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The objective of the DWP is to ensure that all defence works and
services – capital, revenue and maintenance – are completed within
time frame and in a cost-effective manner compatible with the efficient
functioning of the Defence Services. The revised DWP 2020 enumerates
the mechanisms of and conditions for planning, programming,
budgeting, approval and execution of such works and services
Organisational chart of MES
• (a) No work can commence without obtaining administrative approval
of the competent authority and sanction to incur the expenditure
• (b) The rules also require that preparation of detailed design and
preliminary estimates should precede sanction of work by the
administrative authority.
• (c )Issue of sanctions and Preparation of cost estimates has a direct
bearing on the total project cost, quality of works executed and
timeliness of completion of road works.
Types of Sanctions
• Administrative Approval (Sanction) is the communication of formal
acceptance of the proposals by the competent authority of the
Administrative Department requiring the work.
• Expenditure sanction is to be accorded by the Administrative
Department to indicate that funds for the project/work have been
provided, and liability can be incurred.
• Technical Sanction amounts to a guarantee that the proposals are
technically sound, and that the estimates are accurately prepared and
are based on adequate data.
• (d) No new works should be sanctioned without careful attention
to the assets or facilities already available and the time and cost
required to complete the new works.

• (e) As budgetary resources are limited and granted on an annual

basis, adequate provisions should be ensured for works and
services already in progress before new works and services are

• (f) If an approved work is not commenced within one year of the

date of AA, RAA from the CFA should be taken.
• (g) No works services will be executed without administrative
approval, formal allocation of funds and technical sanction from the
Competent Authority in each case.

• (h) However, works initiated for urgent military reasons are laid down
in Paras 34 to 36of DWP.

• (i) No project or work services will be split up to bring it within the

powers of a CFA at a lower level.
Types of works

• Original Works
• Repairs/Spl Repairs
  All new works are original Works which may comprise works
services like construction of buildings, workshops, storage
depots, etc. including their internal fittings and fixtures as well as
roads, E/M services, water supply, drainage, other utility services,
arboriculture, ranges, furniture etc. as well as purchase and
• For administrative purposes Original Works are divided into the
following categories :
 Major Capital Works
Original works costing Rs.45 lakhs or more.
• To be included in the AMWP for the FY for approval of Ministry,
which is considered as AIP.
• AMWP List to be prepared based on RIC.
• Total value of works to be sanctioned should be within the
AMWP ceiling for the year.
• Low-Budgeted Capital Works
• Original works costing more than Rs.10 lakhs but less than
Rs.45 lakh.
• Annual LBCWP to be approved by GOC –in –C.
• All LBW works to be completed with 18 months of their
• Revenue Works original works costing more than Rs.5
lakh and not exceeding Rs. 10 lakh.
• Budgeted to Revenue Head of Expdr.
• Minor Works i.e. original works costing not more than Rs.5
• Budgeted to Revenue Head of Expdr.
•New Original Works are further sub-divided as :-

(a) Authorised Works. Works Services for which scales are laid down by the
Government of India are referred as authorized works.

(b) Special Works. Items of works services not falling within para (a) above
are referred to as “Special Works”. These may be approved only when
exceptional local conditions justify the necessity, or as an important
experimental measure. Special Works is not be approved if the effect would
be to introduce a new practice or change of scales.
• Scales of Accommodation (SoA). The SoA approved and issued by the
Government are intended as a close guide. Minor variations in individual cases can
be made at the discretion of the CFA at the time of according AA with reasons
recorded in each case, provided such variations do not create any precedent.
• Where no scales have been laid down and there are no orders prohibiting the
undertaking of those works, the CFA for “Special Works” may sanction such works
if it is customary or technically essential to provide the same.
• Superior specifications to those mentioned in Scales of Accommodation or
approved/ sanctioned by the Government from time to time will be termed
“Special”. Their incorporation in works at any stage during planning or execution
without prior approval of the CFA is not permitted.
• In case buildings/ accommodation for which scales already exist but are treated as
special due to non-sanction of PE/ WE or for any other reason, specifications and
scales/ area authorised for similar works/ buildings/ accommodation should be
adhered to.
• All works catering to short-term requirement, not more than five years, will
be in temporary construction and built to specifications of the lowest
possible type having regard to availability of material and the purpose of the
facility or service.
• Specifications for temporary buildings/ assets will be laid down by Zonal CEs.
• Specifications of all permanent buildings (required for more than five years)
shall be framed as per the approved zonal specification and the
specifications included in the approved PA rates.
• No special items of works or superior specifications will be included without
specific approval of the CFA.
• Variations in specifications from those included in approved plinth area rates,
but considered essential to suit peculiar local conditions due to technical
reasons will be highlighted.
• Savings achieved on conclusion of contracts will not be utilised to
enhance the scope of the work or to enrich the specifications
afterwards. However, these savings except establishment charges can
be utilised for the purpose of TS of items necessitated due to technical
• While constructing a building, new specifications or materials can be
introduced if technical or aesthetic reasons so justify, with the prior
approval of the Zonal CE concerned, subject to the condition that this
must be within the existing tolerance limit as applicable and not
exceeding 5% of the original AA amount.
• Whenever replacement and renewals are necessitated due to wear
and tear, the items of improved specifications as per latest Scale of
Accommodation may be incorporated.
•Approximate Estimates
• The competent engineer authority will prepare the Approximate
Estimates (and RIC) in the prescribed Performa
• No special items of works or superior specifications will be included
without specific approval of the Competent Financial Authority.
• No provision will be made in the estimates for special T&P since a
central provision is made for this purpose under Sub Head E (a) of
Minor Head 111. Nevertheless, for special technical reasons, a
specific approval of the Government should be taken.
• In case of works with Job PDC less than two years, no escalation will
be catered for in the AEs. For Job with PDC of more than two years,
escalation will be allowed only in contract but not in AEs.
Administrative Approval
• Administrative Approval will be accorded by the
Competent Financial Authority (CFA) to the execution of the
works after due examination of the Approximate Estimates.
• It will be ensured that AEs are updated to conform to
prevailing percentage of market variation and difference in
cost of stores.
• It will state clearly whether the works being approved are
authorized or special.
• Time for completion of the works will be clearly indicated in
the AA. Extension of time will be accorded by the CFA.
• While issuing AA, the requirement of formal allocation of
funds will be complied with. AA will be considered as release
of the works and conveyed by a letter specifying the
budgetary source
• Revised Administrative Approval
• In case it becomes necessary to obtain a revised
administrative approval, a revised estimate will be
prepared, the original and revised figures being shown in
parallel columns of a comparative statement.
• Revised Administrative Approval will be essential before
tender action if there is any change in scope of work due
to any reason, irrespective of whether the cost is within
the tolerance limit or not.
• No change in site is permissible. However, in exceptional
circumstances, approval of CFA one level higher will be
• No revised administrative approval will be essential if
increase in cost beyond the tolerance limit is solely due
to payment of statutory escalations
• If upward revision of cost estimates beyond the tolerance limit is
anticipated without any change in scope of work, then the preparation
and submission of Revised AEs will be initiated. Tendering and contract
planning may however continue; but acceptance of tender/ conclusion
of contract be made only after obtaining RAA/ FC .
• As the Corrigendum/ FC or RAA is not based on actual completion cost,
the tolerance limit will be applicable to Corrigendum/ FC/ RAA.
However, this limit will be only 5% on tendered items post FC and will
continue to be 10% on untendered items of work.
• No RAA will be essential if increase in cost beyond the tolerance limit is
solely due to payment of statutory escalations scheduled in the contract.
• If additions become necessary due to revision of scales or
establishments or for other specific administrative reasons, a revised
estimate will be prepared and RAA obtained from the CFA for the entire
work. (Supplementary Works)
Urgent Works
• If for urgent military reasons, unforeseen operational necessity or
urgent medical grounds or out of natural disasters or imminent
danger to buildings, roads etc., or of a breakdown of supply from
an E/M or water supply installation, when reference to the
appropriate CFA would entail dangerous delays any Commander
may order the commencement of required work by furnishing an
order in writing to the engineer officer concerned.

• This procedures however does not dispense with the necessity for
the issue of Administrative Approval by the CFA based on
subsequently prepared Approximate Estimate at the earliest
opportunity not exceeding six months after commencement of
Technical Control
• Technical Sanction to detailed cost estimates, issued by the CEA,
amounts to a guarantee that the works proposals are structurally
sound and that the estimates are accurately calculated and based on
adequate data and related ground factors.
• Ordinarily TS is accorded only after AA.
• Powers for accord of TS are laid down in RMES Table ‘B’.
• Schedules of works will be prepared along with requisite designs and
drawings, costed and technically sanctioned by the CEA before tender
documents are issued.
• Costed schedule of works will be in strict accordance with the AA so
far as scope of work and scales are concerned.
• The engineer officer competent to accord TS to a project may,
wherever necessary, deviate from specifications shown in the AEs
provided the deviations are necessitated by engineer/ aesthetic
reasons and are not such as to alter the scope of the work.
• The CEA before according TS to a sub-project must be satisfied that
the amount of TS for the whole project is not likely to exceed the
amount of AA including the tolerance.
• The engineer officer competent to sanction the project as a whole is
technically responsible for the project.
• Authority to accord TS to subprojects may be delegated on the local
engineer officer laying down in each case the total sum, upto which
TS will be accorded.
• In case of excess over permissible tolerance limit over AA, which cannot
be met by savings on other items, occurs on account of technical reasons,
a report will be made at once by the CEA to curtail or modify the work. If
no modification is ordered, a revised estimate will be prepared and RAA
of the CFA obtained.
• In case of projects costing ₹ 10 lakh or more, when the amount of
accepted contracts reduces the cost of the project below the
administratively approved amount by more than 15%, the approved
amount for that project will be reduced by the amount exceeding 15% by
the CEA. The amount of saving upto 15% (of the original AA amount) thus
retained will be used to cover variations in cost for technical reasons.
• TS accorded to costed schedule will be revised only for Engineering/
technical reasons such as changes in designs, specifications, drawings etc.
or where scope of work is changed due to administrative reasons.

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