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Sexual herassment in egypt for both


‫االعتداء الجنسي في مصر علي الجنسين‬

1:males have more priorety than females in egypt
‫ل((لذكورا(سبقيه( ا(عليمنا((إلناثف(((يمصر‬

Let’s compare Between the sexual harassment accidents between males and
Females:In 2021 their was two issues the first one was for the dentist
basem samir . Dr basem was sentenced with 16 years in jail for harassment
and indecent assault for 4 men
 While the second issue was for the actor shady Khalaf .shady Khalaf
sentenced with only 3 years in jail for harassment and indecent assault
but he has harrased 7 girls which is a huge number and keep in mind
that shady’s issue was sentenced in 5 months and basem’s issue was
sentenced after 7 months
 ‫ كان هناك‬، 2021 ‫ في عام‬:‫لنقارن بين حوادث التحرش الجنسي بين الذكور واإلناـث‬
16 ‫ حكم على الدكتور باسم بالسجن‬.‫ األولى كانت لطبيب األسنان باسم سمير‬، ‫قضيتان‬
‫عاما بتهمة التحرش وهتك العرض ألربعة رجال‬
 ‫ سنوات‬3 ‫ وحكم على شاـدي خلف بالسجن‬، ‫بينما كان اإلصدار الثاـني للممثل شادي خلف‬
‫ فتيات وهو عدد هائل مع العلم‬7 ‫فقط بتهمة التحرش واالعتداء الفاحش لكنه قام بمراوغة‬
‫ أشهر‬7 ‫ أشهر و صدر الحكم على قضية بسام بعد‬5 ‫أن قضية شادي ُحكم عليها في‬
The victims started to speak up
‫بــــدأ اــلضحايا فـــياــلتحدث‬

In 2020: 3 girls talked about their accidents with Ahmed Basam, the AUC student and he was ssntenced with 8 years

In 2021: 4 men talked about their accidents with Dr. Basem samir and two of the men who talked was public figurs he first one

was the actor abbas abo el hassan and the secound one was the singer tameem younis and he was sentenced with 16 years

also seven girls talked about their accidnets with the actor shady Khalaf and he was sentenced with 3 years


2023: the Egyptian InHigh school students complained about the way of inspection for entering the exam which I’d ​obviously

Harassment for both boys and girls

 the ministry of education stoped that immediately and announced that this is eligible and that the invigilators shouls stick to

the rules that wa clearly defined by the ministry of education before the exams and never touch the students body’s

‫‪The victims started to speak up‬‬

‫بــــدأ اــلضحايا فـــياــلتحدث‬
‫في ‪ :2020‬تحدثت ‪ 3‬فتيات عن حوادثهن مع الطالب أحمد بسام بالجامعة وحكم عليه بالسجن ‪٨‬سنوات‬

‫في عام ‪ 4 :2021‬رجال تحدثوا عن حوادثهم مع الدكتور باسم سمير واثنين من الرجال الذين تحدثوا من الشخصيات العامة أولهم الممثل‬

‫‪.‬عباس أبو الحسن والثاني المطرب تميم يونس وحكم عليه بالسجن ‪ 16‬عاما‬

‫كما تحدثت سبع فتيات عن عالقتهن مع الممثل شادي خلف وحكم عليه بالسجن ‪ 3‬سنوات‬

‫‪: ...‬في عـام ‪2022‬‬

‫في عـام ‪ 2023‬اشتكى طالب الثانوية المصرية من طريقة التفتيش لدخول االمتحان والتي من الواضح أنها كانت تضايق كل من ‪‬‬

‫األوالد والبنات‬

‫فورا وأعلنت أن ذلك غير قنوني و ان على المراقبين االلتزام بالقواعد التي حددتها‬
‫أوقفت وزارة التربية والتعليم ذلك ً‬
Sexual harassment in south Korea

Sexual assault culture in South Korea has become a significant challenge, with a high proportion of
sexual harassment offenses ranking it at #46 in the world. The country has one of the highest rates of
femicide, with a woman being murdered every 1.8 days, accounting for more than half of all homicides
there. Sexual harassment can take various forms, including workplace sexual harassment, tech-facilitated
abuses and groping culture.

Workplace sexual harassment:

Workplace sexual harassment is the most frequent type of harassment and is a major threat in the
working environment, with 8 out of 10 working women reporting sexual harassment or abuse from a co-
worker both inside and outside of the workplace.

. Tech-facilitated abuses:
Tech-facilitated abuses, such as spycam monitoring and social media sites, have also contributed to the
spread of sexual assault through instances of uses of illicit filming, distribution and faked images of a
sexually explicit nature.

. Groping culture:
Groping culture involves men bringing beautiful women into nightclubs to persuade other men to spend their money, however if the women
decline the offer to go there,, the men trying to make more profit at their clubs can get aggressive and violent with them. The number of sexual
harassment complaints on subway vehicles during rush hour has increased by 26% since 2008, with over 50 instances recorded each month.
These instances include men sneaking pictures up skirts or going as far as to physically grope the women they choose to target. The real number
of cases may be greater than the publicly made data due to many women being scared to report the occurrences.
 Due to women's lack of political, economic and social power, South Korea's judicial system has
routinely failed to prevent violence against them. They're frequently accused of being at fault for
the rape, harassment and violence they are put through and are viewed as objects. Women are
taught to be weak and obedient in this society, which fosters a climate of shame and silence
 According to a 2015 poll, young female employees are less likely to report harassment to the police
or higher-up management. As a result of police personnel frequently ridiculing and degrading
victims throughout interrogations, this encourages aggression and victimization even more.
 With just 30% of judges and 4% of police being women, the situation is exacerbated by how
heavily the police and judicial systems are dominated by men. The South Korean legal system
treats violent incidents like domestic abuse or sexual assault as private concerns. And the nation's
policies instead concentrate on the effects of the crime rather than addressing its underlying
 In order to reduce violence and provide a more welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for
women, South Korea’s government and society must address its underlying causes
#Me Too movement

 Tarana Burke popularized the #Me too movement in 2006 and it has acquired enormous
popularity in South Korea in recent times. It gives women and girls a forum to share their stories,
bring attention to the difficulties of women and take action. The male-dominated society in South
Korea makes it practically impossible for female victims of sexual assault to disclose their
experiences for fear of being judged or losing their jobs. According to a 2016 assessment of
sexual violence by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF), just 1.9 percent of
raped women reported their attack to the police
 Park Won-soon Ahn Heejung, the mayor of Busan, and other well-known men have fallen as a
result of the movement. Park is currently serving time in jail for raping and harassing Kim Ji-eun,
his former secretary. Because of prosecutor Seo Ji-hyeon’s bold act, which set off a domino
effect and pushed other women to talk about things previously thought to be taboo, such as
domestic and sexual assault, the campaign urged victims to come forward and confess their
experiences using their true identities
 The #MeToo campaign has received criticism despite its many achievements, with some
claiming that victims purposefully singled out males for sexual assault. This response intensified
after a male actor who had been accused of assault was discovered dead in what appeared to
be a suicide. As a result, 40% of claims from female victims were declared untrue by critics, even
though only 2% of them had been shown to be so.
 The #MeToo movement in Korea, according to Speaker Lee Sooyeon, is a ”work in progress” that
was motivated by the victims’ bravery and the need for action to eliminate female inequality.
Sexual harassment in uk
Sexual harassment: any unwanted sex like action
that makes others feel scared, annoyed or upset

 Rate reported 29%

 20% of women experience sexual violence
 It is a criminal offence in England and Wales. The maximum
is 6 month custody for such behavior
 Stalking, indecent exposure and any sexual behavior involving
contact physically is a crime with at least 15 years in prison
 England has “the English victim support” for the victims of
both genders
 Only 2.3% of adults experienced sexual harassment
Sexual assault: unwanted physical sexual behaviour
towards others without consent

 About 85,000 women and 12,000 men experience sexual assault every
 England is 28th by rape statistics
 9 in 10 girls get called sexiest names during there teenage life time
 94% of the rape victims every year are females
popular casses of sexual harassment in Egypt
south korea and uk
 egy/in 2021
tamim younis s ex wife nada adel reveled in a vedio on social media that she had been raped by him during
their marriage

 South korea/The Nth Room

chat groups on Telegram were revealed to include highly violent and sexually explicit content in 2020.With
260,000 people paying up to £1,200 to see this cruel pornography, at least 74 victims-including 26 underage
girls-were made to post agonizing and graphic recordings. Moon, also known as GodGod, would pose as a
police officer and request users’ personal information, according to the investigation report published by
Kukmin llbo. Moon was then able to gather personal data, including addresses, buddy lists, schools, and bank
account details, to use as leverage when coercing teenage girls into giving images of their faces and bodies.
 Uk/Lily Collins
Her relationship was abusive verbally and emotionally as he’d use bad language about her and what she was
wearing basically slut shaming her as she became very silent as her anxiety got the best of her. She started
having panic attacks and kidney problems things only got better when she went to therapy and started to heal as
for now she is happily married to “Charlie McDowell”
Results of our group survey

• Sexual harassment can happen to males too.

• Only 20% said they reported it • Where only 20% of males have
faced sexual harassment
• Sexual harassment can occur anywhere.
• But about 70% admitted to being too • Over 80% of women have
scared or ashamed to experienced it.

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