EdMgt 215

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Instructional Materials Development

(EdMgt 215)
Professor III
Course Description
• The course deals with a thorough discussion on the
theories and principles of instructional materials
preparation and development. It also identifies
pedagogical challenges involved in planning,
development, evaluation and utilization of learning
Course Outcomes
 Determine factors considered in the development of
instructional materials.
 Demonstrate understanding on the nature, principles, and
procedures of designing, developing instructional
 Show competence in the development and evaluation of
instructional materials.
Unit I
• Introduction to Materials Development
 Instructional materials and instructional materials defined
 Instructional materials and the curriculum
 Functions/roles/purposes of instructional materials
 Types of instructional materials
Unit II
• Factors Affecting Instructional Materials Development
 Factors considered in instructional materials development
 Trends and issues in instructional materials development
Unit III
• Material Development
 Principles in material development
 Procedures in material development
Unit IV
• Materials Evaluation
 Principles in materials evaluation
 Types of materials evaluation
 Evaluation of materials
Introduction to Materials Development
• Materials (Instructional Materials)
 especially designed classroom tools which contain instructions to
learners and teachers, and which specify increment of learning
 most tangible and visible aspect of the curriculum (Nunan, 1991)
 provides detailed specification of content (Richard & Rodgers, 1986)
 Defines the goals of the syllabus, and the roles of the teacher and the
learners within the instructional process (Wright, 1987)
Introduction to Materials Development
• Materials (Instructional Materials)
 Anything used by teachers or learners to aid teaching and learning
process (Tomlinson, 1998)
 Anything that provides systematic overview of the procedures and
exercises to be used in the classroom (Brown, 1995)
 Any systematic explanation of the procedures and exercises to be
used in classroom instruction (Brown, 2007)
Introduction to Materials Development
• Materials (Instructional Materials) Development
 Deals with the selection, adaptation, and creation of teaching
materials (Nunan, 1991)
 Focuses on evaluation, creation and adaptation of published
Introduction to Materials Development
• Scope of Materials (Instructional Materials) Development
 Selection or evaluation of material based on a set of criteria
 Process of adapting materials based on a set of criteria
 Creation of materials based on a set of principles, theories and the
syllabus developed by teachers
Introduction to Materials Development
• The Role/Functions of Instructional Materials

 Input for learners

 Ideas for teachers in planning and teaching lessons
- (Richards, 2001)
Introduction to Materials Development
• The Role/Functions of Instructional Materials
 Resource for presenting materials
 Source of activities for practice
 Reference source for learners
 Source for stimulation and ideas for classroom activities
 Support for less experienced teachers
- (Cunningsworth, 1995)
Introduction to Materials Development
• The Role/Functions of Instructional Materials
 Source of input (content)
 Learning support
 Motivation and stimulation
 Reference
- (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1995)
Introduction to Materials Development
• Types of Instructional Materials
 Textbook
 Workbook/Skillbook
 Teacher’s Book/Manual
 Worktext
 Module (Self-learning Kit)
Introduction to Materials Development
• Types of Instructional Materials
 Reference book / course guide
 Learning activity packets
 Strategic intervention materials
 Multimedia instructional materials (audio-visual materials and course wares)
 Online learning materials/e-learning materials (interactive materials)
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