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CARBON NANOTUBES – The futristic biomedical carbon nanomaterial

Parth mahajan
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are illustrated as one of the most studied carbon allotropes. It is considered to be of high popularity field of study due to its
distinct optical, electrical, thermal and mechanical properties as well as its unique architecture. CNTs are hollow rolled up sheets of made out of graphene.
The tube comprises hexagonal structures. CNTs can be classified as single-walled (SW) or multiple-walled (MW) a CNTs depending upon number of
rolled up layers of graphene sheet. Despite of CNT’s distinct properties, certain problems like formation of entangled bundles, low solubility, low
dispersibility and toxicity, etc are becoming hindrance in application of carbon nanotubes. Hence functionalization of carbon nanotube is acquired to
provide benefit of CNT in various biomedical applications. Emerging bio applications such as imaging, gene delivery, nano-sensors/ biosensors,
diagnostic, drug delivery, tissue engineering, theranostic, cancer therapy, nano tweezers, etc. have grasped attention of many researchers.

Keywords: Carbon nanotube, functionalization, bio applications, theranostic


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs),discovered by Iijima (1991),

are exhibiting optical, electrical, thermal and
mechanical properties as well as large surface area due
to it’s structure. CNT is rolled up graphene sheet.
Under well-defined conditions of synthesis, two forms
of CNTs can efficiently be prepared: single-wall carbon
nanotubes (SWCNTs) or nested multiwall carbon
nanotubes (MWCNTs).

Despite of showing magnificient properties, CNTs
possess certain limitations which act as barrier between
applications of CNTs in healthcare field. These
limitations are: Low solubility formation of entangled
bundles,, lack of dispersibility and toxicity, etc
To overcome this issue, Functionalization is performed
and improvement of these problems are observed.
CNTs are rolled up graphene sheet and CNTs can be
classified into SWNT and MWNT. There are various
methods for preparation of CNTs such as arc discharge
method, laser ablation,etc. Despite of having distinct
properties CNTs suffers from certain limitations. To
subdue them, functionalization (Covalent or Non-covalent
functionalization) of CNTs can be done. Functionalization
has improved affinity of CNT in many biomedical
applications. Due to it’s distinct properties, CNTs are
applied in many biomedical fields like imaging, drug
delivery, cancer therapy, theranostic, etc., and are
expected to contribute more in promoting health in
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