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Systems of Production Reactors

Rab Nawaz
Senior Engineer
Systems to be covered…….

• Standby Cooling water System (SWT)

• Primary Circulating Water System (PCW)
• Moderator Auxiliary Systems
• Moderator Cover Gas System (HG)
• Moderator Purification System(MDH)

Standby Cooling System (SWT)

• Same Function as ECCS in PWRs

• SWT is both passive and active
• The main component of this system are: Tanks and Pumps
• There are approximately five tanks in this system
• Two tanks belong to passive system and three tanks belong to active
• Given table shows the parameters like height, capacity etc. of the
System Description
Tanks Type of System Volume Capacity Height
TK 01 Passive 900-1000 m3 (approx. 200,000 IG) 100-150 ft
TK 02 Active 900-1000 m3 (approx. 200,000 IG) NIL
TK 03 Passive 900-1000 m3 (approx. 200,000 IG) 100-150 ft
TK 04 Active 900-1000 m3 (approx. 200,000 IG) NIL
TK 05 Active 80,000-100,000 IG Inside containment building
• IG is Imperial Gallon
• Tk 01 and 03 need no pumps, as they are passive and are at high head
• Set point of this system is approx 03 bars
• If P< 3 bars, first passive tanks operate and then active tanks operate

• Number of Pumps = 3-5
• 2 pumps Q= 150-200 m3/hr (separately)
• 1 pump Q= 20-40 m3/hr
• Head = approx. 60m (same)
Primary Circulating Water System (PCW)

• The Function of this system is to transport heat from PWT through

Heat Exchangers
• Main components of PCW are:
• Cooling towers
• Pumps

PCW (backup SCW) 5 Cooling Towers

Heat Exchanger
Animation & Spec.

Coolant is sent to
Cooling Tower/Sink

Working Fluid is Pumped Back

PWT Coolant to Heat Exchanger Pumped Back
c To HX

Loop Circulation
• The secondary coolant, being relatively cooler, enters the heat exchanger from
shell side. Removes the heat of the primary coolant. It leaves the heat exchanger
with a temperature difference of mere 25-30 Kelvin. Hence, in general, being in
liquid form.
• Then this, relatively hotter fluid, travels to nearby cooling tower, where it gives o
its thermal energy to the environment i.e. the fluid of a nearby
stream/river/ocean or the air currents.
• Then via gravity, it travels to the pump. The pump provides dynamic head to the
coolant. It ensure the specific continuous flow rate according to design.
• All the components of the Primary & Secondary loops, though which coolant
flows, are connected via pipes. These pipes are connected via several fittings.
Flow is regulated by several valves. All these pose a certain head loss, to over-
come which, special attention is paid while designing the pump 7
Cooling Towers
• It is a sort of heat-exchanger, which
cools the working fluid of PCW. It also
involves another coolant, initially
relatively cooler, could be the water
stream nearby or involves air. A self
explanatory figure of cooling tower's
working is shown here. Pumps are also
here to provide dynamic head, however
the operation conditions are not as
severe as in case of PWT. This loop is
also augmented by several valves.

Moderator Auxiliary Systems
• The moderator must slow neutrons and not absorb them.
• This portion describes several systems that support moderator
system operation.
• As heating is caused by fast neutrons to slow down. Temperature
changes cause thermal expansion and contraction of the heavy
water. Expansion in a moderator system full of liquid could raise the
calandria pressure, the moderator cover gas protects the calandria
structure from high pressure. These slides describe the MODERATOR

• Fast neutrons split the water molecules that slow them down. Gamma rays also
fragment D2O. The gases D2 and O2 form from the fragments. The cover gas
system removes these gases from the calandria so they will not collect and
explode. Equipment in the cover gas system combines the gas molecules, making
them into heavy water again.
• The cover gas system keeps the pressure a little higher than the surrounding
atmosphere. This prevents air from leaking into the system and contaminating it.
(Air is 78% nitrogen (N2), 21% oxygen (O2) and 1% argon (Ar) with traces of other
things. O2 is corrosive. N2 makes the moderator acidic and Ar becomes
• The moderator purification system removes chemical contaminants and corrosion
products from the moderator water.
MODERATOR Purification system (MDH)
• The purification system has two tasks. First, it must remove insoluble and soluble
corrosion products and other impurities from the moderator water. Secondly it
must remove unwanted neutron absorbing chemicals (called poisons), used for
reactor regulation.
• Typical impurities include pump-lubricating oil and small particles produced by
• The purification system must keep the moderator water very clean for several
reasons. Impurities cause corrosion and erosion damage. Neutron activation
converts some impurities into radiation hazards. Impurities increase D2 and O2
gas releases from the moderator water.

System Description
• The ion exchange (IX) columns hold chemical resins that remove the soluble
impurities. There are several IX columns in parallel.
• A filter removes insoluble particles. The filters precede the IX columns so the IX
resin does not become clogged.
• Downstream from the IX columns, the strainer keeps resin from entering the
moderator system.
• The purification cooler drops the moderator water temperature before cleaning.
High temperature damages the resin, causing it to release trapped impurities
back into the system.
• Replacement of filters or resins requires exceptional care because of the radiation


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