Have A Go!: Do Now Activity

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Do Now Activity – have a go!

(a)  Complete the table to give the names of the

Classification missing classification groups.
group Name

Kingdom Animalia
(b)  Give the binomial name of the ring-tailed lemur.
Use information from the table .
Phylum Chordata
  Mammalia (c) Complete the following sentence.
  Primates Living things can be grouped into animals,
  Lemuroidea microorganisms and ___________ .
Genus Lemur
(d) Who cam up with the 3 domains theory:
Charles Darwin
atch?v=6jAGOibTMuU Carl Linnaeus
Carl Woese
Self Assessment – make corrections in green
(b) Lemur catta

(c) Plants

(d) Carl Woese

Do Now Activity – have a go!

Ammonites are now extinct.

• Suggest three possible
causes of extinction.
Self Assessment – make corrections in green
•   flooding
•   drought
•   ice age
if none of these points given allow climate change / global warming / weather change /
environmental change
•   volcanic activity
•   asteroid collision
if none of these points given allow natural disaster / catastrophic event
•   (new) predators (allow hunters / poachers)
•   (new) disease / named pathogen
•   competition for food
•   competition for mates
•   isolation
lack of habitat or habitat change
• When asked to compare, you need to comment on both the similarities and
the differences. It’s important to take each similarity and difference in turn as
the mark schemes often offer only 1 mark per comparison, rather than a mark
for each individual set of similarities and differences. It’s important to use
comparative terms such as longer, fewer, faster or to say that one has
something while the other lacks something.

• H – Meiosis and mitosis are different types of division in human cells.

Compare the two processes by referring to where each takes place and the
kind of products that are made.
• F – Compare the advantages and disadvantages of a kidney transplant to
Self Assessment – make corrections in green
• one mark for each of the following, comparisons transplant is permanent / dialysis is repetitive
to a maximum of 6, candidates must make a treatment / dialysis only short term
clear comparison:  kidney works all the time / dialysis intermittent
poisoning / damage to body by build-up of
meiosis mitosis substances (with dialysis)
 sexual asexual risk of blood clots with dialysis or anticlotting
 gametes growth drugs (can lead to blood loss)
 ovary or testes all other cells  long term expense of dialysis / excessive use of
health service resources
 half number chromosomes same number c
social point – inconvenience of dialysis described
– can eat or drink without constraint with
 haploid diploid transplant
 variation possible no variation Risk of rejection with transplant.
 4 cells produced 2 cells produced Long waiting list for transplant, may not find a
 2 divisions 1 division match.
Use of immunosuppressant drugs with transplant.
• Bio = living
• Diversity = variety

What is food security and what affects it?

Food security is having enough food to feed a population.
• the increasing birth rate
• changing diets in developed countries
• new pests and pathogens
• environmental changes
• the cost of agricultural inputs
• conflicts
Sustainable fishing

• Maintaining fish stocks (populations) so that future generations are

• Fishing quotas - limits on how much can be caught
• No fishing in breeding season
• Nets with larger holes so that younger fish can escape and breed
Intensive Farming:
Farmers need to make sure their animals are transferring as much of the
energy from the food they ingest to growth biomass as possible.

How is energy lost in a food chain? How can farmers ‘fix’ this?

• What if we restricted their movement?

• What if we reduced the need to maintain their own body temp?
• What if we fed them a carefully controlled diet?
• What if we made sure they could not be infected with pathogens?
Have a go:
• Short answer exam question fishing and farming
Self Assessment – make corrections in green
(a) (i) any three from:
• lights to help guide / attract fish (to the holes)
• (rigid so) holes stay open
• (holes) allow small / young fish to escape
• (so that) they can breed
(ii) (fishing) quotas / legislation
(b) (i) movement is restricted
(in a building or close together so) heat is conserved
allow in heated buildings to reduce heat loss
(ii) any two from:
• it is cruel allow descriptions of ‘cruelty’
• disease spreads faster
• (meat) often has antibiotics in it
Deliberate Practice – show me what you have
How is the increasing human population causing a reduction in
Link activity to its consequence!

Think about what an increased population needs land for!

Self Assessment – make corrections in green
human land use link to atmospheric
• increasing population requires more food pollution
• crops / livestock for food • more carbon dioxide
(from farm animals /
• farming crops for biofuels machinery)
• peat use as compost • more methane (from
• peat use as fuel cows)
• increased use of pesticide / insecticide / herbicide / fertilisers • climate change or
• use of free-range / organic methods increases land use (for global warming
same yield) • example of impact on
link to biodiversity biodiversity
• deforestation • acid rain
• monocultures • desertification
• loss of hedgerows (to make fields larger) Answers referring to only
• loss of habitat land use or only
biodiversity are level 1
• consequence of loss of habitat eg (change in) migration
• fertiliser run off polluting water
• use of pesticide / insecticide / herbicide reduces insects /
plants which damages food chains
• more soil erosion
• In the exam, if you are asked to evaluate, you have to put forward
advantages and disadvantages. A good way to revise these questions
is to create a table of ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ and use this to evaluate the
common topics that come up in the exams.

• Common evaluate questions in Biology often involve a sweeping

statement like ‘all GM crops are dangerous’, where you have to look at
the evidence for both sides and then make a conclusion. (Think
about extinction for this!)
Revise at home:
Foundation Both (I will go through most of Higher
Classification DNA structure Mitosis/meiosis
Kidney transplant Genetic crosses Evolution//extinction/fossils
Water loss The brain Farming/food supply
The eye
Tropisms and photosynthesis!
Increasing population and
The decay of milk required practical

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