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Department of

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Electrical & Electronics Engineering
RV College of world
Experiential Learning
Dynamic Model Analysis of DC Motor

Under the guidance of-

Prof. Sunanda C Team Members:
Pragya Singh 1RV20EE066
Vaishali Kharpuse 1RV20EE060
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• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Methodology
• Simulations And Results
• Reference
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INTRODUCTION Go, change the world

DC Motor acts as an energy conversion actutator that converts electrical energy to mechanical
energy. As the torque speed characteristic of DC motors are most compatible with most mechanical
loads, hence DC motors are always a good ground for advanced control algorithm.
PID ( Proportional Integral Derivative ) controllers are extensively operated in control algorthims in
industries due to their mathematical modelling and easy operation.

• Electircal Tractions
• Cutting Tools
• Robotic Manipulations
• PID Controllers
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Above mention dc motor can be analyzed

by its state space equation. With the
increase in motor torque T, the armature
current I, also increases by a constant Kt.
Also with the increase in the motor back e,
the rotational velocity also increases by the
constant Ke.

Non- linear Block Diagram of DC Motor

By combination of Newton’s law with The rotating speed and current act as
Kirchhoff’s law, state variables and space.

J stands for moment of inertia, b stands for friction coefficient, L

is armature inductance, R stands for armature resistance, V
stands for input voltage, K stands for electromotive force
constant, stands for angular acceleration.
RV College of
Engineering® Methods of Controlling Speed of DC Motor
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Variable Resistance
How to Control in Series with
the Seed of DC Armature
By this method, the voltage
Flux Control Method
The speed of a dc motor is
Motor? across the armature can be
inversely proportional to the flux
per pole. Thus by decreasing the
flux, speed can be increased and
vice versa.
To control the flux, a rheostat is Armature Control
added in series with the field
Method Voltage Control
Speed of a dc motor is directly Method
proportional to the back Emf,
thus, when V and Ra are kept
1. Multiple Voltage
constant, then the speed is Control
directly proportional to armature 2. Ward- Leonard
current Ia. System
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Author Paper/Book Title Publication Details Summary Remark
Luca Zaccrain DC Motors: Dynamic Received 25 June 2018, This article reviews Magnetic
Model and control Revised 12 July 2018, recent advances in Considerations
techniques Accepted 7 August 2018, the speed control were made in the
techniques used in rotating coil in a
Available online 10
order to control the specific way.
August 2018, Version of speed of a DC Motor.
Record 17 August 2018.

Zaharaddeen S. Iro, A Brief Review on Received: 5 April In this review paper, There is still room
C. Subramani* , S.S. DC Motor 2016 / Accepted: steacdy space model for improvement in
Dash 15 September 2016 of a dc motor was the design of DC
/ Published: 10 analysed with Motor in order to
November 2016 respect to the dynamically control
Lapalace transform. the speed of the
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RV College of
Engineering® OBJECTIVES

• By using generalized equation in MATLAB,

modelling of a DC motor is done.
• By using PID controller to analyze the
performance by controlling the speed of
modeled DC motor.
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Engineering® METHODOLOGY

Modelling of the DC Motor was done with reference to the State

Space and Laplace Transform Expression

Analysis of the DC Motor was done in the MATLAB

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vel purus Domain luctus.
Responses and
Frequency Domain Responses were analysed.
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Engineering® Laplace Transform Equation
In control system, analysis and design of technologies are applied for development in real-time. The analysis of
DC motor can be done easily by Laplace transform. The Laplace transform of Equation (2) is given as:
Js2 θ(s)+bs θ(s)=KI(s) (2.1)
Here s is the Laplace operator, θ(s) represents angular displacement in s domain. From Equation (2.2) I(s) is given

Which is substituted in Equation (2.1) to obtain:

This Laplace Equation for the DC motor is implemented by the block diagram in Figure
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Engineering® Laplace Transform Equation
From Equation (2.4), the transfer function (the ratio of θ(s) to voltage V(s) ) is:

The transfer function of the angular velocity ω(s) to the input voltage V (s) is (referring Figure 2):
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Analysis of DC Motor in MATLAB
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MATLAB Representation
In this project, the dynamic modeling of DC motor is implemented using Laplace transform expression.
The transfer function from Laplace transform expressions is put into MATLAB m-file by defining the
polynomial. Furthermore, function conv (A, B), which results in the product of the polynomials. The
transfer function is put in MATLAB using Voltage as input and velocity and angle as output.

Simulation Results
Here two types of analysis i.e. Time-Domain Analysis and Frequency-Domain Analysis is depicted.
These two responses are analyzed in the modeled DC motor by MATLAB m-file.
(A) Time-Domain Responses
Here the step and impulse response of the modeled DC motor is depicted from Figure 3 to 6.
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Analysis of DC Motor in MATLAB
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MATLAB Representation
In this project, the dynamic modeling of DC motor is implemented using Laplace transform expression.
The transfer function from Laplace transform expressions is put into MATLAB m-file by defining the
polynomial. Furthermore, function conv (A, B), which results in the product of the polynomials. The
transfer function is put in MATLAB using Voltage as input and velocity and angle as output.

Simulation Results
Here two types of analysis i.e. Time-Domain Analysis and Frequency-Domain Analysis is depicted.
These two responses are analyzed in the modeled DC motor by MATLAB m-file.
(A) Time-Domain Responses
Here the step and impulse response of the modeled DC motor is depicted from Figure 3 to 6.
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Analysis of DC Motor in MATLAB
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Analysis of DC Motor in MATLAB
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Analysis of DC Motor in MATLAB
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The performance of the DC motor whose modeling is done here is analysed by using a PID
controller for speed control test. The block diagram of PID controller with closed loop is depicted in
Figure 9.

By applying Laplace’s transform the transfer function C(s) of a PID controller with step response is
can be written as:

U = controller output
E = controller input
Kp = proportional gain
Ki = integral gain
Kd = derivative gain.

Now with necessary PID commands the program is made to run and the graph obtained is
depicted in Figure 10.
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Engineering® RESULT

A model of a DC motor using the generalized equation in MATLAB is obtained and the time domain and
frequency domain responses for both step, impulse and bode plot is respectively discussed. To do the
modeling and simulation of DC motor, the following steps are followed:
1) The DC motor circuit diagram is represented.
2) The system equations are created.
3) The transfer function is calculated.
4) Then the model block diagram is prepared.
5) The is done to simulate the model in programming MATLAB.
6) And finally the performance analysis is carried out.
The simulation parameters are set and the simulation is made to run to see the step response. For the
definition of the motor constants the given values for the physical quantities are assumed in Table 1:
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Engineering® RESULT

Symbol Description
Moment of inertia of
the rotor
B Damping ratio
Electromotive force
R Electrical Resistance

L Electrical Inductances
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Engineering® CONCLUSION

FUTURE SCOPE Following areas of further study are considered interesting:

1) To analysis the performance of higher order speed control to other non linear
systems may be attempted.

2) To reduce error of PID controller for dc motor may be attempted.

3) To control the speed by SEPIC converter when DC supply is Solar energy

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Engineering® REFERENCES Go, change the world

[1] Waseem Raza, Faizan Ali, Nadeem Raza"Recent Advances in Dynamic Model
Analysis”.Doi= "10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.08.013"
[2] Zaharaddeen S. Iro, C. Subramani* , S.S. Dash "A Brief Review on DC Motor ".
doi: 10.20964/2016.12.50
[3] Nathalie Devillers, Samir Jemei, Marie, Marie-Ceceile Pera "Review of speed
control methods of DC Motor". Doi: 2013.07.116/1652-77W/120/0876
[4] Jiajun Jiu, Zuomin Dong, Tianxu Jin, LI Liu,"Recent Advances in the field of DC
Motor". Doi: 10.1109/MESA.2018.8449191.

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