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Project Base

Jam Dinding Digital Enam Waktu 16
(Digital wall clock six time 16)
Introduction form our time
Project Manager
Hana mutialif maulidiah, S.T., M.Sc

Project Team
• Usman Syarif (3222211025)
• Rahmat Azuardi (3222211026)
• Jeri Edwar Hutagalung (3222211027)
Back ground
Digital clocks are another type of clock that displays the time in digital, digital clocks are operated
electronically.Digital clocks generally use a 50 or 60 hertz AC oscillator or crystal oscillator as in a quartz
watch to run. Usually digital clocks display the hour in 24-hour day format, in America and some other
countries use a timer in 12-hour format with a different indication "AM" or "PM". To display the time, digital
clocks usually use a seven-segment LED, VFD, or LCD for time display in four digits. It generally includes
other elements such as AM or PM indications, alarms and so on.
Digital wall clock six time 16

Seven Segmen
Arduino-uno IC Max-7219 display
Arduino is a The IC is The seven
single-board designed to segment display
is a display
microcontroller control 8×8 Dot Socket IC DIP
that works in Seven segmen Matrix LEDs, 7- This 8p IC socket is device for
open source Seven Segment is segment LEDs up useful for protecting displaying a
software projects a segment used to to 8 digits or the IC when decimal number
display numbers individual 64
soldering, so that the system which is
hot solder will not be an alternative to
point LEDs. in direct contact with
the dot-matrix
the IC
Digital wall clock six time 16

Real Time Wooden Photo

Clock I2C Frames cable
The DS3231 is an inexpensive
and highly accurate real-time Buck Converter
clock (RTC) module. The DC to DC Akrilik
difference with the DS1307, an electronic circuit
DS3231 is equipped with an or electromechanical
integrated temperature- device that converts
compensated crystal oscillator a direct current
(TCXO) so that the clock is source from one
more accurate voltage level to
Digital wall clock six time 16

Real Time Null Arde

Clock I2C Tembaga Cable red
AC Clip Jack Socket, Fuse
Buck Converter
Holder, Illuminated
DC to DC Cable blue
CPU Female
power cable
Digital wall clock six time 16
PIN category Name PIN Detail
Power Vin, 5V, 3.3V, GND Vin: Input voltage to the Arduino
when using an external power
source.5V: The power supply
used for the microcontroller
board.3.3V: The voltage
generated by the on-board
regulator.GND: Ground
reset reset Resetting the microcontroller

PIN Input/Output PIN digital 0-13 Can be used as an input or

output PIN
Arduino-uno Serial 0 (RX), 1 (TX) For receiving or transmitting TTL
serial data

PWM 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 Supplies 8-bit PWM output

SPI 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), As SPI communication
13 (SCK)
LED 13 To activate the LED light
TWI As TWI communication
A4 9SDA), A5 (SCA)

AREF AREF Provides a reference voltage at

the output
Interupsi Eksternal 2, 3 as an interrupt trigger
Digital wall clock six time 16

IC Max-7219
Digital wall clock six time 16

Seven segmen
Digital wall clock six time 16

Division of tasks
● Rahmat Azuardi

 Create schematic projects

 Creat PCB lay out project
 Drilling Process
 Upload Programs to Arduino

● Usman syarif

 Prepare tool and material

 Print layout design
 Transfer lay Out to PCB
 Etching process
 Soldering Process
Digital wall clock six time-16 schematic
PCB Lay Out

The complete set of digital clocks is shown in the

picture above, equipped with 4 seven-segment BCDs to
display the time, consisting of tens of hours, hours,
tens of minutes, minutes, tens of seconds and seconds.
IC 74LS393 is used as a Real Time Clock (RTC) timer.
The SW1 and SW2 buttons are used to set the time
display, when SW1 is pressed the numbers on the clock
display will increase every second, while SW2 is used to
set the minute display numbers in the same way. The
11.0592MHz crystal and capacitors C1 and C2 form the
ATmega8 working frequency generator oscillator circuit
Project Plan
Project Plan
skematik Transfer layout to pcb
100% 0%
Process soldering

Drilling PCB
connect arduino to
PCB layout
PCB and upload
80% 0%

Print layout Etching
images PCB Product testing process
0% 0% 0%
Start B

Prepare material Assembly of component

Check and soldering
Lay out Make a double layer
PCB Desain
Transfer lay out to PCB inspection
Eching PCB forsoldering

No Check Yes
PCB path No Check
Testing with No
Drilling PCB

B Yes

A Finish

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