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Hum 5611: Project Management and Accounting

Department of Architecture
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET)
( Lecture 11: Accounting)"

 Course Mentor and Guide:

Md. Mazharul Alam Mahi (Mazhar),
BBA (AIS) MBA (AIS) and MBA (HRM, IBA) RU, GTI (Education), PGD
Assistant Professor (Industrial and Financial Accounting)
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET)
Cell No. +8801936443669, +8801626334961,,
Methods of costing
 Job Order Costing: job costing systems assign costs to
distinct production jobs that are significantly different.
 Contract Costing: Contract costing is applied for
construction related work such as Tendering
 Batch Costing: A batch is a group of identical products
 Process Costing: Process costing is a form of operations
costing which is used where masses of identical or similar
units of a product or service standardized homogeneous goods
are produced.
 Service (Operating) Costing: Service or operating costing is
practiced in service providing organization
 Multiple Costing:
Classification of Costs
 Manufacturing Costs: Direct Materials Direct Labor , Other
Direct expenses
 Manufacturing Overhead : Indirect materials , Indirect labor
, Other indirect expenses

 Non-manufacturing Costs: Marketing or selling expenses ,

Administrative expenses ,
 Product cost :includes all the costs that are involved in
acquiring or making a product
 Period costs : are all the costs that are not included in product
Types of costs in Production
a. Fixed costs: costs that don’t vary with output
b. Sunk costs : costs that cannot be recovered on leaving industry,
e.g. advertising
c. Variable costs : costs relating to how much is produced (e.g. raw
d. Semi-variable costs: costs like labour which to some extent
depend on output.
e. Marginal Cost: This is the cost of producing an extra unit.
f. Short-run costs :(subject to diminishing returns)
g. Long-run costs: (potential economies and diseconomies of scale.
h. Sunk costs: Cannot be recovered if a firm goes out of business.
j. Opportunity Cost: A benefit, profit, or value of something that
must be given up to acquire or achieve something else.
Elements of Cost of Production
1. Materials
2. Labor
3. Production Overhead
Direct material: The cost of wood used to create the tables.
Direct labor: The cost of wages and benefits for the carpenters
to create the tables.
Manufacturing overhead (indirect material): The cost of nails
used to hold the tables together.
Manufacturing overhead (indirect labor): The cost of wages
and benefits for the security guards to overlook the
manufacturing facility
Manufacturing overhead (other): The cost of factory utilities.
Elements of Production
 Objects of Production: The Product Materials, Semi finished & Finished

 Agents of Production: The people in charge of Product, The Machines,

Tools, and other equipment assisting them. Man, Machines, Tools, Jigs,

 Methods: Means by which actions are performed Work Instructions,

Procedures, Manuals

 Space: Where actions are performed and the locations to and from which
objects are transported. Processing system, Balanced Load and Capacity,
Processing Condition

 Time: The timing of work or how long action take. Time and Timing
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