LAS 1 - Intro To Sets

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Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ,
Thank you for another life to enjoy, another day to learn, and
a new set of things we will experience.
As we go through our lessons today, may let us be
instruments to do good things. Help us be obedient, honest, and
kind to one another. Please bless our teachers, our schools, and
the students.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Introduction to
• To define Sets and Elements.
• To describe and illustrate
well-defined sets.
• To answer the given
• To exhibit social acceptance
by having positive
Explore: shirt ball
toy car cap

Look at the objects beside.

1. How can you group the orange doll
objects? Name each group.
2. How many groups can you
form? Is there an object that
belongs to more than one
blouse mango teddy bear
Some possible groups are as follows:
 The ball, toy car, doll, and teddy bear belong
to the group of toys.
The mango, orange and guava belong to the
group of fruits.
The toy car, cap, and doll belong to the group
of red objects.
What do you call now these groups of
object you have formed?
What is set?
The collection of well-defined distinct objects
is known as a set.
 The word ‘well-defined’ refers to a specific property
which makes it easy to identify whether the given object
belongs to the set or not. Meaning, there is no ambiguity
as to whether an object belongs to it.
 The word ‘distinct’ means that the objects of a set must
be all different.
C = {red, blue, yellow, green, “The collection of good students
Well-defined set since it is clear at ICCS”
Not a set. What does it mean to be
what is in the collection/group. “good?” Does the collection refer to
past or present students? All these
The collection of young people questions indicate the statement is
that are residents of Quezon ambiguous, i.e., it is not clear which
Cityset. What does it mean to be
Not a students are members of this
"young"? To someone that is 80 collection, hence, the collection is not
years old, a person that is 40 is “The collection of the currently
young, but a 20-year-old person enrolled students at ICCS with a
may not consider 40 to be grade above set
Well-defined 80”,since it is clear
young. The word “young” is an which students would belong to the
ambiguous term. Hence, the collection.
collection is not well-defined.
What is an element?

 Element refers to anything (i.e. objects/ideas) that belongs to a

set. The symbol () denotes element while the symbol ()
denotes not an element.

Suppose the set of students who were born June is named set
A. Jenny is born in June, so “Jenny  A” means Jenny is an
element of Set A. Jed is born in February, so “Jed  A” means Jed
is not an element of Set A.

NOTE: Every object in a set is unique: The same object

cannot be included in the set more than once.
The following conventions are used with sets:
• Capital letters are used to denote/name sets.
• Lowercase letters are used to denote elements of sets.
• Curly braces { } denote a list of elements in a set.

1) The set of vowels in the alphabet  A =
{a, e, i, o, u}
2) The set of counting numbers  B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}
The symbol ‘…’ is called ellipsis. It means that set B is
continuous and unending, since counting numbers are infinite.
3) The set of the letters in English alphabet  C = {a, b, c, … , x, y, z} -
Set ”C" contains all the letters of the alphabet, in alphabetical order.
The "..." is used to: 1) show the letters "d" through "w" belong to
the set, even though they are not listed individually; and 2) show that
the unlisted letters are arranged alphabetically (the pattern already
established by the a, b, c order).
4) The set of distinct letter in the word PHILIPPINES  D = {p, h, i, l, n, e, s}
or D = {h, i, p, n, e, l, s}
In listing the elements of the set, each distinct element is listed once, and
the order of the elements does not matter.
Let’s try these!
A. Tell whether the given set is well-defined or not.
1. The set of capital cities in the Well-defined
2. The set of excellent singers NOT

3. The set of graduates in ICCS Well-defined

last school year
4. The set of books in the library Well-defined

5. The set of great artist in the NOT

Let’s try these!
B. Fill in each blank with or .
A = {even numbers between 0 and 10}
B = {letters of alphabet between c and j}

∈ A
1) 2 __ 4) b __ B
 A
2) 5 __ 5) e __ B∈
 A
3) 12 __ 6) g __ B∈
•In what groups do you belong right now?
•How are you going to describe the groups
you belong?
•As a student, in what way do these groups
you mention boost your confidence?

People achieve "social acceptance" when they have positive

relationships with their peers and are valued for who they are.
As a result, it must be "internally motivated," stemming from
a notion that everyone has value and the right to belong.
People with and without disabilities can establish meaningful
connections because inclusion values diversity.
Thank you!
For questions/clarifications, email me at:
Closing Prayer
Thank you, Lord, for your presence with us this day. As
we depart from this space now, we ask you to bless us
throughout the remainder of the day and guide us safely
home. Do not let the learning and conversations of this
gathering die, but, instead, may they continue to ruminate
within us and bear fruit in our lives.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, and in the power of
the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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