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Principles of Endocrinology

dr. Rahmi, M.Biomed

• Hormones exert a variety of regulatory effects
• The effective plasma concentration of a hormone
• Endocrine disorders result from hormone excess or deficiency or
decreased target-cell
• The responsiveness of a target cell can be varied by regulating the
number of hormone-specific receptors
• Chemical messenger
• Secreted by endocrine gland
• Travels in the blood
• Only specific target cells can
respond to each hormone
• Regulates a particular function

Endocrinology: the study of the homeostatic chemical

adjustments and other activities that hormones accomplish.
Hormones exert a variety of regulatory
Maintaining homeostasis, such as:
• Regulating nutrient metabolism
• Regulating water and electrolyte balance
• Promoting growth
• Facilitating reproductive capacity
• Works along with the autonomic nervous system to control and
integrate activities of both the circulatory and the digestive systems
• Tropic Hormone:
• A hormone that has as its primary
function the regulation of hormone
secretion by another endocrine
• Not only stimulate but also
maintain the structure of their
endocrine target tissues
• Example: thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH)  stimulates
thyroid hormone secretion by the
thyroid gland and maintains the
structural integrity of this gland
Complexity of Endocrine Function
• A single endocrine gland may produce multiple hormones.
• Ex: anterior pituitary secretes six different hormones
• A single hormone may be secreted by more than one endocrine gland
• Example, hypothalamus and pancreas secrete the hormone somatostatin
• A single hormone may has more than one type of target cell
• Ex: vasopressin promotes H2O reabsorption by the kidney tubules and causes
vasoconstriction of arterioles
• A single target cell may be influenced by more than one hormone
• Ex: insulin and glucagon stimulating liver cells
• The same chemical messenger may be either a hormone or a neurotransmitter
• Ex: Norepinephrine, which is secreted as a hormone by the adrenal medulla and released as a
neurotransmitter from sympathetic postganglionic nerve fibers
The effective plasma concentration of a
Depends on several factors:
• The hormone’s rate of secretion into the blood by the endocrine
• Its rate of metabolic activation or conversion
• For lipophilic hormones, its extent of binding to plasma proteins
• Its rate of removal from the blood by metabolic inactivation
• and excretion in the urine
• Normally, the effective plasma concentration of a hormone is
regulated by appropriate adjustments in the rate of its secretion.
• Endocrine glands do not secrete their hormones at a constant rate;
the secretion rates of all hormones vary, subject to control often by a
combination of several complex mechanisms:
• Negative-Feedback Control
• Positive Feedback Control
• Neuroendocrine Reflexes
• Diurnal (Circadian) Rhythms
Negative-Feedback Control Positive Feedback Control
• Prominent feature of hormonal control • In a few instances, positive
systems feedback occurs when the biological
• maintains the plasma concentration of a action of the hormone causes
hormone at a given level
additional secretion of the hormone
• Example: when the plasma concentration of
free circulating thyroid hormone falls below • Example : the surge of luteinizing
a given set point, the anterior pituitary hormone (LH) that occurs as a
secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), result of the stimulatory effect of
which stimulates the thyroid to increase its
secretion of thyroid hormone. Thyroid estrogen on the anterior pituitary
hormone, in turn, inhibits further secretion before ovulation
of TSH by the anterior pituitary
Neuroendocrine Reflexes Diurnal (Circadian) Rhythms
• Neural as well as hormonal • The secretion rates of many
components hormones rhythmically fluctuate
• Produce a sudden increase in up and down as a function of time
hormone secretion in response • Diurnal (“day–night”), or circadian
to a specific stimulus (“around a day”) rhythm
• EX: epinephrine by the adrenal • characterized by repetitive
medulla is solely controlled by oscillations in hormone levels that
the sympathetic nervous system are very regular and cycle once
every 24 hours
Endocrine disorders result from hormone
excess or deficiency or decreased target-cell
Hyposecretion Hypersecretion
• Primary hyposecretion: • Primary hypersecretion:
endocrine gland is secreting too the defect lies in that gland
little of its hormone because of
an abnormality within that gland • Secondary hypersecretion:
• Secondary hyposecretion: • excessive stimulation from the
endocrine gland is normal but is outside of the gland
secreting too little hormone
because of a deficiency of its
tropic hormone.
• Abnormal Target-Cell Responsiveness
Target cells do not respond adequately to the hormone, even though
the effective plasma concentration of a hormone is normal
The responsiveness of a target cell can be varied by
regulating the number of hormone-specific receptors

Up Hormone Receptor Regulation Down Hormone Receptor Regulation

• the stimulating hormone induces • increased hormon concentration
greater than normal formation of and increased binding with its
receptor or intracellular signaling target cel receptors sometimes
molecules by the target cell cause the number of active
• greater availability of the receptor receptor to decrease
for interaction with the hormone • decreases the target tissue’s
• the target tissue becomes responsiveness to the hormone.
progressively more sensitive to the
stimulating effects of the hormone
The responsiveness of a target cell can be varied by
regulating the number of hormone-specific receptors
Permissiveness, Synergism, and Antagonism
• With permissiveness, one hormone must be present in adequate
amounts to “permit” another hormone to exert its full effect
• Example: thyroid hormone increases the number of receptors for epinephrine
in epinephrine’s target cells, increasing the effectiveness of epinephrine

• Synergism occurs when the actions of several hormones are

complementary and their combined effect is greater than the sum of
their separate effects
• Example : follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone, both of which are
needed to maintain the normal rate of sperm production
• Antagonism occurs when one hormone causes the loss of another
hormone’s receptors, reducing the effectiveness of the second
• Example: progesterone (a hormone secreted during pregnancy that decreases
contractions of the uterus) inhibits uterine responsiveness to estrogen
(another hormone secreted during pregnancy that increases uterine
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