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Third trimester of pregnancy

Sofia greco, Violeta Doumic, Agustin Gonzales Yohai, Mateo Chinchilla,

Victor Pretel y Robin Wang
What happens to the baby? Fetal development:
The fetus continues to grow in size and weight. The fetus is 19 to 21 - The fetus can see and hear
inches long and weights six to nine pounds. The fetal development - The brain continues to develop
continues. - The kidneys and lungs continue to
- By the end of 36th, it may happened a
How long is the third trimester? process called lighting.
The third trimester runs from the 28th to the 40th week of - The skull bones remain soft to facilate
pregnancy. However,in real life it ends when the baby is born. passage through the birth penal
- By the end of week 38 to 40, the lungs
have fully matured
- The baby is covered in vernix
What can and can’t you eat
Can Can’t
Salmon Raw eggs
Lean meats Raw meat
Soybean Smoked seafood
Leafy vegetables Uncooked seafood
Eggs Raw shellfish
Sweet Soft cheeses
Beans Unpasteurized milk
Whole Caffeine
Walnuts Pate
Greek yogurt Alcohol
Symptoms you may experience:
- Gastric reflux
- Hemorrhoids
- Difficulty breathing
- Breast tenderness
- Protruding navel
- Difficulty to sleep
- Swelling in the fingers, face and ankles
A baby is considered to have been born full-term if it is
born in weeks 37 to 42 of pregnancy. A baby born before
week 37 is considered premature, and if your baby has not
been born by week 42, labour may be induced.

How to be prepared for giving birth

It’s important to eat healthy food –especially protein-, and
try to rest as much as possible.
Stay nourished, hydrated and rested also make sure you
eat well-balanced meals with proteins, vegetables and
whole grains so that you are nourished and ready to birth
your baby. Drinking 8 glasses of fresh water everyday is
important to help you labour efficiently.
How to stay healthy Things to consider
To give your baby a healthy start, it’s important As you enter the third trimester don’t forget to:
to eat healthy foods throughout pregnancy. • back a hospital bag.
Ensure your diet is varied and includes a range of • book a hospital/birthing centre tour.
fresh fruit and vegetables as well as sources of • arrange a properly-fitted car seat (to bring
protein, iron and calcium. Don’t forget to drink your baby home).
plenty of water too. Weight gain is a normal part • consider what you will need when you
of pregnancy and most women can expect to gain bring your baby home, what will you buy.
between 11 and 16kg. A pregnancy weight gain • if you have other children (or pets), plan for
calculator can be a handy tool to track your their care while you are in hospital
weight gain through the third trimester. Try to • cook double portions through your third
stay active throughout pregnancy, even in your trimester, and load your freezer for when
third trimester. While it's important to stick with things get busy once the baby is born.
safe, gentle exercise as you get closer to your due
Thanks for watching 

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