LAS 2 - Types of Set

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Types of

Mathematics 7
Answer the following questions.

1. What do we call to the collection of well-defined

objects? SET
Capital Letters
2. Sets are usually denoted by _____________.
3. Identify if it is a set or not: “set of all tall students in
our school.” Not a SET
Small Letters
4. Elements of set are represented by ____________.
5. What symbol is used to group the elements? Braces
6. Element
_____ refers to the objects/ideas in a set.

To introduce and define the different
types of set.
 To answer the give exercise.
 To learn the importance of
understanding one’s set of priorities.
Georg Cantor
German mathematician who
founded set theory. He first
encountered sets while
working on “Problems on
Trigonometric Series.” Sets
are being used in
mathematics problem since
GGROE they were discovered.
Universal Set  Empty/Null Set  { } or
U ∅
 It is the set of all elements  It is a set which does not
under consideration in contains any element.
each discussion. Examples:
Examples: • A = {x|x is a month containing 32
• Set of real numbers days}
• All students in ICCS • Set of odd numbers divisible by 2
Finite and Infinite Sets
 A set which is empty or consist of a definite numbers
of elements is called FINITE otherwise; the set is
called INFINITE.
Set of days in a week  Finite Set NOTE: Empty/Null Set is
A = {10, 20, 30, 40, … 100}  Finite Set an example of FINITE
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}  Infinite Set SET.
Set R is the set of points in a line Infinite Set
Set of odd numbers which are divisible by 2  Finite Set
Equal Set  = Equivalent Set  ≈

Two sets are equal if Two sets are equivalent

they have the same if they have same
elements. number of elements.
Examples: Examples:
• {a, e, o} = {e, o, a} • {a, b, c, d} ≈ {1, 2, 3, 4}
• {2, 4, 6, 8} = {8, 2, 6, • X = {∆, ◊, } ≈ Y= {pie, lie
4} die}
Note: All equal sets are
equivalent sets.
Cardinality of Set
 The number of elements in each set.
Set Q is the set of M = {triangles
colors in a
with 4 sides}
n(Q) = 7 n(M) = 0
B = {2, 4, 6, 8, Note: Cardinality of an
…}= ∞
n(B) empty set is zero.
n(D) = 6
EXERCISE 1 Complete the table.

{red, blue, yellow} 3 FINITE

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} 5 FINITE
{5, 7, 9, 11, 6 FINITE
13, 15}
{ } 0 FINITE

{2, 4, 6, 8, …} ∞ INIFINITE
{h, u, m, i,
l, t, y}
{10, 20, 30, …} ∞ INIFINITE
EXERCISE 2A Answer the following questions.

What might be an appropriate universal set for each of these

• The set of Samsung cellular phones
Answer: The set of cellular phones
• The set of girls playing badminton
Answer: The set of girls enrolled in
• The set of colorssports
in a rainbow
Answer: The set of
• The set of colors
prime numbers between 0 and 10
Answer: The set of real numbers
EXERCISE 2B Answer the following questions.
Consider these sets.
A = {5, 3, 1} D = {7, 2} G = {3, 4}
B = {a, b, c} E = { } H=∅
C = {3, 1, 5}F = {red, blue, pink}

• Which of the set/s is/are equal to set A?

Answer: Sets A and B; Sets E and H

• Which of the set/s is/are equivalent to set A?

Answer: Sets A and C; Sets A and C; Sets A and F; Sets B and F; Sets D and
• Name the sets that are equivalent but not equal.
Answer: Sets A and C; Sets A and F; Sets B and F; Sets D and
Priorities must constantly be made clear, and one
to must be well-organized to complete tasks in the
Ponde correct sequence. This is a crucial resource for
achieving everything in life. Priorities must first be
r defined after one has determined what must be done.
We will never have enough time to complete all our
goals. Knowing the priorities of your tasks will help
you complete them in the most efficient sequence
possible within the constraints of the time you have
Youtube Links:
(As Supplementary Learning References)

 Universal Set

 Null or Empty Set


 Infinite and Finite Sets

 Equal and Equivalent Sets

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