Momentum Heat Mass Transfer: Source DT D

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Momentum Heat Mass Transfer

     source

Navier-Stokes equations
Non-Newtonian fluids
Newtonian fluids and Navier Stokes equations.
Steady and transient flow between parallel plates,
flow in pipe, annular gap, hydraulic diameter. Non-
Newtonian fluids. RMW equation. Thixotropic fluids.
Rudolf Žitný, Ústav procesní a
zpracovatelské techniky ČVUT FS 2010
Unknowns / Equations
There are 10 unknowns (assuming isothermal flow):

u,v,w, (3 velocities), p, xx, xy,…(6 components of symmetric stress tensor)

And the same number of equations

 
Continuity equation    (u )  0
 
Du  
3 Cauchy’s equations   p      g

    u 
 
6 Constitutive equations   2  ( II )(  )
Navier Stokes equations
Substituting the constitutive equation for viscous stresses (Generalised
Newtonian Fluid)

  
  u 
  2 ( II )(  )
into the divergency term of the Cauchy’s equation

 
Du  
  p     g
gives, see the next slide…
Navier Stokes equations
Divergence of viscous stresses

 
  u   T 2   
  2( ( II )(   ))  (  ( II )(u  (u ) ))  (  ( II )(u ) )
3 3
 ij  u j  ui 2  u
This is the same, but  ( ) ( ) (  ( k ) ij ) 
written in the index xi xi xi xi x j 3 xi xk
notation (you cannot  u j  ui 2  u
make mistakes when  ( ) ( ) (  ( i )) 
xi xi xi x j 3 x j xi
calculating derivatives)
 u j  ui  2 ui 2  ui  2u i
 ( )   (  )
xi xi xi x j x j xi 3 x j xi x j xi
 u j  ui   2ui 2  ui
 ( )  
xi xi xi x j 3 x j xi 3 x j xi

   T  ( II )  2 
  (  ( II )u )   ( II )(u )  ( u )  (u ) ( II )
3 3
These terms are small and will
be replaced by a parameter sm These terms are ZERO
for incompressible fluids
Navier Stokes equations
General form of Navier Stokes equations valid for compressible/incompressible
Non-Newtonian (with the exception of viscoelastic or thixotropic) fluids

Du   
  p    (  ( II )u )  sm   g
Special case – Newtonian fluids with constant viscosity (compressible)

Du 2 1  
  p   ( u  (  u ))   g
Dt 3
ui ui p  2ui 1  2uk
 (  uk )  (  )   gi This term is zero for
t xk xi xk xk 3 xi xk incompressible liquids
Navier Stokes equations
Special cases
2D flow (liquids) in Cartesian coordinate system
u x u x u x p  2u x  2u x
(  ux  uy )    ( 2  2 )   gx
t x y x x y
u y u y u y p  2u y  2 u y
(  ux  uy )    ( 2  2 )   gy
t x y y x y
2D flow in cylindrical coordinate system

ur ur ur p  1 rur  2ur

(  ur  uz )    ( ( )  2 )   gr
t r z r r r r z
u z u z uz p 1  uz  2uz
(  ur  uz )    ( (r )  2 )   gz
t r z z r r r z
Navier Stokes equations
Special cases
2D compressible flow formulated in terms of stream function  and vorticity 
reduces number of equations (continuity equation is automatically satisfied) and
eliminates pressure.
   u x u y  2  2 g y g x
 (  ux  uy  (  ))   ( 2  2 )   (  )
t x y x y x y x y
 2  2
 2   This term is zero for
x y incompressible liquids

These equations follow from the Navier Stokes equations using vorticity and
stream function according to the previously introduced definitions
u y
u  
  x ux  , uy  
x y y x
Navier Stokes solutions

 
The convective acceleration term u  u
makes Navier Stokes nonlinear and
therefore analytical solutions can be
found only when this term disappears
(flow in straight pipes) or is very small
comparing with the viscous term (Re<1,
creeping flow).

Drag flow
u x u x p  2u x
Laminar flow between parallel plates (  ux )  2
t x x y
y U Steady drag flow (no pressure gradient)
 2u x U
0 2 u x  c1 y  c2 ux  y
ux(y) H y H
Shear stress (constant in the whole gap)  U
x yx  
Transient drag flow (U-unit step of velocity of plate)
y 2 1
U u u Momentum of -layer  U  (t )
(t)  x   2x 2
ux(t,y) t y U
Stress in -layer   
H  (t )
x Stress is a flux of momentum U 1
 dt  Ud (t )
 (t ) 2
 1 2
dt  d  (t )
 4
Penetration depth
t 
Integration  1
0  4 0 (t )
dt  d 

yields expression for thickness of the 

accelarated fluid layer (penetration depth)  (t )  4 t  4 t

U This solution is only an approximation, because the
(t) linear velocity profile with a turning point at  is not
ux(t,y) an exact solution of the Navier Stokes equation.
Exact solution exists in form of an infinite series for a
H finite thickness of gap H and for the case that H 
is defined by error function, giving more accurate
prediction of the penetration depth

 (t )   t
Extensional flow
In the simple shear flow between parallel plates velocities are defined in
terms of the rate of shear  [1/s]
u x  y u y  uz  0
In the simple extensional flow (uniform stretching of incompressible fluid in
the x-direction) velocities are defined in terms of rate of elongation  [1/s]
1 1
y x u x   x u y    y u z    z
2 2
Constitutive equation for Newtonian liquid gives
 xx  2   yy   zz   
 xx   yy

  3
 3 times
viscosity shear viscosity
(Trouton's ratio)
Flow in a circular pipe
Steady fully developed laminar flow – only one non-zero velocity component uz(r)
Balance of forces for control volume (ring dr x dz)
 zz p 
dr uz(r) 2rdrdz (  )  2 (r rz dz  (r  dr )dz ( rz  rz ))
z z r
r  zz  rz  rz p
z D=2R    0
z r r z

Constitutive equation (Newtonian liquid)

dz u z u u u
 zz    0  rz    ( z  r )    z
z r z r
1 u z  2u z p
Navier Stokes in z-direction (  2 )
r r r z
1  u p
 ( (r z )) 
r r r z
r 2 dp
General solution u z (r )    C1 ln r  C2
4 dz
R 2 dp r
Boundary conditions r=0,R u z (r )  (1  ( )2 )
4  dz R
Flow in a circular pipe
Volumetric flowrate
R R 2 4 1 4
R dp r  R dp  R dp
V   2 ru z (r )dr   2 r 2
(1  ( ) )dr   r *
(1  r *2
) dr *

0 0
4  dz R 2  dz 0
8 dz
Hagen Poisseuille law  R 4
dp D 2 dp

V u
8 dz 32 dz

Darcy Weisbach equation for calculation of pressure drop in channels

1 L 2 Dp 64 64 uD 
p   f u 2  f   f  Re 
2 D Lu 2 u D Re 
Reynolds number is an indicator of laminar/turbulent flow regime. Above the
value Re=2300 (in US) or 2100 (in EU ) the flow is mostly turbulent.
The complete profile including the turbulent flow regime is presented in the
Moody diagram (see next page) or described by using correlation Churchill S.W.:
Friction factor equation spans all fluid-flow regimes. Chemical Engineering, 1977,
84 pp.91-92.
Flow in a circular pipe
1 2 L
Pressure drop in a circular pipe Darcy Weisbach equation p   f  u
2 D
Frinction factor f
depends upon Re
and relative
Flow in an annular gap
Navier Stokes equation for flow between two concentric pipes is the same
and its general solution is also the same as with the circular pipe
r 2 dp
u z (r )    C1 ln r  C2
4  dz
uz(r) Only the boundary conditions are different, giving
R22 dp r 2 1  2 r
D1=2R1 D2=2R2 u z (r )  (1  ( )  ln )
4 dz R2 1 R2
4 2 2

 R dp (1   )
(use per partes for integration r lnr) V  2
(1   4  )
8 dz 1

100 96-parallel
64 (1   ) 2 64
f  2
 f ( ) 90
Re 1   Re
1  2 
l f.Re


70 64-circular
verify that the limit for 1 is 60
3/2 using expansion 2
3 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
ln(1   )      ...
2 3 R1/R2
Equivalent diameter
General cross section of a channel can be characterized by equivalent hydraulic
diameter Dh, that is used in definition of Reynolds number.
Cross section Volume of channel

4 A 4V
Dh  
Perimeter of cross Surface of wall

At turbulent flows the same correlations for pressure drop (friction factor) can
be used. Correlations for circular pipe are usually used, however the cross sections with sharp corners (triangles,
cusped ducts) lead to error up to 35% .

Equivalent diameter is used also in laminar flows, but different correlations for
different cross sections must be used (from this point of view the laminar regime is more complicated).
Modified definitions of equivalent diameter exist for specific classes of cross sections (e.g. average distance from the point
of maximum velocity in triangles, or square root of the cross section area, see next slides).
Equivalent diameter and fRe
Equivalent diameter for rectangular cross section
4ab 2b
Dh   Increased  when compared with

2(a  b) 1  b / a circular pipe

b a a a
 f Re  96(1  1.355  1.9467( ) 2  1.701( ) 3  ...)
b b b
Equivalent diameter for excentric inner tube is independent of excentricity!
4 ( R22  R12 )
Dh   2( R2  R1 )
2 ( R2  R1 ) However fRe decreases

64(1   ) 2 with the increasing

 f Re  excentricity!
e 1
1   2  (1   2 ) / ln

fRe varies from the values about 30 (corners) to about 130 (bundle of pipes)

 f Re  28
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
How to calculate the volumetric flowrate in a circular pipe as a function of
pressure drop in the case of non-Newtonian fluids?

In 1D case (fully developed unidirectional axial flows) the constitutive equations

for incompressible generalised Newtonian fluids (GNF) can be expressed as
du z 
    f ( ) f ( )  for Newtonian fluid 
dr 

f ( )  ( )1/ n for Power law fluid
  y
f ( )  for Bingham fluid
p 
Volumetric flowrate for quite arbitrary radial velocity profile is
 r2 1 du (r ) 2 du (r )
V  2  ru z (r )dr  2 ([ u z (r )]0R   z r dr )    z r 2 dr    f ( )r 2 dr
2 2 0 dr 0
dr 0
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
Radial shear stress profile follows from the equilibrium of forces
r (r) R r 2 p  2rz R
 r 
R 2 p  2Rz w w

This linear shear stress profile holds for any fluid and can be used for
replacement of the integration variable r
R R 
R R R w

V    f ( )r dr    f ( )(  )
2 2
d   ( )  f ( ) 2 d

0 0
w w w 0

This is Rabinowitsch Mooney Weissenberg (RMW) equation


1 w giving volumetric flowrate regardless of
3 
 f ( ) d specific model as a function of wall shear
 R w 0 stress Rp
w 
Non-Newtonian fluid flow

Application RMW equation for power law fluid f ( )  ( )1/ n
1 n  w 1/ n n R p 1/ n
1/ n 3 
2 1/ n
  d  ( )  ( )
R K w 0 3n  1 K 3n  1 2 LK

Friction factor
2 Dp 64 32  Lu 2 u 3n  1 n 2 LK
f   Re g  p  ( )
 Lu 2
Re g Dp R n R
n 2 n
n n D u Modified Reynolds
Re g  8( ) number (reduces to
2(3n  1) K standard Re for n=1)
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
  y
Application RMW equation for Bingham fluid f ( ) 

 4 4
1 w   y 2 1  w  y  w3   y3 w 4y 1 y 4
 3   d  3
(  y ) (1   ( ) )
 R w y p  p w 4 3 4 p 3 w 3 w

Introducing the friction factor and expression for the wall shear stress

2 Dp 8 w uD 
f  2
 Re 
 Lu u 2 p
we obtain
64 4 y 1 y 4
 1 ( )  ( )
 f Re 3 w 3 w

Remark: Given pressure drop (therefore w) it is quite easy to calculate flowrate. Reversely: given
flowrate the pressure drop must be calculated by solution of algebraic equation of the 4 th order (but
there exists graphical representation of the previous equation).
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
Exercise: Derive the RMW equation for the Herschel Bulkley model

   y 1/ n
f ( )  ( )
K-consistency, n-power law index, y-yield stress

V  w 1n n  y 3nn1 2n  y  y 2 nn1 n y 2  y nn1

( ) [ (1  )  (1  )  ( ) (1  ) ]
R K 3n  1 w 2n  1  w w n 1  w w

….verify that the n=1 reduces to the previously derived Bingham model.
Non-Newtonian fluid flow
Practical importance of RMW equation is in the fact that it enables generalization
of experiments with arbitrary liquid, without necessity to identify a specific
rheological model.

p w 
differential pressure transducer 2L
V V
 R3
pump flow meter

Diagram of consistency variables

Experimentally determined curves w,  are independent of the pipe dimensions,

therefore can be used for design of pipelines (with the same liquid and at the
same temperature).
Remark: different w,  curves recorded at different diameters of pipes indicate anomalies, for example wall slip
(Mooney analysis), different flow regime (turbulent flow) or experimental errors (insufficient stabilization length of pipe,
Bagley correction).
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
x 10

11 p  pressure drop

fluid X 9

pump 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

V  flowrate
x 10

flow meter

differential pressure transducer

Research described in the following
pages was motivated by
experimentally determined strange
behaviour of a secret fluid X:
How is it possible that one and the
same fluid at the same temperature
and at the same flowrate exhibits
different pressure drops ?
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
Thixotropic fluids are characterised by viscosity, which depends upon the deformation
history (structure and consistency is affected by shear rate at previous times).
Example of constitutive equation of a thixotropic liquid was presented as the HZS
model (see previous lecture). Problem of pressure drop of a thixotropic fluid in laminar flow in
a circular pipe is usually solved numerically, see the list of relevant papers
Ahmadpour A., Sadeghy K.: An exact solution for laminar, unidirectional flow of Houska thixotropic fluids in a circular pipe. J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mechanics, 194 (2013), pp.23-31
Corvisier P., Nouar C., Devienne R., Lebouché M.: Development of a thixotropic fluid flow in a pipe. Experiments in Fluids, 31 (2001), pp.579-587
Schmitt L., Ghnassia G., Bimbenet J.J., Cuvelier G.: Flow properties of stirred Youghurt: Calculation of the pressure drop for a thixotropic fluid. J.Food Eng.
37 (1998), pp.367-388
Escudier M.P., Presti F.: Pipe flow of a thixotropic liquid. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 62 (1996), pp.291-306
Billingham J., Fergusson J.W.J.: Laminar unidirectional flow of a thixotropic fluid in a circular pipe. J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 47 (1993), pp.21-55
Kemblowski Z., Petera J.: Memory effects during the flow of thixotropic fluids in pipes. Rheol.Acta 20, (1981), pp. 311-323

Sestak J., Zitny R., Houska M.: Změny vlastností tixotropních látek v průběhu zpracování. In 21.konf.SSChI, Vyhne °1994 (HZS model, evaluation of
structural parameter change in a continuous system of series of ideally mixed vessels)
Sestak J., Zitny R., Houska M.: Dynamika tixoropnich kapalin. Rozpravy CSAV Praha 1990
Sestak J., Zitny R., Houska M.: Simple rheological models of food liquids for process design and quality assessment. Journal of Food Engineering, 1983,
pp.35-49 (thixotropic integral model Zitny, and differential model HZS)
Sestak J., Houska M., Zitny R.: Mixing of thixotropic fluids. Journal of Rheology, 1982, pp. 459-475
Zitny R.: Nestacionární tok tixotropní kapaliny v trubce. Acta polytechnica, 1977, pp.95-102 (integral model of thixotropy solved by assuming that the
structural parameter depends only upon time and axial coordinate)
Zitny R.: Vliv dissipace a tixotropie na tok nenewtonskych kapalin v trubce. Disertation CVUT 1977
Sestak J., Zitny R.: Tok tixotropni kapaliny v trubce. Acta Polytechnica, 1976, pp.45 (integral model of thixotropy, pressure drop calculated from correlation
 f Re m u where is Deborah number, ratio of relaxation and process time)
1/ De De 
 1  ( SN  1) De(1  e ) L
         
 64 SN structural number (K 0 / K  )
 -time constant
of thixotropy
Rem Reynolds for De Deborah number
power law fluids
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
The HZS model of thixotropic fluids is represented by the Herschel Bulkley
constitutive equation (a combination of power law liquid with a consistency
coefficient K and power law index n and Bingham liquid with a yield stress y )

 
 
 n 1
 y   y  
 
  2(( K  K  )  2 :    
 
 )
  2 : 
Structural parameter =1 describes fully recovered inner structure (and high
consistency of liquid), while =0 corresponds to completely destroyed structure (and
minimum consistency K and yield stress). Time changes of  are described by

D 
   m

   D   a(1   )  b  2 :  
Dt       
diffusion       
(usually neglected) structure decay
There exist many different modifications and interpretations, for example the latest work, Ahmadpour (2013), assumes only
partial and not the material time derivative on the left side, the diffusion term on the right side is considered only by Billingham
and Fergusson (1993) in a generalized Moore’s model of thixotropy.
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
The tensorial form of the HZS model can be simplified for the special case of
unidirectional simple shear flow to scalar equations for the shear stress  and the
shear rate   u
r    y   y   ( K  K  )

 D  2   a (1   )  b
 m
Dt      
regeneration decay
Complete solution of a creeping laminar flow in a pipe should calculate axial as
well as radial profiles of velocity and structure parameter based upon linearity of
radial shear stress profile u(t,r,x) (t,r,x) =w r/R

A great simplification would be assumption that the  depends only upon the axial
coordinate and time, (t,x). This assumption can be accepted only if the flow is so slow that the diffusion in the
radial direction has enough time to equalize the radial profile of  and that the problem of -transport with a nonuniform radial
velocity profile can be substituted by a model with “plug flow” (constant velocity) and modified diffusion in the axial direction
(model of axial dispersion, which will be discussed later – lecture on mass transport)
   2
u  Da 2  a (1   )  b m
t x   x   
regeneration decay
constant dispersion
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
For  independent of radial coordinate it is possible to apply RMW (Rabinowitsch,
Mooney, Weissenberg) equation with K *  K  K ,  *y   y   y
 *
1 w    y 1/ n 2
 3  ( * )  d 
 R w y K
 w 1n n  *y 3nn1 2n  y
 *y 2 nn1 *
n y 2  *y nn1
 ( *) ( (1  )  (1  )  ( ) (1  ) )
K 3n  1 w 2n  1  w w n 1  w w
We need to calculate pressure drop (dp/dx=2w/R) for given flowrate therefore it
is necessary to invert the previous equation
* * V n
w   K (
y )
 ( w )R 3
n 1 y 2n  *y 2  *y 3
 (1   (( )  n( ) )
3n  1 2n  1  w (2n  1)(n  1)  w w
Remark: Iterative evaluation is necessary, but is fast and convergent for arbitrary n,K,y
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
If the structural parameter depends only upon x and time and if we neglect the axial
dispersion term the evolution of  is described by hyperbolic partial differential
 
u  a (1   )  b m
t x
which can be integrated analytically along characteristic dx=u.dt as soon as the
velocity and shear rate are constant V V
u ,   3
R   R
shear rate

1  ( a  b m )( t t0 )
 (t )   m
[a  (a  (a  b )0 )e ]
a  b m

(t) is value of structural parameter of a fluid particle having value 0 at time t0

(assuming that the particle is under action of constant shear rate).
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
In our experiment the fresh fluid at the inlet to pipe has (pressumably) fully
fluid X recovered structure, therefore 0=1. At a distance x from inlet depends 
of a fluid particle upon the time of action (t=x/u) and upon the intensity of
pump action (m). The time of action decreases with the increasing flowrate,
while the intensity of decomposition increases with flowrate:
flow meter
x R
1  ( a  BV m )
p ( x, V ) 
0,53 (a  BV e m V
differential pressure transducer
a  BV m

2R 0,51

x 0,50
=1 =? 0,49
It is interesting that there exists a 0,48

flowrate when  is minimum, see graph. 0,47

This extreme (maximum of thixotropy 0,46
effect) is determined by equation 0,00E+00 5,00E-05 1,00E-04 1,50E-04 2,00E-04 2,50E-04 3,00E-04

 (V , a, b, x, R, m)


V …that must be solved numerically.
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
Resulting expressions (for example expressions for friction factor, for structural
parameter, etc) are usually formulated in terms of dimensionless parameters,
Debora number, thixotropy number, Bingham number and other, see for example Billingham,
Fergusson (1993) .

V b V m
De  Tx  ( 3 )
2 V m a R
xR (a  b( 3 ) )
Deborah number De is the ratio of thixotropic time scale and the process
time. The thixotropic number Tx is just the ratio of decay and bildup terms.
The „optimum flowrate“ condition  0 can be expressed generally as
 1 Tx
e De
(m   (1  m) )  m
De De
…and for the special case m=1, the Debora number at maximum tixotropy
goes to infinity. Nontrivial optimum exists only for m<1.

Example: a=b=0.01, m=0.9, R=0.01, x=1 optimum at De=1, Tx=5.3 (therefore flowrate 2.10 -5 m3/s)
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
The following MATLAB program calculates pressures p
fluid X corresponding to the stepwise increase and decrease of flowrate

flow meter

differential pressure transducer
Vmin=V1 duration of time steps tistep is
determined according to flowrate
(velocity u) and constant x time
2R t1=0 tnstep

=1 L x

tistep  R2
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
% simulation (flowrate up and down) function [dt,lam]=lamnew(a,b,m,vdot,r,lamx,nx,dx)
l=3; %length of pipe % vector of structural parameters lam(1..nx) at time tnew
r=0.01; %radius % inlet value is always lam(1)=1 (fresh fluid)
nx=50;nstep=150; % a,b,m model parameters (see model HZS)
k=50; dk=500; ty=3000; dty=3000; n=0.8 % Herschel Bulkley u=vdot/(3.141*r^2);gamma=vdot/(3.141*r^3);
1 m
a=0.000001; b=0.01; m=0.9; % HZS thixotropy model lam(1)=1;dt=dx/u;gam=gamma^m;  (t )  [ a  (a  (a  b m )0 )e ( a b )(t t0 ) ]
vmin=1e-5; vmax=1e-4; % min,max.flowrate for i=1:nx-1 a  b m

x=linspace(0,l,nx);dx=l/(nx-1); lam(i+1)=(a-(a-(a+b*gam)*lamx(i))*exp(-(a+b*gam)*dt))/(a+b*gam);
% time sequence of flowrate and corresponding times end
v(1)=vmin;time(1)=0; function tauw=hb(ty,k,n,vdot,r)
for i=2:nstep2 % ty-yield stress, k-consistency, n-flow index, vdot-flowrate, r-radius
v(i)=v(i-1)+dv; time(i)=time(i-1)+dx*3.141*r^2/v(i-1); kappa=n/(3*n+1);
end eps=1e10;
for i=nstep2+1:nstep iter=0; V
 w   *y  K * ( )n
v(i)=v(i-1)-dv; time(i)=time(i-1)+dx*3.141*r^2/v(i-1); while (iter<50 & eps>1e-4)  ( w )R 3
end iter=iter+1;
 *y  *y  *y
lamx(1:nx)=1; tauw=ty+k*(vdot/(kappa*3.141*r^3))^n;   n (1  1 
(( ) 2  n( ) 3 )
t=ty/tauw; 3n  1 2n  1  w ( 2n  1)( n  1)  w w
[dt,lam]=lamnew(a,b,m,v(1),r,lamx,nx,dx); kappan=n/(3*n+1)*(1-t/(2*n+1)-2*n/((n+1)*(2*n+1))*(t^2+n*t^3));
figure(3) eps=abs(kappa-kappan);
hold off kappa=kappan;
for istep=2:nstep end
function [dp,taux]=dpa(k,dk,ty,dty,n,vdot,r,lamx,nx,dx)
% pipe length (nx-1).dx , radius r, flowrate vdot, strict parameter
% lam(1),...lam(nx)
if mod(istep,40)==0
% result: pressure drop dp, vector of wall stresses taux(1)....taux(nx)
plot(x(1:nx),lam(1:nx)) hold on
for i=1:nx
for i=1:nx-1
hold off
hold on
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
k=50 dk=500 ty=3000 dty=3000 n=0.8 a=0.000001 b=0.01 m=0.9

Very slow (180 s) Medium (70 s) Fast changes (25 s)

x 10 x 10
x 10
1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6

V flowrate

V flowrate
V flowrate
0.5 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time [s] time [s] time [s]
6 n=0.8, m=0.9 6
n=0.8, m=0.9 x 10 x 10 n=0.8, m=0.9
x 10 12
12 12

11 11
red diamond is starting
point (zero time, 10
minimum flowrate)
9 9
pressure drop

pressure drop
pressure drop

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5 4

4 4 3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
V flowrate -4 V flowrate -4 V flowrate -4
x 10 x 10 x 10
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
k=50 dk=500 ty=3000 dty=3000 n=0.8 medium rate of flowrate changes
n=0.8, m=0.9 6
n=0.8, m=0.9 x 10 n=0.8, m=0.9
x 10 x 10
2 12 7.5

b=0.001 b=0.05
1.8 11

10 b=0.01 6.5

a=0.000001 9
5.5 a=0.000001

pressure drop
pressure drop

pressure drop
8 5

1 4
0.8 5

0.6 4 2.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
V flowrate -4 V flowrate -4 V flowrate -4
x 10 x 10 x 10
x 10 n=0.8, m=0.9 x 10
n=0.8, m=0.9 7
n=0.8, m=0.9
x 10
12 14 2



10 12
b=0.01 11
b=0.01 b=0.01
pressure drop

pressure drop

pressure drop
10 1.4
6 1

5 0.8

4 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.6
V flowrate -4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10 V flowrate -4
V flowrate
x 10 x 10
Thixotropic fluid in a pipe
k=50 dk=500 ty=3000 dty=3000 n=0.8 a=0.001 b=0.01 m=0.9
6 7
x 10 n=0.8, m=0.9 7
x 10
12 x 10
1.8 2


m=0.9 1.6

pressure drop

pressure drop
pressure drop


5 0.6

4 0.4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.5
V flowrate -4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10 V flowrate -4
x 10 V flowrate -4
x 10

Navier Stokes equations

What is important (at least for exam)
Navier Stokes equations (2D incompressible)

u x u x u x p  2u x  2u x
(  ux  uy )     ( 2  2 )   gx
t x y x x y
u y u y u y p  2u y  2u y
(  ux  uy )    ( 2  2 )   gy
t x y y x y

Formulation with vorticity and stream function

   u x u y  2  2 g y g x
 (  ux  uy  (  ))   ( 2  2 )   (  )
t x y x y x y x y
 2  2
 2  
x y
What is important (at least for exam)
Drag flow between parallel plates (steady and transient)
Penetration depth
 (t )   t

Flow in a circular pipe

R 2 dp r
u z (r )  (1  ( ) 2 )
4 dz R
Darcy Weisbach, Reynolds number and Mooney diagram
1 L
p   f u 2
2 D

64 uD 
f  Re 
Re 
What is important (at least for exam)

Non Newtonian flows

RMW equation


1 w
3 
 f ( ) d
 R w 0
w 
2 z

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