Corrective Cancer Care® and Cancer Stem Cell Therapy

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Corrective Cancer Care and Cancer Stem Cell Therapy

Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy

Osaka, Japan September 25th 2011 Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Corrective Cancer Care and Cancer Stem Cell Therapy

Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy

Osaka, Japan September 25th 2010 Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Cancer Defined
DNA Damage
Toxic exposure Radiation Heavy metals Pesticides Synthetic hormones

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Goal: Protect DNA from radiation

CAT scan 1980 = 3 million people CAT scan 2007 = 70 million people Ionizing radiation meets living tissues => reactive oxygen and nitrogen species Remedy: Antioxidant & Anti-inflammation (water soluble and fat soluble)
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Poison is a matter of Dosage

Toxic Dosage = Amount of Exposure - Degree of Resistance

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Professor Peter Duesberg, Ph.D.

The Aneuploidy Theory of Cancer


The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Aneuploidy is probably the only mutation that can explain all aspects of carcinogenesis . On this basis we can now offer a coherent two-stage mechanism of carcinogenesis. In stage one, carcinogens cause aneuploidy which destabilizes the karyotype, and in stage two, aneuploidy evolves autocatalytically generating ever new and eventually tumorigenic karyotypes, ie. "genetic instability" . Thus cancer cells derive their unique and complex phenotypes from random chromosome number mutation, a process that is similar to regrouping assembly lines of a car factory and also to speciation. References: ewter_duesberg.html

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

220,000 cases of Cancer from

Fukushima Nuclear Fallout
A disturbing study estimates over 220,000 cases of cancer will result from the Japan nuclear radiation fallout. Those numbers are based on officially released radiation data which we learn more every day are understated lies put out by governments to avert panic. Furthermore the longer the disaster carries on the higher the number of deaths from cancer will be. JCIVT Policy statement: Use high dose IV vitamin C. Also Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide and other corrective and protective nutrients.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

#1: Vitamin C is a protector against external radiation Pretreatment with Ascorbic Acid Prevents Lethal Gastrointestinal Syndrome in Mice Receiving a Massive Amount of Radiation.
From National Defense Medical College & Ground Self- Defense Force in Japan Yamamoto et al. J Radiat Res 2010;51:145-15.

A nuclear power plant accident occurred in 1999 in Japan. Patients who were exposed to high doses of radiation developed severe bone marrow failure, and thereafter underwent stem cell transplantation. However, they developed severe GI damage with diarrhea and bleeding, and eventually died from multiple organ failure.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Courage and Wisdom of Professor Atsuo Yanagisawa

At a time of crisis, he raised his voice and offered the only realistic and beneficial solution to the radiation poisoning of the people of Japan: high dose vitamin C for treatment and prevention of radiation toxicity. Consider: the Position Paper of the Japanese College of Intravenous Therapies

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Official Statement of JCIT about environmental radioactivity and health issued in March 29, 2011.
Atsuo Yanagisawa M.D. Masashi Uwabu, M.D. Burton E. Burkson, M.D. Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. Ronald Hunninghake, M.D. Steven Hickey, Ph.D. Thomas Levy, M.D. It is our strongest recommendation that those living in the

Working Group of The Statement

effected areas regularly take antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C to counteract the negative consequences of long-term low dose radiation exposure as well as to protect the health of coming generations. It is further recommended that those working in environments that require exposure to highconcentrations of radiation should immediately undergo ultra high dose vitamin C therapy along with a vigorous antioxidant supplementation program.

Orthomolecular approach #1
If environmental radioactivity became two-fold higher than usual, women with child bearing age should take the following basic anti-oxidative supplements to keep optimal anti-oxidative reserve.
Vitamin C 1-2 g 3-4 times a day Alpha-lipoic acid 100-200 mg Selenium 50-100g twice a day Vitamin E 100-200 mg twice a day with other essential vitamins and minerals. Liposomal Vitamin C 1 g twice a day twice a day

Orthomolecular approach #2
If environmental radioactivity became two-fold higher than usual, women with child bearing age should take the following basic anti-oxidative supplements to keep optimal anti-oxidative reserve. 2-4 g 3-4 times a day (increase to bowel Vitamin C
tolerance) OR Liposomal Vitamin C 3 g twice a day Alpha-lipoic acid 300 mg twice a day Selenium 200g twice a day Vitamin E 200 mg twice a day with other essential vitamins and minerals.

Orthomolecular approaches for people who works at radiation-contaminated area in the Fukishima Plant.

We must save Fukushima Heroes

(1) I.V. Vitamin C 25g before and after work at radiation-contaminated area.
Sterile water 250mL with 50% vitamin C 50mL with 20% Mg chloride 5ml with 1% B12 1ml with B-complex 100 1ml with 10% B6 1mL with 25%Dexpanthenol 1mL - delivered 1 gm/min

(2) Daily supplements at work Liposomal Vitamin C 2 g three times a day Alpha-lipoic acid 300 mg twice a day

Orthomolecular approaches only can save the life of Fukushima Heroes

The JCIT working group led by Professor Atsuo Yanigasawa, M.D.

Nameless Faceless Heroes

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Radio-Protective Corrective Supplements

Green tea (epigallocatechin = EGCG) MOA = blocks lipid oxidation Polyphenols (propolis, resveratrol, quercetin) MOA = 1) radioprotective and 2) antioxidant Gingko MOA = reduces clastogenic factors: DNA debris from radiation toxicity; Silymarin MOA=reduction of DNA damage esp at liver (hepatocytes);

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Spices against Radiation

Curcumin MOA = 1) radioprotective, 2) antioxidant, 3) gene expression modification, 4) reduce tumor formation, 5) upregulation of genes for apoptosis, Ginseng MOA= 1) radio-protective of fast growing tissues (esp. hair follicles); 2) immuneenhancement 3) Garlic, Ginger MOA = 1) decrease NF kappa beta mutation pathway; 2) increase WBC production esp. after exposure;
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine a nd Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation

1) Soy (Genistein, Haelan 951) MOA = #1) radio-protective enzyme: Bowman-Birk Inhibitor (BBI) for late or post radiation exposure; also #2) antilipid peroxidation, stimulates production of WBC and RBC after radiation; 2) Brown seaweed with Fucanoid

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation

Brown seaweed (Laminaria Japonica) extract contains the followinfg anti-cancer agents:life Organic Iodine, Alginates, Fucoidan and Laminarin. Worldwide scientific studies and clinical research of these elements showed:

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation

Brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica. Organic Iodine feeds the Thyroid Gland and occupies sites which otherwise would be vulnerable to radioactive iodine.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation (cont.)

Brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica. Fucoidan promotes apoptosis (selfdestruction of cancer cells) in certain types of rapidly growing cancer cells. Fucoidan helps to naturally eliminate harmful cells from organism.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation (cont.)

Brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica.
Alginate is a natural absorbent of radioactive elements, heavy metals and free radicals. It has the unique ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive elements to its own molecules. As the Alginate cannot be broken down by the bile or saliva and cannot be absorbed by the body, it is secreted from the body together with the heavy metals and radioactive substances.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Foods Against Radiation (cont.)

Brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica. Laminarin is a polysaccharide helpful in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It exhibits 30% of the anticoagulant activity of heparin.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Corrective Supplements
NAC MOA = produces glutathione; Rx 1800mg Glutathione MOA = 1) radio protection, 2) produces cytokines which protect bone marrow from radiation; 200-600mg IM, IVP, IV, Neb S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) MOA= methyl group donor to enhance levels of glutathione; DNA protection from ionizing radiation; Rx 1,200mg a day
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

ACE (vitamins A, C and E)

Vit A MOA= 1) reversal of radiation induced oxidized lipids; and 2) enhances apoptosis; Vit C MOA= 1) anti-oxidant and 2) counteracts radiation induced long lived radicals (LLRs) that destabilize chromosomes and induce cancerous mutations Vit E MOA = 1) lipid anti-oxidant and 2) enhances growth inhibition of cancer cells

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Also worrisome

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

To WIFI or Not to WIFI

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

To WIFI or Not to WIFI One more school removes WIFI

Vatican loses lawsuit over childrencancer caused by radio transmitter

WIFI is killing us slowly and our birds too

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Electrical Pollution The White Paper

Compact fluorescent lights and Diabetes See this VIDEO: yfA

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Modern Romance
He grasped me firmly, but gently, just above my elbow and guided me into a room, his room. Then he quietly shut the door and we were alone. He approached me soundlessly, from behind, and spoke in a low, reassuring voice close to my ear: "Just relax. Without warning, he reached down and I felt his strong, calloused hands start at my ankles, gently probing, and moving upward along my calves, slowly but steadily. My breath caught in my throat. I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care. His touch was so experienced, so sure. When his hands moved up onto my thighs, I gave a slight shudder and partly closed my eyes. My pulse was pounding.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Modern Romance (cont.)

I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage. And then, as he cupped my firm, full breasts in his hands, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine and into my panties. Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought. A man used to taking charge. A man not used to taking 'No' for an answer. A man who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul and say: "Okay ma'am, you can board your flight now."
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Modern Romance


I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage. And then, as he cupped my firm, full breasts in his hands, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine and into my panties. Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought. A man used to taking charge. A man not used to taking 'No' for an answer. A man who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul and say: "Okay ma'am, you can board your flight now."
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

BSW (c) 2011

Airport scanners
Invasion of the Body Scanners: Airport Security May Not Work, But It Does Cause Cancer

Scientists Question Safety Of New Airport Scanners

http :// /
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BSW (c) 2011

Why women live longer than men

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Day 2

Day 4

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Day 6

Day 7

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Day 9

Day 14

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Day 17

The Tumor

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The Doctrine of Signatures (bloodroot)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Cancerlytic Herbsa history of suppression Escharotic agents, Fred Mohs, and Harry Hoxsey JD. Elston J. American Academy of Dermatology, Vol 53, I 3, P 522-524
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Electrical Pollution
Where does it come from? What are the effects on electrical equipment? What are the effects on humans and animals? What has to be done to control it? What can we do?

BioElectric Smog
The Plague of st The 21 Century

The new environmental hazard Electrical Smog Measurable Preventable and Treatable!

My Medical Office
(before electriclearing)

TOXIC ! Computer On BioElectric Smog Count = (30X above upper limit if safety!)


SOLUTION: Add two filters! Computer on, 2 filters

Bioelectric Smog Count = 10

Resources: (search filter) (search electric) Further Reading: Becker, Robert The Body Electric Becker Robert Cross Currents Brodeur, Paul Currents of Death and articles in The New Yorker Magazine

Where Does Electrical Pollution Come From?

21st Century Technology

19th Century Distribution Lines

A Brief History
1972 oil embargo forced U.S. to become more energy efficient Equipment was designed to operate using short pulses of current instead of continuous current Variable speed frequency drives, HID lighting, dimmer switches, computers, TVs, and most other modern electronic devices are energy efficient

Linear Loads
Prior to 1972, most electrical loads were linear; that is, they operated on normal utility supplied 60-Hertz sine waves Linear loads include devices such as motors and incandescent light bulbs With linear loads, higher voltage potential means higher current draw, and vice versa

Non-linear Loads
Non-linear loads use short pulses of current Therefore, load current is NOT proportional to the voltage applied When load current & voltage are NOT proportional entities, harmonics are generated and flow on the power

Electrical Pollution
Power Quality Definition: Anything that deviates from a normal sinusoid Contributors to Electrical Pollution:
1. 2. 3. 4. Harmonics Transients Sags Swells

Contact Current & Cancer

The Possible Role of Contact Current in Cancer Risk Associated With Residential Magnetic Fields
R. Kavet,1* L. E. Zaffanella,2 J. P. Daigle,2 and K. L. Ebi1

PaloAlto, California Consultants, Lee,Massachusetts


. . . the absolute (as well as modest) level of contact current surfaces. This ``open circuit voltage'' (V(18 cause ``contact current'' to flow in a person electric fields in tissue modeled ) will uA) produces average who touches the appliance and completes an electrical circuit to ground. This paper presents data along its path that exceed 1 mV/m. At and above this level, suggesting that contact current due to V is an exposure that may explain the reported associations of residential magnetic fields with childhood leukemia. Our analysis is based on a computer model the NIEHS Working Group [1998] accepts that biological of a 40 house (single-unit, detached dwelling) neighborhood with electrical service that is effects relevant motivated by recent research suggesting representative of US grounding practices. The analysis was to cancer have been reported in that the physical location of power lines in the backyard, in contrast to the street, may be relevant to numerous well-programmed studies. a relationship of power lines with childhood leukemia. In the model, the highest magnetic field
Residential electrical wiring safety practices in the US result in the possibility of a small voltage (up to a few tenths of a volt) on appliance surfaces with respect to water pipes or other grounded

levels and VOCs were both associated with backyard lines, and the highest VOCs were also associated with long ground paths in the residence. Across the entire neighborhood, magnetic field exposure was highly correlated with VOC (r0.93). Dosimetric modeling indicates that, compared to a very high residential level of a uniform horizontal magnetic field (10 mT) or a vertical electric field (100 V/m), a modest level of contact current (18 mA) leads to considerably greater induced

Ground Current

1960s: Linear Loads 100 amps current on phase conductors 100% returned via ground

1990s: Non-Linear Loads

1000 amps current

on phase conductors
70% returned via ground

amps via ground

amps via ground

EPRI Handbook (1995)

In the Handbook for the Assessment and Management of Magnetic Fields Caused by Distribution Lines EPRI (Electrical Power Research Institute) states, Furthermore, proximity to distribution lines has been associated with the risk of childhood cancer in three epidemiological studies. Copies of the paper bound book can be purchased from EPRI for

Cherry Report

This review cites a great deal of internationally published peerreviewed scientific evidence from laboratories and universities around the world, sourced from reports from reputable institutions and in internationally published papers from peer-reviewed journals. This shows compelling evidence of athermal biological changes in cells and in animals, which relate to brain function change, sleep disruption, chronic fatigue, reproductive problems and adverse health problems such as immune system impairment and cancers of many organs. Epidemiological studies have identified statistically significant increases of the incidence of most of these symptoms and diseases associated with above average exposure to radio-frequency and microwave (RF/MW) exposure.

Cherry Report

very low, non-thermal levels of RF/MW radiation alters the basic biochemistry of cells which have a potential to cause altered brain function, carcinogenesis and impaired immune system functioning. Animal experiments show that these effects occur in living animals, including DNA breakage, cancer at many body sites, behavioural alteration, EEG change and ocular damage. Many epidemiological studies show increased risks of cancer and many other health effects with increase RF/MW exposure.

Cherry Report

Epidemiologists should look for other possible changes, including psychological depression, fatigue, sleep inefficiency, chronic feelings of jet lag, endocrine disturbances and other symptoms; all these may result from a chronically low melatonin rhythm.

EPA Reports

Subjective Complaints of Persons Working in Rf Field:

Headaches Eyestrain Flow of Tears Fatigue Weakness Disturbed Sleep Moody Frequently Irritated Unsociable Mental Depression Deterioration of Intellectual Functions Notable Memory Impairment Sluggishness Inability to make decisions Loss of Hair Muscle Pain Pounding of Heart Breathing Difficulties Difficulty in sex life Increased perspiration of extremities Brittle fingernails Decreased lactation in nursing mothers

Effect of Rf Fields on Other Organs:

Acceleration or retardation of breathing rate Hemorrhaging and bleeding in internal organs Decreased filtration in renal tubules Increased activity of adrenal cortex Hemorrhaging in the liver Degeneration of hepatic cells Enlargement of thyroid Hyperthyroidism Increase of radioactive iodine

California Health Department

EMFs can cause

some degree of increased risk of childhood leukemia, adult brain cancer, Lou Gehrigs Disease, and miscarriage.

Sacramento Bee


Sacramento Bee

Female teachers show higher cancer rates

By Edie Lau -- Bee Science Writer Published 2:15 a.m. PDT Wednesday, October 2, 2002

California's female teachers have sharply higher rates of a host of cancers, including breast, endometrial female teachers found: Study findings: A study of cancer in California'sand ovarian cancer, than women of the same age and race statewide, scientists will announce today.
* 72 percent higher rate of endometrial cancer than women of comparable age and race. * 59 percent higher rate of melanoma. * 51 percent higher rate of breast cancer. * 47 percent higher rate of lymphoma. * 47 percent lower rate of cervical cancer. * 34 percent lower rate of lung cancer. * 28 percent higher rate of ovarian cancer. * 28 percent higher rate of leukemia. Source: California teachers' cancer study

Human cancer cells grow at a rate of 1600% and become more malignant.

Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness

Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint pain, leg/foot pain, Flu-like symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis, and stroke. Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath. Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing. Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts. Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid; testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears. (Firstenberg, 7)

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs



incandescent lights

compact fluorescent lights


R. Scorretti Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 36 av. Guy de Collongues, 69134 Ecully, France URL :

Fig 1 : Induced current density J ( A/M2)


Dave Stetzer, Power Quality Expert, Stetzer Electric, Wisconsin Dr. Martin Graham, Professor Emeritus, U.C. Berkeley, California Dr. Donald Hillman, Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University Dr. Magda Havas, Professor Trent University, Peterborough,

Dr. Art Hughes, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Texas Dr. Yuri Gregoriev, Ph.D., M.D., Moscow, Russia Dr. NikitinaValentina, Doctor of Medicine, Saint Petersburg,

Dr. Vitaly Resnik, Ph.D., Republic of Kazakhstan have spearheaded worldwide research with numerous researchers on the effects of electrical pollution on humans

Chicken Embryo Experiment (Graham & Stetzer)

The baby chickens shown here were hatched in an incubator. The chick on the right is a sample of what the chicks looked like that were not exposed to dirty power The chick on the left is a sample of what the chicks looked like that were exposed to dirty power for 30 minutes on the 10th day of being in the incubator. Noticeable deformities and burn marks are visible.

Insulin Secretion & ELF Magnetic Fields

An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m
Tomonori Sakurai 1, Akira Satake 1, Shoichiro Sumi 1, Kazutomo Inoue 1, Junji Miyakoshi 2 * Department of Organ Reconstruction, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 2 Department of Radiological Technology, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan

Bioelectromagnetics 25:160-166, 2004. 2004


Five-Wire Solution

50% lower

40% lower

Two neutral wires

5-wire distribution system

hot wires


Thicker neutral wire

Oversized Neutral

hot wires


The Graham-Stetzer Filter

This filter is a simple, effective and Cost-effective solution to electrical pollution.

Side View

Front View

Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter

Front View

The Health Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan has stated that any reading on this meter exceeding 50 is unacceptable and steps must be taken to lower such readings.

Unfiltered Environment

Here a woman is standing near a wall. The electric component measures 3 V/m. No Graham-Stetzer Filter is plugged in.

A Filtered Environment

A Graham-Stetzer Filter is plugged into the wall The electric component immediately dropped to 2 V/m Shortly, the electric component read 0 V/m

Unfiltered Homes

Filtered Homes

143 mV 16.6 kHz

56 mV 1.7 kHz

393 mV 12.5 kHz

39 mV 0.8 kHz

Filtered Schools
Etobicoke School of the Arts in Toronto

without Graham-Stetzer filters

with Graham-Stetzer filters

36 mV 12.5 kHz

9 mV 1 kHz
Several Graham-Stetzer filters were plugged-in nearby PCs in the library at the time. The reading on the Microsurge meter was 28 GS Units.

Cooperative Effort
1. The solution to this problem requires a cooperative effort. Utilities need to update their outdated distribution systems to meet todays technological loads. Consumers need to reduce the amount of RF they are putting on electrical wires.



Can we enjoy the benefits of electricity? Can we use it safely?

Is the technology available to accomplish this? Can we achieve it with minimum expense?


Whats in our homes?

Healthy Stem Cells are not Cancer Stem Cells Successful Cancer Treatment requires an understanding of Stem Cells

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Max Wicha, M.D.

Distinguished Professor of Oncology Director, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center

The problem is, when we treat cancer cells with chemotherapy, the cancer stem cells are being stimulated to grow too. When we take mesenchymal stem cells and mix them with tumor cells, the tumors grow much more quickly in animals.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Cancer expert tells how treatment can be problem

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 By Mark Roth, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Max Wicha hopes cancer treatments can avoid general chemo altogether and just use targeted therapies against the stem cells. Max Wicha is coming to Pittsburgh today to deliver a startling message. Standard cancer treatments not only often fail to eradicate cancer, but can make it worse. That argument isn't coming from a fringe proponent of alternative medicine, but from the founder of the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Center and a pioneer in research on why cancers recur and spread to other parts of the body.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

..conventional treatment is a problem

The reason breast cancer and other malignancies often return aggressively after treatment is that when tumor cells die under assault from chemotherapy and radiation, they give off substances that can reactivate a special set of master cells known as cancer stem cells, Dr. Wicha said in an interview Tuesday. Dr. Wicha's lab has found that inflammatory molecules secreted by dying tumor cells can hook up with the stem cells and cause them in effect to come out of hibernation.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

..conventional treatment is a problem


Adult stem cells exist in most tissues, and go into action to repair damage from wounds or infections. In cancer, they can mutate and no longer obey normal bodily signals to stop growing, Dr. Wicha said. He and other researchers say that even when chemotherapy and radiation cause tumors to shrink dramatically, these stem cells can stay alive, living under the radar until they are once again spurred into action.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

..conventional treatment is a problem

(cont.) They also believe stem cells are probably the ones that break away from an original tumor and cause cancer to spread elsewhere in the body. Chemo and radiation kill off the fastest-growing cells in the body, which applies to most cancer cells, but the cancer stem cells that create those rapidly dividing tumor cells actually grow much more slowly themselves, and are less susceptible to those therapies, he said. One tactic to address this problem is to kill off both types of cancer cells at once, Dr. Wicha said.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

..conventional treatment is a problem

(cont.) A recent experimental trial with advanced breast cancer patients at the University of Michigan, Baylor University in Texas and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University used standard chemotherapy along with a substance designed to block one of the biochemical pathways of stem cells. The approach killed off more than 90 percent of the cancer stem cells, Dr. Wicha said, and researchers now hope to expand the treatment to a much larger group of patients.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

..conventional treatment is a problem

Ultimately, he hopes cancer treatments can avoid general chemo altogether, with its debilitating side effects, and just use targeted therapies against the stem cells. There is still a long road ahead, he said, and "my feeling is, to really knock these stem cells out, we're probably going to have to use multiple inhibitors.

You Tube and

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The Public retraction

Cancer patients, follow recommended care! An article published by the Post-Gazette claimed that our research suggests cancer treatments "not only often fail to eradicate cancer, but can make it worse" This statement has been misinterpreted by patients currently receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatments. I have been contacted by both my own patients and Pittsburgharea patients who have questioned whether they should continue with their chemotherapy. In fact, these treatments are lifesaving for many patients.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011



Our work does suggest that the resistance of a small population of tumor cells to these treatments may account for some of their limitations. Based on this, we are working to develop new approaches to target this specific cell population -- treatments that could augment chemotherapy and radiation therapy. New treatments based on this theory are in their early testing stages. Only through the conduct of rigorous clinical trials will we be able to determine whether addition of these new therapies improves the outcome for patients with cancer. In the meantime, patients diagnosed with cancer need to follow their doctors' recommendations for treatment according to the current standards of care and inquire whether they are eligible for a clinical trial. MAX WICHA, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Oncology Director, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Ann Arbor, Mich.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Strategy for Corrective Care

Know your enemy intimately, See your target clearly, Set your strategy carefully, Before you attack wisely.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Chemotherapy increases numbers of dangerous cancer STEM cells by increasing cytokines like IL-8 so that cancer stem cell cannot differentiate *, which cause treatment resistance. The Goal is to combine chemotherapy with adjunctive therapies which prevent increase of cytokines (like IL-8) when tumors are attacked with chemotherapy or radiation (and IPT). BUT: If they would differentiate, they would become susceptible to chemotherapy again. THEREFORE: The highest goal of Corrective Cancer Care is to re-educate the cancer STEM cells so they redifferentiate and stop creating cancer TUMOR cells.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

What is Cancer?
Cancer is understood to be unregulated cells proliferating autonomously within the human being either in humoral or tumorous form. (Query: Are these aggressive or confused cells?)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

What is a Tumor?
A tumor, benign or malignant, is a proliferation of cells of which, in the case of a malignant cancer, less

than 1% of which are dangerous.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Is attacking cancer the best strategy? The ideal strategy whereby one could win without fighting, accomplish the most by doing the least, bears the characteristic stamp of Taoism.
- note by Thomas Cleary, translator, of Sun Tzus The Art of War

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The problem is 0.1% of the Tumor!

99.1% - 99.6% of the tumor cells are NOT dangerous (aside from steric, obstructive factors).

Similarly, usually less than 1% of primary tumor cells cultured in vitro can give rise to colonies.
Diehn, M Therapeutic Implications of the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis Semin Radiat Oncol. 2009 April; 19(2): 7886.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

What metastasizes?

Stem cells!
tumor cells are heterogeneous in their capacity to give rise to tumors upon transplantation or to form colonies in culture assays. For in vivo tumor transplantation, this is reflected in the large numbers of tumor cells that must usually be transplanted to form a tumor. For primary human and mouse tumors, this number often resides in the thousands or millions. (ibid Diehn et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Only cancer STEM cells metastasize!

Considerable evidence suggests that tumors contain only a minority of cells which are capable of regrowing the tumor (ie. tumor stem cells). Since all tumor stem cells must be killed if treatment is to be successful, the number of stem cells in a tumor can be expected to be an important determinant of curability. Hill RP The proportion of stem
cells in murine tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1989 Feb;16(2):513-8.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Normal Tissue STEM Cells resist Chemotherapy

A large number of the most frequently used therapies for cancer induce cell death by inducing DNA damage. These agents are also toxic to normal stem cells and their progeny. Fortunately, normal stem cells have evolved multiple mechanisms to protect themselves from toxins and genotoxic stress, which make them relatively resistant to cell killing with cytotoxic agents. (ibid Diehn
et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

All STEM Cells resist chemotherapy

The apparent similarities between normal tissue stem cells (NTSC) and cancer stem cells (CSC) led to the hypothesis that CSC may be relatively resistant to common chemotherapeutic agents compared to their more differentiated non-tumorigenic counterparts and that improvements in patient outcomes might be achieved by directly targeting CSC . Mounting evidence suggests that this is the case. (ibid Diehn et al)

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Cancer Stem Cells resist Chemotherapy

Baker, M Stem cells: Fast and furious. Nature. 2009 Apr 23;458(7241):962-5.

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Cancer STEM cells are resistant to chemotherapy

The apparent similarities between normal stem cells and CSC led to the hypothesis that CSC may be relatively resistant to common chemotherapeutic agents compared to their more differentiated non-tumorigenic counterparts and that improvements in patient outcomes might be achieved by directly targeting CSC. Mounting evidence suggests that this is the case. Recent studies have shown that cancer stem celllike cells present in some established cell lines and in long-term xenografts appear to be relatively resistant to cytotoxic chemotherapeutics. (ibid
Diehn et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Chemotherapy and Radiation is only effective in non-aggressive cancer cells (tumor cells, not cancer stem cells).
Invasive Carcinoma

CANCER is spread and kept alive by Cancer Stem Cells

Normal Cells Cancer Stem Cell Tumor cells

Chemo-Therapy Radiation

Aggressive cancer stem cells survive chemo

Linheng Li and William B. Neaves Cancer Res 2006; 66: (9). May 1, 2006

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

and Cancer Stem Cells are resistant to Radiation Therapy also

Thus, CSC in some tumors appear to be resistant to cytotoxic chemotherapies. As is discussed elsewhere in this issue, CSC in some tumors also appear to be resistant to radiotherapy. These findings suggest the overcoming CSC resistance mechanisms to cytotoxic therapies may result in higher cure rates. (ibid
Diehn et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Chemotherapy increases Cancer Stem Cell proliferation

Since it remains to be determined how representative such cancer stem cell-like cells are of CSC in primary tumors, another group analyzed human CD44+ESA+ colon cancer stem cells were enriched in xenografts that had been treated with cyclophosphamide compared to untreated control tumors. (ibid Diehn et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The worst case scenario (aka the Standard of Care)

Chemotherapy or Radiation
Invasive Carcinoma

Cancer Stem Cells survive


Tumor cell (non stem cell)

Cancer Stem Cell

Normal cell

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Chemotherapy increases cancer stem cell number and virulence

Enrichment was documented both as an increased percentage of cancer stem cells as measured by flow cytometry and as higher tumor forming capacity in limiting dilution assays.
Li X, Lewis MT, Huang J, et al. Intrinsic resistance of tumorigenic breast cancer cells to chemotherapy. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008;100:6729.

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Chemotherapy and Radiation make Cancer worse.

Distinguished Prof. Max Wicha, M.D. Director, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Primum Non Nocere (First Do No Harm)
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Example of Chemotherapy Worsening Cancer: Cytokines which inhibit Stem Cell Differentiation are increased by doxorubicin inH460 tumor cells, In vitro
Int J Cancer, 2009, NIHPA

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Levina et al. Chemothera peutic drugs and human tumor cells cytokine network. Int J Cancer. 2008

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

CYTOKINES LIKE IL-8, TNF- inhibit Stem Cell Differentiation

CD34+ cells towards CD14+

O Berthier-Vergnes et al.. Human melanoma cells inhibit the earliest differentiation steps of human Langerhans cell precursors but failed to affect the functional maturation of epidermal Langerhans cellsHuman melanoma cells inhibit the earliest differentiation steps of human Langerhans cell precursors but failed to affect the functional maturation of epidermal Langerhans cells . British Journal of Cancer (2001)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

BSW (c) 2011

New Directions in Cancer Treatment: Fix Cancer STEM cells

Recent insights into tumor biology.indicate that in many cancers only a subset of malignant cells has the potential to proliferate indefinitely and therefore to give rise to macroscopic metastases or to cause tumor recurrence after treatment It is this subset of cells, often called cancer stem cells (CSC), that needs to be targeted and eliminated in order to achieve cures, since the remaining cancer cells (called non-tumorigenic cells) are destined to stop dividing or to die. (ibid Diehl et al)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

New Directions in Cancer Care Fix Cancer STEM cells (cont.)

The Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) hypothesis suggests that agents targeting these cells should ultimately lead to improved outcomes for cancer patients.

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Going Forward
Assessing the efficacy of such treatments will require the advent of new approaches to assessing CSC frequency and viability within tumors. Furthermore, classic mechanisms of treatment resistance, such as clonal selection and the tumor microenvironment, will continue to present obstacles for achieving cure. It is therefore likely that combinations of cytotoxic, biologic, and CSC-directed therapies will ultimately allow the largest possible improvements in patient outcomes.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

We need a targeted therapy

One vexing dilemma in the nascent field of CSC-based therapeutics is the high similarity between CSC and normal tissue stem cells, which complicates the second aforementioned goal of CSC-directed therapy avoiding normal stem cell toxicity. (ibid Diehn et

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Certainty in Clinical Practice

I stand firmly upon the shifting sands of clinical science.

Dr. Weeks disclaimer to patients, the state medical board and esteemed colleagues (and his mother).

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

IPT is better than conventional Rx

Those wicked creatures yet do look well-favored, when others are more wicked; not being the worst stands in some rank of praise Ill go with thee: thy fifty yet doth double five and twenty, and thou art twice her love
Lear, speaking to daughter Goneril when insulted byPsychiatryRegan - Act 2 scene 1 The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and daughter 2011

IPT, being chemotherapy (albeit low dose and targeted kinder and gentler) nevertheless still worsening cancer prognosis since it still kills ONLY cancer tumor cells (not the cancer stem cells): the resulting IL-8 SOS signal still goes out to muster reinforcements from the mesenchymal stem cells which increase the number and virulence of cancer stem cells.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

SOLUTION: Use IPT with Adjuvant Therapies

Goal: Stem cell re education Adjunctive therapies along with IPT to entice cancer stem cells to differentiate and become normal tissue stem cells or normal tissue cells.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The Cordelia Effect

Current Approach: Killing the Messenger (Cut, Burn, Poison) Better Approach: Bring the cancer stem cells back in line because re-differentiation is better than death.

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King Lear
and his loving loyal 3rd daughter


The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The Cordelia Effect


The goal of the Cordelia Effect (Corrective Cancer Care) is to control the variables including the local tumor environment so as to shift the cancer stem cells metabolism away from proliferation and towards differentiation, in order to decrease tumor size, growth and virulence.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The Cordelia Effect

(examples of Corrective Cancer Care) 1) Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy (pancreatic enzymes) 2) MEBO (moist exposed burn ointment) 3) Anti-inflammatory agents (tumeric, etc.) 4) Fermented Soy products (Haelan 951) 5) Ukrain
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Proteolytics Enzymes

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Tumors are wounds, that do not heal. Every cancer medication should improve wound healing.
- Rudolph Virchow, 1865

Today we know that cytokines (inflammation) inhibit cell differentiation and wound healing.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Goal: To interrupt the IL-8 cytokine SOS and allow differentiation of cancer stem cells

Reprotaxin -CXCR1 receptor blocker- (Wicha) Oxygen (hypoxemia stimulates CSCs) Tumeric, Resveratrol, Brown Seaweed, MEBO Gastro Intestinal Complex (GIC) Fermented Soy (Haelan 951)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Corrective Cancer Care

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1) Soy decreases cytokines (including IL-8)

Handayani, R Soy Isoflavones Alter Expression of Genes Associated with Cancer Progression, Including Interleukin-8, in Androgen-Independent PC-3 Human Prostate Cancer Cells1 J. Nutr. 136:75-82, January 2006

2) Fermented soy promotes cell differentiation

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011


Haematopoeises (Cell Differentiation) Bone Marrow Transplant in Children

In leukemic Children increases a) transplant efficiency and b) reduces hospital stay of children
4 month with Conventional transplantatio n 1 1/2 month if treated with Dramatic increase of fermented soy Hospital Stay of Children cell differentiation!
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011


The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011


BasisWerte Isoflavone

Serum TNF-a

50 40 30 20 10 0

Nach Einnahme

Ursula Jacob et al , 2009





25 Zeit (Wochen)

Isoflavones reduce cytokines in the blood

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

ER alpha vs. ER beta

Prostate cancer growth depends, in its earlier stages, on androgens and is usually pharmacologically modulated with androgen blockade. However, androgen-ablation therapy may generate androgen-independent prostate cancer, often characterized by an increased invasiveness. We have shown that the dihydrotestosterone metabolite 5alphaandrostane-3beta,17beta-diol (3beta-Adiol), a steroid which does not bind androgen receptors, but efficiently binds the estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta), exerts a potent inhibition of prostate cancer cell migration through the activation of the ERbeta signaling.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

ote: in the Blood Circulating Tumor Cells are more aggressive than the primary tumor : Less Differentiated !!!!!

Rohr et al 2010

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Fermented Soy increases ER- Gene Expression in dissiminated Tumor Cells

300 ER- 300 Gen Expression Fold increase 200 200

facher Anstieg

Single cases

100 100

0 0 0 0

1,5 1,5

3 3

Time (Month) Month)

Ursula Jacob et al , 2009

Patient consumed Isoflavones regularly

Patients with high GLEASON Factor (High Malignicy)

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Soy Increases Anti-tumor Factor p21, p53 In Circulating Tumor Cells

Prostate Ca Breast Ca

Rel. Gen-Expression von Zellzyklus Inhibitor p 21

Single Cases

Single Cases

Ovary Ca
untreated With fermented soy

Ursula Jacob et al , 2009

Single Cases

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Cachexia kills Cancer Patients BUT Fermented Soy saves Cancer Patients
N= 164 N= 78

Chemotherapy + fermented soy

Rohr et al, Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation 2010

Chemotherapy + Placebo

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Anti-Angiogenesis and Fermented Soy

1. Stabilizing blood capillaries in cancer patients (anti-angiogenesis) is a goal in severe cancer. 2. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is responsible for the growth of new blood vessels. 3. Anti-VEGF medication (Avastin) is systemic and hurts new (healthy) blood vessel creation everywhere. 4. Adiol (and/or Fermented Soy) inhibits stem cell metastastasis by a localized anti-inflammatory mechanism.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Fermented Soy transforms Resistant Cancer Stem Cells into differentiated cancer cells which can then be treated with Chemo or Radiation therapy.
Cancer Stem Cell Differentiating


Invasive Carcinoma




Fermented Soy Normal Cell

Tumor Cells (non stem cell)

Cancer Stem Cell

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011


Fermented soy transformed circulating cancer stem cells (in vivo, human) into more differentiated and therefore more targetable treatable cancer tumor cells. This mechanism may be the reason for dramatic increase in survival we see in clinic. An example of the Cordelia Effect

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Celandine: The plant source for anti-cancer remedy: Ukrain

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Greater Celandine
- an important component

The anti-tumor properties of extracts from the wart plant were first recorded in a medicinal herb book in 1536.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The sap of Celadine plant

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

The sap of Celadine plant

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Ukrain: Mechanism of Action

Growth inhibition concomitant with CellCycle arrest in G2/M Inhibition of Tubulin Polymerization, leading to impaired microtubule dynamics metaphase block Interference of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis Inhibition of cellular oxygen consumption

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Summary: Stem Cells and Cancer

1) Cancer mortality is directly related to cancer stem cell activity (metastatic and proliferative processes) 2) Chemotherapy and radiation do not kill cancer stem cells 3) Chemotherapy and radiation make cancers grow faster and more virulent 4) Treatment of (people with) cancer requires adjunctive care and not just chemotherapy or radiation 5) Treatment which fails to address the toxicity of cancer stem cells is futile and irresponsible

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Summary: Stem Cells and Cancer


6) IPT, while kinder and gentler, must not be given unless adjunctive care is taken to minimize cancer stem cell stimulation 7) Adjunctive treatment modalities represent a significant improvement over traditional IPT.

(Haelan, Ukrain, Selenium, H2O2, Ascorbic Acid, ALA)

8) This is a therapeutic message which our patients, as well as our oncology colleagues, are ready to hear.
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Further Reading on Stem Cell Treatment

1) Therapeutics formulated to target cancer stem cells: Is it in our future? Stephanie Clayton, Cancer Cell Int. 2011; 11: 7. 2) Therapeutic Implications of the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis Maximilian Diehn, MD/PhD and Michael F. Clarke, MD 3) Eradication of Cancer Cells via Regeneration Xu Rongxiang, M.D. 4) Haelan see and search Haelan 5) Powerpoint on Proteolytic Enzymes Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. Presentation at 2010 IPT Conference www. 6) The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis John Beard, D. Sc. 1911 7) The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. New Spring Press 2009

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Ode to the Totipotent Hematopoetic (sic) Stem Cell

My musing on stem cells, circa 1987

Sirens sang from Science rocks and caught my ear, despite the plug nestled deep of orthodox which churches plant, so proud and smug. Orphans each adrift we are; homeless, steering course by star. The winds would change, time was short. The moment asked of me resolve. So digging deep within my heart, I chose, swung prow, intent to solve the only question man must ask; the only truly human task
For the rest of the epic poem, see Appendix and
The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

Summary and Invitation

Corrective Cancer Care with Insulin Potentiation Therapy
BSW (c) 2011

The Standard of Care is subtherapeutic. Only 10% of conventional oncologists say they would take the medication they prescribe if they had cancer. In contrast, 100% of IPT doctors would take their own medicine!
BSW (c) 2011

"I die by the help of too many physicians."

Alexander the Great
on his deathbed, 323 B.C.
BSW (c) 2011

Corrective Cancer Care with IPT Safe Effective Cost-effective


The longest continuous cancer chemotherapeutic protocol in the western hemisphere (1926-present)
BSW (c) 2011

Corrective Cancer Care with IPT


Smart Bomb effect: Excess of

insulin-sensitive receptors on human cancer cells causes predominance of insulin effect in cancer cells, sparing normal host tissues = INCREASED SAFETY

Synergy of insulins membrane and metabolic effects enhances anticancer drug action in cancer cells BSW (c) 2011 = INCREASED EFFICACY

Adjuvant agents necessary:

1) Haelan 951 or fermented soy 2) Brown seaweed extract 3) Selenium (sodium selenite) 4) Vitamin C (as well as A, E) 5) Curcumin, Ginseng, Ginger 6) NAC, Glutathione, SAMe

BSW (c) 2011

Thank You for your Kind Attention

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry 2011

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