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Perencanaan Tebal


 Rumus umum:

Log Wt18 = 9.36 log (SN+1)-0.20+Gt/(0.40+(1094/(SN+1)5.19))

+log (1/R) + 0.372(Si-3)

Wt18 = beban lalin selama UR atas dasar beban 18 kips yang
diperhitungkan terhadap faktor regional
Gt = log (4.2-Pt)/(4.2-1.5)
Si = soil support (korelasi CBR) (Bina Marga = DDT)
R = faktor regional (Bina Marga = FR)
SN = structural number (Bina Marga = ITP)
Soil Support
 Punya korelasi dengan CBRsubgrade
 Gunakan Grafik
 CBR  skala log
Si  skala linear

Soil Support Value (Si)

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

1 2 3 4 5 10 50 100 200
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Regional Factor
 Roadbed material frozen to depth of 0.2 to 1.0
5” (130 mm) or more
 Roadbed material dry, summer and fall 0.3 to 1.5
 Roadbed material wet, spring thaw 4.0 to
Percentage of Vehicle
Concentration (C)
80 Commercial vehicle in left lane
C (%)

50 Passenger cars in left lane

Percentage that commercial vehicle were
20 of total traffic both lane
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Total Volume in One Direction-hundreds of vehicle/hour
Structural Layer Coefficients
Pavement Component Coefficient (ai)
- Road Mix (Campuran di jalan), low stability 0.20
- Plant Mix (AMP), high stability 0.44
- Sand asphalt 0.40
- Sandy gravel 0.07
- Crushed stone 0.14
- Cement treated base 0.15-0.23
- Bitumeous Treated (ATB&ATBL)
a. coarse graded 0.34
b. sand asphalt 0.30
- Lime treated (campuran kapur & batu) 0.15-0.30
- Sandy gravel 0.11
- Sand or sandy clay 0.05-0.10
Axle Load Representative Axle Equiv. No. Of Equiv. 18 kip
Group (lbs) Load, Lbs Factor Axles Single Axles
single axles
under 3000 2000 0.0003 512 0.2
3000-6999 5000 0.012 536 6.4
7000-7999 7500 0.0425 239 10.2
Contoh: 8000-11999 10000 0.12 1453 174.4
12000-15999 140000 0.4 279 111.6
Perhitungan 16000-18000 17000 0.825 106 87.5
18001-20000 19000 1.245 43 53.5
EDF 20001-21999 21000 1.83 4 7.3
22000-23999 23000 2.63 3 7.9
dari data 24000 and over 0 0.0
Sub total 458.9
Loadometer tandem axles
under 6000 4000 0.001 9 0.0
6000-11999 9000 0.008 337 2.7
12000-17999 15000 0.055 396 21.8
18000-23499 21000 0.195 457 89.1
24000-24999 27000 0.485 815 395.3
30000-32000 31000 0.785 342 268.5
32001-33999 33000 1 243 243.0
34000-35999 35000 1.245 173 215.4
36000-37999 37000 1.535 71 109.0
38000-39999 39000 1.875 9 16.9
40000-41999 41000 2.275 0 0.0
42000-43999 43000 2.74 1 2.7
44000 and over 0 0.0
Sub total 1364.3
Total 1823.2
Total all trucks = 3146
Pt = 2.5 SN = 3
Perhitungan EDF
dari data Loadometer

Rata2 per truck = 1823.2/3146 = (0) 0,579529561 (18 kip beban sumbu)
ADT awal = (1) 4000 kend/hari
ADT 20 th = (2) 6000 kend/hari
persen truk = (3) 20% dari ADT
ADT rata2 = [ (1)+(2) ] / 2 = (4) 5000 kend/hari
UR 20 th

ADT perlajur = (4) / 2 = (5) 2500 kend/hari

ADTTruck rata2 = (6) 500 kend/hari

Jumlah truk = (6) * 365 * 20 = (7) 3.650.000 truk

selama 20 th
- 4/2D Highway
- UR = 20 th
- ADT awal = 18608 vehicle Contoh:
- Jumlah truk = 14% ADT
- Pertumbuhan =
- Fakt. Reg =
- Data Traffic
- Asumsi SN Awal = 3
Axle load
axle load
Equivelent factor
No. of axles
per 1000
Equivalent 18 kip
single axle per Perkerasan
trucks 1000 trucks
single axles
under 3 2 0,0003 426,8 0,13
3-7 5 0,012 669,6 8,04
7-8 7,5 0,0425 228,2 9,70
8-12 10 0,12 678,8 81,46
16-18 14 0,4 230,9 92,36

28-30 29 6,92 0,19 1,31

Total 551,30
tandem axles
under 6 4 0,001 0,38 0,00
6-12 9 0,008 169 1,35
12-18 15 0,055 153,6 8,45
18-24 21 0,195 139,4 27,18
24-30 27 0,485 191 92,64
30-32 31 0,795 55,3 43,96

52-54 59 6,25 0,19 1,19

Total 365,41
EAL 18 kip = 551.3 + 365.41 = 916,71 per 1000 truck
Dari perhitungan ADT
i = 0.02 ; n = 20 th

Design ADT = 1/n (ADT) [(1+i)^n - 1]/(ln (1+i))

= 1/20 (18608) [(1+2%)^20 - 1]/(ln (1+2%))
= 22832 kendaraan/2 arah

Design ADT per arah 11416 kendaraan/hari

Jumlah kendaraan per jam untuk satu arah = 476 kend/jam

(Vph) --> 90 % (lihat gambar 1) -->> untuk multi lane
ADTTruck = 1598 trucks

ADTT pada lajur rencana = 1438 kend.

EAL = 1438*916.71/1000 = 1319

EAL UR 20 th = 9.625.682 EAL

Log Wt 18 = 6,98
CBR subgrade = 3%
D2,a2 Si = 3
CBR subbase = 30%
Si = 6.8
CBR base = 100%
Si = 8.8

Tebal perkerasan diatas subgrade: Tebal perkerasan diatas subbase: Tebal perkerasan diatas base:

CBR=3% CBR=30% CBR=30%

Pt=2.5 Pt=2.5 Pt=2.5
R=1 R=1 R=1
LogWt18=6.98 LogWt18=6.98 LogWt18=6.98

Masuk rumus umum!!! Masuk rumus umum!!! Masuk rumus umum!!!

didapat SN = 5.55 didapat SN = 3.45 didapat SN = 2.47

jadi: a1D1+a2D2+a3D3 = 5.55 jadi: a1D1+a2D2 = 3.45 jadi: a1D1 = 2.47

 Rumus umum:
Log Wt18 = 9.36 log (SN+1)-0.20+Gt/(0.40+(1094/(SN+1)5.19))
+log (1/R) + 0.372(Si-3)

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