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Digital Eye Strain

Steps you can take for good eye and vision health

Presented by:
Dr. [insert name here]
What is digital eye strain?

A temporary vision condition

caused by prolonged use of
electronic devices
What is digital eye strain?

Symptoms include:
•Burning, itchy or tired eyes after using electronic devices
•Loss of focus
What is digital eye strain?

Symptoms include:
•Blurred vision
•Double vision
•Head and neck pain
What is digital eye strain?

These symptoms may be caused by:

•Poor lighting
•Glare on the computer screen
•Improper viewing distances
•Poor seating posture
•Uncorrected vision problems (farsightedness and astigmatism)
•A combination of these factors
How is digital eye strain diagnosed?

Digital eye strain can be diagnosed

through a comprehensive eye exam.
Digital eye strain and adults

American adults and digital device use

What adults are saying:
•55%: use digital devices 5+ hours per day
•57%: experience vision problems from technology use
•14%: take a break from work every 20 minutes
•59%: computer/laptop is most bothersome to vision
Blue light and digital eye strain

All electronic devices give off

high-energy, short-wavelength, blue and violet light

These rays may affect vision and even age the eyes

May lead to AMD, which can cause blindness

Digital eye strain affects kids, too…

Parents severely underestimate the time

their children spend on digital devices.

•83% of children: estimate using an electronic device

for 3+ hours each day

•Only 40% of parents: believe their kids use an

electronic device 3+ hours each day
Digital eye strain affects kids, too…

Significant disparity:
Parents more likely to overlook warning signs and

80% of children: experience burning, itchy or tired eyes

after using electronic devices for long periods of time
20-20-20 Rule

• Every 20 minutes…

• Take a 20 second break…

• And look at something 20 feet away.

Preventing eye and vision problems

• Check the height and

position of the device
• Check for glare on the
• Reduce the amount of
lighting in the room to
match the computer screen
• Keep blinking
• Visit your optometrist
Preventing eye and vision problems

Comprehensive eye exams: essential in identifying

signs and symptoms of digital eye strain and other
vision problems.

When treating a vision problem, the earlier the better.

How often should I visit the optometrist?

Children need to have an eye exam by an

•Between 6-12 months of age,
•Before age 3, and
•Every year thereafter and throughout adulthood.

Adults: see the optometrist yearly, unless directed to

visit the doctor more frequently
Thank you!

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