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Alchemy of self

Alchemy of self

Instructions: Keep this journal on hand at all times.

Read it first thing in the morning, read it multiple times during the day and
then read it again at night time before bed. The practices contained in this
journal are incredibly powerful and will change your life. Do not forget about
Important things to remember
1. It doesn’t matter what is true only what you believe is true because with work that will become true. Your thoughts
create your beliefs, your beliefs become your reality. The universal theory of everything and the master algorithm of
evolution is: Beliefs > Actions > Results > Feedback. You must intercept your own algorithm at the beliefs stage, take
massive action with your new beliefs, experience your results, listen to feedback and then iterate your beliefs and actions
again and again each time to perfect the process.

2. Where you are in life, your current situation, it’s all your doing. You built yourself and your life and its you who's solely
responsible for where you are right now and where you got in the future. There is no external force, person or thing
against you - it’s all you.

3. We are not physical bodies bound to earth by gravity with a hopeless existence, we are the evolution of light, a
waveform experiencing a consciousness and what we perceive to be reality is simply a magnificent illusion. We create
our own realities through our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The best way to live life is to evolve yourself and achieve
whatever you want, to become whoever you want to be.

4. We are not the highest version of ourselves which we can imagine. We are the lowest version of ourselves which we can
accept. Understand that you will do nothing to achieve your dreams but fight like hell to not breach your standards. If
you want to achieve your dreams and goals you must turn them into irrefutable standards.

5. Be constantly aware of your own patterns of existence. As humans we are constantly in conflict between the person we
are right now and the person we want to become. The two selfs are often at war with each other and create a waveform
like pattern of highs and lows. Take note of the highs and the lows and look for markers to warn you of the turns so that
you can catch yourself and correct them.

6. The key to all evolution is variation and when you start to grow tired of what is in the light you must face what is in the
dark. We must understand the dualism that exists in our mind and loose the binary stance of one true right and wrong
and one true me and not me. Nothing is static and everything in this universe is forever becoming. The real question is:
“Who am I becoming?”

7. Our minds are a on/off system that are programmed over time to believe certain things and our experience of reality is
simply the result of those beliefs. When we experience something or think of something we stack a rock on a particular
set of scales, either positive or negative. Each belief is a scale and whatever side has the most rocks on it that’s the what
we believe. What we believe is our reality.

8. Be constantly aware of mental feedback loops. What one thinks is what one thinks about. A circular relationship where
cause creates effect and effect bends back around and feeds back into cause in a self fulfilling reflexive cycle. Mental
feedback loops can build you up to be the best in the world or break you down till you consider taking your own life.
Make sure you catch the downs and feed the ups.

9. Most peoples character has become so strong and defined that it’s reversed the roles and pulling the strings on its own
master. You have to pin your character down and define exactly who it is and what it’s capable of and then figure out
what you really want to achieve in life and see if that character is fit for the job. If the character isn’t fit for the job it’s
time to design one who will achieve it with ease and make the conscious decision to grow into it. Your character is
changeable and you pull the strings.
Daily Ritual

1. First thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up, read this Alchemy of self journal from start to finish. Remind
yourself of what you want to achieve with your life, who you are becoming and the legacy you have already
started to leave. You are powerful beyond measure.

2. When you look at your vision board and your goals for the future read them out loud to yourself and then imagine
you having already achieved your goals and your vision, make the image in your mind detailed and colorful,
experience the vision fully and let the positive emotions run through your body again and again. This is stacking

3. Read your affirmations out loud to yourself and then imagine a situation where you achieved your affirmation and
make that vision detailed and colorful. Feel the positive emotions associated with that affirmation run through
your body again and again. Stack those rocks and program your mind the way you want it to be programmed.

4. Listen to your affirmations audio recording while resting on a comfy couch. As you hear yourself state each
affirmation imagine a situation where you used this and make the picture colorful and detailed. Let the positive
emotions run through your body. Stack those rocks and drum the new programming in.

5. Pull out your Alchemy Planner and plan your day. State what you’re grateful for, what would make today great,
your current projects and plan out your entire day from start to finish. Set intention for the day.

6. Take massive violent action all day long. Execute your day just the way you planned it. Be relentless and look
fear and procrastination dead on in the eyes. Make your character dance and feel no pain. Do the work.

7. At night time when you’re lying in bed complete this process over again and fall asleep with your affirmations
playing into your ears. Program your mind the way you want it to be programmed. When you wake up in the
morning repeat this process again and again. The only way you can possibly not get what you want in life is to
not do this process.
Daily Performance Tracking

Make sure you track your performance every single day so that you make ticking this sheet the sole desire you have
each day. Just focus on ticking off the boxes everyday for thirty days straight and things will seriously start to change
in your life and your business.

It takes 31 days to create a new habit and/or get rid of a bad one. Stick to the program for 31 days and
fight with everything you have inside of you to create a new version of you capable of success. It’s right here for
your taking, all you have to do is commit and do the work!
The Sam Ovens Identity
Billionaire, Reformer, Revolutionary, Contrarian, Titan, Icon, God, Genius, Philosopher
The Sam Ovens Legacy to date
Multi Millionaire,, Worlds Best Consulting Trainer, Revolutionary Thinker
The Sam Ovens Story
From broke in his parents garage to world leading consultant,, leading the Consulting Revolution, reforming
education and employment and changing the way an entire civilization views reality. This is the unfinished story of Sam

9-5 Job Parents garage First business failure

Moved to Manhattan $10m by 26 Students results

1.0 Training programs 7-Figure students & jet & office

Forbes 30/30 & $65m Net Worth 2.0 Platform & programs Marketing firestorm
The Sam Ovens Story
From broke in his parents garage to world leading consultant,, leading the Consulting Revolution, reforming
education and employment and changing the way an entire civilization views reality. This is the unfinished story of Sam


Next chapters coming soon…

The Sam Ovens Manifesto
Who is Sam Ovens?

Sam Ovens is a billionaire entrepreneur, philosopher and reformer. He is famous for reforming the worlds education and
employment systems through his scientific method of business creation. Sam’s revolutionary Alchemy paradigm and
world view shook the world and changed the way an entire civilization viewed reality. The name Sam Ovens is
synonymous with Consulting and paradigm shift.

Through Sam lead the Consulting Revolution which set off the largest wealth transfer and economic
reformation in the history of the world. Sam had a prophetic dream to help the everyday people forgotten about and
discriminated against by education and employment systems. Sam mastered the art of business creation and created a new
paradigm and world view so that everyday people could start their own consulting business and perceive reality in a new
way. The Consulting Revolution allowed everyday people to control their own fate, gain wealth and experience the
freedom they deserve. Sam brought the uneducated, lower class and middle class to the top.

Sam lives in New York City in the penthouse of 432 Park Avenue, NYC’s tallest and most exclusive building. Sam has a
huge development in the Caribbean called Atlantis where he has a private helicopter and multiple houses for retreats. He also has properties in Aspen and California and lives between the four of them. He travels in
his Gulfstream G200 and lives with his photographer and artist girlfriend Ashleigh Frazer.

Sam is the CEO and founder of, the worlds leading e-learning platform that helps everyday people start
and grow successful consulting businesses and live lives of freedom. has offices in Dublin and NYC and
makes $100,000,000 per year in sales with $50,000,000 net profit. It has a private valuation of $1 Billion USD and is
about to list on the Nasdaq to become one of the worlds most sought after unicorn companies.

Sam has featured on the front page of Fortune, WSJ, Time and Rolling Stone magazine. Sam is on the NZ rich list and is
world known as a profoundly powerful economic reformer. Sam will stop at nothing to achieve his goals and tear out the
heart of his competition. He is known to float like a butterfly helping the entire world as his friend but when anybody gets
in his way he stings like a bee and decimates them into extinction.

Sam has two New York Times bestselling books on the topics of philosophy and consulting. Both are known as
revolutionary texts that changed the lives of millions and reshaped the face of this earth. Sam has a video blog called
Consulting TV which has millions of followers. Sam spends his time managing, reading and writing
books and making improvements to his world leading training programs. Sam has a charity named Protagonist Fund
which he uses to donate money to causes that fit with his vision of a world free of discrimination and unfair education,
employment and economic systems. Sam can recognize patterns in life that nobody else can see, he is the Oracle of all

Sam works harder than everybody else, he has unrivaled focus and the way he thinks is incomprehensible by the rest of
the world. His mind is magic and he makes everybody else study him. Sam studied the works of the worlds best leaders,
businessmen, philosophers, scientists and revolutionaries and he perfected all of their works. He tied all disciplines into
one and is smarter and more powerful than all the great masters combined into one. Sam doesn't follow or predict trends,
he creates them. Sam is the greatest mastermind there ever was. His legacy bent history like nobody else. He is the one.
The Sam Ovens Identity

Character Traits

• Awake: Sam wakes up at 4am each day, works till 7pm and is in bed by 9pm.
• Relentless: Sam will stop at nothing to win and achieve his goals.
• Fearless: Sam is not afraid of anything and has a pain tolerance like nobody else.
• Punctual: Sam is early to every appointment and is known for being punctual.
• Genius: Sam is extremely smart and is known to be the smartest person in the world.
• Powerful: Sam is confident and has a powerful presence. His enemies fear him.
• Classy: Sam presents himself well and is known for having style and class.

Body Type & Style

• Haircut:Short sides, long top slicked back/combed over

• Dress:White collared shirt, slim fit pants, sports jacket, brogue shoes
• Accessories: Gold Rolex President watch
• Body Type: 80kg, skinny/slim, fit and healthy
• Grooming: Clean cut with stubble


• Conquer all of my fears and have full unshakable control of myself at all times
• Reform the worlds education and employment systems and start a revolution
• Accumulate a net worth of $1 Billion USD
• Feature on the New Zealand NBR rich list
• Own a black squirrel helicopter and get my helicopters license
• Own a Gulfstream G200 private jet
• Publish two New York Times bestselling books on philosophy and consulting
• Feature on the front covers of Forbes, WSJ, NYT, Fortune, Rolling Stone, Time




Sam Ovens: Revolutionary leader, mid century, classic and powerful, sitting in-front of desk, talking about
philosophy, business and science. Contrarian, strange, humble but deadly serious and powerful. Black, white
and blue.
Sam Ovens 2017 Goals

Accumulated Wealth Goals


Business Goals


Health & Fitness Goals

• 80kg, tanned, perfect skin, perfect hair, lean body with abs and muscle definition, glowing.
• Endless natural energy and determination that is able to be turned on like a button.
1.Mental focus and clarity that is unrivaled by anybody else on earth all day everyday.
2.Free from all unhealthy foods, habits, drinks, snacks and behaviors.

Personal And Behavior Goals

• Waking up at 4am every day and going to the gym for 45mins.
• Starting the work day at 5.30am, laser focus and violent action till 7pm and then bed by 9pm.
• No alcohol, minimal sugar, mineral water, lots of vegetables and balanced diet.
1.Facing fear front on and being afraid of nothing in the world. Truly unshakeable and relentless.
2.Taking action today, living in day tight compartments, only living in the now, laser focus

Unquestionable Standards

• Truthful - I will never lie to myself or anybody else ever.

• Punctual - I will never be late or miss a deadline for anything.
• Man of his word - I will never give my word to myself or anybody else unless it is absolutely certain.
• Relentless - I will never loose my battles and never give in, not to anybody on earth and not ever.
1.Responsible - I will watch every dollar made and spent and make sure I am always financially solid
Sam Ovens Affirmations

• I always think and act today. I feel heroic, confident and exhilarated knowing my actions today will create momentum tomorrow
and the next day – I feel unstoppable.

• I am free of the fear of rejection. Rejection is a necessary thing to achieve success. I act without fear of rejection and feel confident,
strong minded and energized.

• I am good enough. I am smart, helpful and worthy of taking up anybody’s time. Knowing I am good enough makes me feel
comfortable, confident and exhilarated.

• I am free of the fear of mistakes and failure. Mistakes and failure are good and necessary to achieve success. I act without fear of
failure and feel excited, heroic and unstoppable.

• I am very proud to be free of judging other people and comparing them to myself. I feel happy and strong-minded.

• I am very proud to be free of imagining others are thinking and saying things about me. This is not true and being free of thinking it
makes me happy, worry-free, successful and unleashed. I feel exhilarated.

• I love calling my prospects and customers on the phone. Each call is a new opportunity to build a relationship and help somebody
out. Every time I call my prospects and customers I feel excited and confident

• Each and every call I make I start with an incredible level of positive expectation and prosperity. I know that right now –
somewhere someone’s life is better and more prosperous because of my products and services. I feel confident and exhilarated.

• I love to close the deal. When a deal is closed one way or another I rejoice knowing that my time has been well spent and I feel
confident and excited about moving onto a new opportunity without any wasted time.

• I love taking action. I feel courageous and exhilarated by taking action and I build extreme momentum and prosperity when taking

• I find it easier and easier to constantly improve myself personally and professionally everyday. My positive affirmations, goal
setting and constant action make me an incredibly successful businessman. I feel incredibly positive and strong-minded.

• I love exercising every day. I am in perfect health and have an amazing body. Going to the gym, exercising and taking a sauna
make me feel well rounded and accomplished and the benefits I receive from exercise are incredible I feel amazing everyday.

• I attract success. Success and good things are naturally attracted to me and I feel prosperous and amazing everyday.

• Success comes to me easily. Abundance and prosperity flow to me from every direction and I feel exhilarated. I can’t wait to wake
up each day know that success is guaranteed for me.

• I see opportunity everywhere I look. Opportunity is everywhere and it is there for me everyday. I feel overwhelmingly confident
and positive everyday with the abundance of opportunity.

• It’s easy to be successful. I rejoice the fact that I am successful and will become more and more successful everyday – huge success
is inevitable for me. I feel prosperous and abundant.

• I feel amazing every morning I wake up. I bounce out of bed first thing knowing that the day has huge opportunity install for me. I
feel excited, confident and exhilarated each morning as soon as I open my eyes.
Sam Ovens Affirmations

• I am an excellent marketer. I know how to generate a constant stream of leads and money for any business. I feel powerful, confidant and
assured that my marketing skills are amazingly successful.

• I am an amazing copywriter. I know how to write copy that grabs attention and pulls incredible results. I feel powerful, confidant and
assured that my copywriting skills are awesomely successful.

• I love writing and sending out information to people. I know that right now others are more successful and living lives of greater prosperity
because I took action and sent them information. This makes me feel powerful and happy and I absolutely love knowing that it guarantees
further success for others and me.

• I am an amazing speaker and produce some of the worlds best videos. My videos impact people all over the world and help people improve
their lives. I feel powerful, proud and skilled.

• I am confident calling and talking to business owners of all success levels – they are no different to anybody else and I realize that. I feel
confident, excited and exhilarated talking to big business owners.

• I love my girlfriend Ashleigh Frazer. I love being around Ashleigh, spending time with her and communicating with her about her goals and
achievements. I feel loved, relaxed, at peace and confident.

• I create the life of my dreams. My plans, goals and actions build my destiny and this makes me feel powerful and in control.

• I am an unstoppable human being and can achieve anything. I feel powerful, smart and determined.

• I am a self starter who does not need any external force to motivate me, all of my motivation comes from within and I can call on it at will.
This makes me feel unstoppable and powerful.

• I am a motivated and energetic person, I feel good every single day. This makes me feel healthy, happy and energetic.

• I am proud of myself and my success, I have achieved a great deal and this is just the beginning, I feel humble and honored.

• I am a powerful body, powerful mind and a powerful soul. This makes me feel smart and deserving of the worlds greatest levels of success.

• I speak my word with confidence and conviction. My words are powerful and they bring success to others when shared. I feel smart and

• I am a happy person who is intoxicated with living, I enjoy life and life is good to me. This makes me feel happy and exhilarated.

• Each and every day brings fresh new opportunities to me and I can’t wait to begin each day. This makes me feel excited and at ease.

• I excel at whatever I do, I have a positive expectancy and I am known to win. I feel powerful and deserving.

• I am at peace with the world around me, I understand how it works and where I fit within it. I am deserving of huge financial wealth and
respect, I feel powerful and smart.

• I have inner strength, grit and the confidence to win at whatever I choose to do. This makes me feel powerful and at ease knowing that I can
conquer any task.
Sam Ovens Affirmations

• I am optimistic and filled with enthusiasm, the world continues to reward me at an accelerating rate and I know with conviction that
the future ahead of me holds immeasurable happiness and prosperity.

• I accomplish more in less time than ever before. I have world renounced work ethic and work get things done in record time. I feel
unstoppable, powerful and smart.
• I effortlessly achieve my goals every single time. I set high goals, achieve them in record time. I feel powerful, smart and

• I am creative at helping others solve their challenges, I have helped other people improve their lives and I feel proud and special.

• I always give more than what I am paid for, all of my clients are happy and they spread the good word about me every single day. I
feel powerful and smart.

• My life is filled with harmony and happiness. Life continues to issue good fortune and wealth my way and I feel energetic and

• I have a mindset of wealth and abundance, I can achieve anything that I want to and I feel so powerful and unstoppable.

• Abundance is my natural state, I see abundance everywhere I look and I know that life will always be this way for me. I feel at ease
and proud.

• I am a people and money magnet, good people and huge fortune are attracted towards me every single day and I feel powerful and

• Money flows to me easily, frequently and abundantly, I feel gifted and unstoppable.

• Prosperity is mine and I deserve it and I expect it. I feel gifted and deserving of my good fortune and prosperity.

• I know my value, I honor my worth, I am worthy of receiving abundance and I feel proud and at ease with what the world continues
to give me.

• I’m open to receive more money and success, I deserve it and will be a good steward of it. I feel in control and at ease.

• Creative ideas for money and success flow from me, I feel powerful and gifted.

• Everywhere I look I see abundance and opportunity. I feel intelligent and gifted.

• Money is positive energy that takes care of my worthy needs and desires. I feel completely at ease receiving and managing huge
amounts of money every single day.

• My income is constantly increasing and I deserve it. I feel gifted and powerful.

• I am a positive resource and people love to do business with me. I feel special and gifted.

• I create wealth with honesty and integrity, I feel honored and at ease with my business and everything that I do.

• I am now easily and effortlessly attracting unlimited financial prosperity and abundance into every aspect of my life. I feel
Sam Ovens Affirmations

• Everything I touch returns riches to me, I am unstoppable and I feel courageous and powerful.

• I always have enough money for anything that I want to do in life, I feel at ease and gifted.

• The more money I have the more money I can use to help myself and others, I am an excellent steward of money and I feel honored and

• My work is always recognized positively, I am unique and my work is world-renowned. I feel honored and intelligent.

• Abundance is my natural state of being, I feel at ease and comfortable with every moment I experience in life.

• I am a business genius; I am creative and make effective business choices. I feel intelligent and unstoppable.

• Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways, it’s attracted to me from every different angle possible. I feel gifted and powerful.

• I give myself permission to live an abundant life, I deserve it and I will live the rest of my life from this position of abundance and power.
I feel exhilarated and intoxicated on life.

• I love money and money loves me, money is sacred to me and I do great things with it. The world is a better place because of me and
what I do with my large amounts of money. I feel confident and gifted.

• I have great skill at managing my finances and always have money in abundance. I feel at ease and happy.

• I am very comfortable having large sums of money, I am an excellent money manager and do great things with it. I feel confident and

• I release all doubt, fears and negative beliefs about money. Money is a good thing and I deserve large sums of it. I feel at ease and

• I am unlimited in my power to be successful in my business, I feel courageous and gifted.

• I always attract the right clients at the right time, great clients are attracted to me and there is never a shortage of them. I feel at ease and

• I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose. I am one of the smartest people in the world and I am
rewarded for this every single day. I feel gifted and honored.

• I am willing to let fear go and live in harmony with all life, I deserve the best of everything and I have no problem receiving it. I feel
gifted and special.

• I release all of my past beliefs that have limited me from becoming rich, I now think from a position of power and abundance, I am rich
and successful and I deserve what I have and more. I feel entitled and honored.

• I choose to be successful in each and every area of my life. Business is just one area of my life and I excel at every single one. I feel
gifted and honored.

• I’m successful in everything that I do, I surprise myself with my ability and achievements and I feel inspired and gifted.

• I choose to be successful in each area in my life, I feel happy and accomplished.

Sam Ovens Affirmations
• I am successful in everything that I do, I am unstoppable and I feel gifted and recognized.

• I am confident of my ability to succeed at anything I want to do, I feel smart and powerful.

• I easily and quickly learn the lessons life presents me with, a setback, struggle or failure to me is still a win and a step forward, I feel at
ease, happy and confident.

• I welcome freedom into my mind, I am not restrained to anything and can do whatever I want. I feel free and empowered.

• I am open to all possibilities and keep an open mind at all times, I feel at ease when in strange situations and believe in my ability to
figure things out and win. I feel confident and successful.

• I’m always in the right place at the right time, winning comes easy to me and I feel powerful and gifted.

• I have a keen capacity to learn new skills that support my success, I am a quick learner and quickly rise to the top of any field which I
choose to play. I feel gifted and entitled.

• I embrace all change and use it to my higher good, I am an alchemist who can bring success from any situation in life and I am rewarded
for it. I feel special and smart.

• I love and respect myself and that allows me to have enriching relationships, others love and respect me and I love and respect myself. I
am an amazing person and I am proud of who I am. I feel at ease and powerful.

• I give thanks continuously as I move through each day, I understand that I am gifted and for that I am humble and thankful.

• I acknowledge the blessings I have received in my life with gratitude, I feel honored and humbled.

• I possess the wisdom the power the motivation the inspiration and the passion to accomplish anything and everything I choose. I feel
entitled and unstoppable.

• I prosper in health, I prosper in finances, I prosper in love, I prosper in peace and I am an unstoppable human being. I feel courageous
and powerful in everything that I do.

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