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Western Mindanao State University

College of Liberal Arts

History Department
Zamboanga City

Basic Concepts and
A. Meaning and Relevance of History


Prepared by:
Eryle Edvin Espina Protacio
Basic Concepts and Information
A. Meaning and Relevance of History
B. Distinction of Primary and secondary sources
C. External and Internal Criticism
D. Repositories of Primary Sources
E. Different Kinds of Primary Sources

Learning Outcome:
Identify credible and authentic primary sources
and know how to evaluate their provenance.
A. Meaning and Relevance of History
• Define History;
• Trace the origin and development of
History; and
• State the relevance of history
Meaning of History
Etymology Definition
• As a field of study, it is a study
of man and his achievements
• Greek word
from the beginning of written
– ἱστορία (Historia) records to the present time.
• Classical Latin • As literature, history is an
– Historia effective presentation of the
unfolding event.
• As a record, it is a documented
history of man and his society.
• According to De Viana, 2015,
history as a record of events
show the evolution of man and
his society and from the age of
barbarism to what he is today.
“History is a continual process of interaction,
a dialogue between the historian in the
present and the facts of the past.”
-E.H. Carr
Brief History
• Herodotus (484-425 BC), the father of
history and author of Histories or Graeco-
Persian wars.
• Thucydides (460 BC – 400 BC) is credited
having approached history with a well-
developed historical method in his work
the History of Peloponnesian War.
Brief History…

• 15th century- The Arab historian, Ibn

Khaldun, who lived in the 15th century AD.,
was another early writer of ideas relevant
to history.
• 19th to 20th centuries brought a flood of
new information that challenged this notion
that history is limited to written and spoken

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