning it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction and has an infinite decimal expansion. Pi is used
extensively in mathematics, especially in geometry, where it is used to calculate the area and circumference of

In trigonometry, pi is used to define the basic trigonometric functions, such as sine, cosine, and tangent. These
functions are used to calculate angles and distances in triangles, which are essential in fields like navigation,
surveying, and engineering. In calculus, pi is used to define the arclength of curves and surfaces, as well as in the
calculation of integrals.

Pi is an essential mathematical constant in engineering and computer science. It's used to calculate the circumference,
area, and volume of circles, which are common shapes in these fields. Engineers use pi to design and build structures
such as bridges, buildings, and roads. Computer scientists use pi in algorithms for various applications, including
image processing, cryptography, and data compression.

One example of how pi is used in engineering is in designing circular gears. The number of teeth on a gear is directly
related to its diameter, which is calculated using pi. In computer science, pi is used in calculating the area of circles in
graphics programming. Pi is also used in calculating hash functions, which are used in data security and encryption.

Pi is an essential mathematical constant in engineering and computer science. It's used to calculate the circumference,
area, and volume of circles, which are common shapes in these fields. Engineers use pi to design and build structures
such as bridges, buildings, and roads. Computer scientists use pi in algorithms for various applications, including
image processing, cryptography, and data compression.

One example of how pi is used in engineering is in designing circular gears. The number of teeth on a gear is directly
related to its diameter, which is calculated using pi. In computer science, pi is used in calculating the area of circles in
graphics programming. Pi is also used in calculating hash functions, which are used in data security and encryption.

Did you know that pi is an irrational number, which means its decimal representation never ends and never
repeats? It has been calculated to over 31 trillion digits!

Pi has also made appearances in pop culture, such as in the movie 'Life of Pi' and the TV show 'The Simpsons',
where one character memorized pi to 40,000 decimal places.
HOW TO MAKE A PI3(.1415..)

Step 1: Make the Piecrust. ...

● Step 2: Roll Out the Piecrust and Transfer It to a Pie Plate. ...
● Step 3: Shape the Edges. ...
● Step 4: Add the Filling and Bake. ...
● Step 5: Test for Doneness
● Step 6: Enjoy!

We use Pi daily in real life in many use, sometimes without even knowing it.

Some examples are: ocean wave, light waves, sound waves, river bends, radioactive particle
distribution and probability like the distribution of pennies, the grid of nails and mountains by
using a series of circles, quantum computing, trigonometry ,clocks etc

On 22 July every year (22/7) Pi Day is celebrated in many different ways around the
world. In the United States, there are often pie-eating contests and math competitions
held on Pi Day. Many schools also use Pi Day as an opportunity to teach students
about pi and its significance in mathematics.
In other parts of the world, Pi Day is celebrated with educational seminars and
lectures. In Japan, for example, there is a Pi Memorization Competition where
participants recite as many digits of pi as they can from memory. In India, there are
often conferences and workshops held on Pi Day to discuss the latest research in
mathematics and science.
In conclusion, we have learned that pi is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's
circumference to its diameter. It has been studied and used for centuries, with significant discoveries and
advancements made along the way. Pi is not just a number, but an important tool in fields such as architecture,
engineering, science, and technology.

We also discussed the significance of Pi Day, which is celebrated on March 14th around the world. Pi Day is not
only a celebration of pi, but also a celebration of the beauty and wonder of mathematics. It is a day to inspire and
educate others about the importance of pi and its impact on our lives.


1. What is pi?
2. What is the decimal expansion of pi?
3. Who introduced the π symbol?
4. Suggest one method to calculate pi.
5. When is Pi day celebrated?

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