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Raigan Benny
Group 2
What is bradyarrhythmia?

▪ Bradyarrhythmia describes slow heart rate, typically defined as

a rate of less than 60 beats per minute
▪ The electrical impulse that signals your heart to contract in a
synchronized manner begins in the sinoatrial node (SA node),
which is your heart's natural pacemaker
▪  A bradyarrhythmia is due to problems with the SA node's
pacemaker ability, or some interruption in conduction through
the natural electrical pathways of the heart.
▪ When your heart rhythm is too slow, this can cause dizziness,
fatigue, lightheadedness, syncope
When the HR is less than 60 beats per minute the usual causes are:
• Sinus bradycardia
• Sinus pauses
• Sinoatrial block
• Atrioventricular block
• Infranodal block


Slow Heart Rate

Diagnostic Test

Electrophysiology (EP) Tests

An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test performed to assess your heart's
electrical system or activity and is used to diagnose abnormal heartbeats or
arrhythmia. The test is performed by inserting catheters and then wire
electrodes, which measure electrical activity, through blood vessels that
enter the heart.

▪ Pacemaker to speed up the heart rhythm as needed

▪ Additional treatment is to take medication
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