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Padartha Vijnanam I

& II Revision
Dr. Alok Roy
HOD, Sanskrit, Samhita & Siddhanta Department
SAMC&H, Bengaluru.
Question Paper Format
PV -1 & 2
• Long Answer Question – 4
questions [10 mark each
• Short Answer Question – 8
questions [5 mark each
• MCQ – 20 Question [1 mark
each question]
TOPICS Examples
Chapter 1 – Ayurveda Nirupana 1. Explain Dravya, its lakshanas, Vargeekaran and
Chapter 2 – Ayurveda & Darshana importance in Chikitsa
Chapter 3 – Dravya 2. Explain Saamanya Vishesha Siddhanta and its
Chapter 4 – Guna importance in Ayurveda
Chapter 5 – Karma 3. Explain the philosophical background of fundamentals
Chapter 6 – Saamanya of Ayurveda
Chapter 7 - Vishesha 4. Define and classify Guna and explain Paradi Guna in
5. Explain utility of Kaala in Ayurveda
6. Explain Karma & its utility in Ayurveda
7. Explain Panchamahabhuta theory & its importance.

TOPICS Examples
All Chapters 1. Anyonyana Pravesha Siddhanta
2. Mano Guna & Karma
3. Manas Annamayatva
4. Aatma Lakshana & Bheda
5. Abhava definition and types
6. Aadhara-Aadheya Sambandha
7. Pravruttiubhayastu
8. Explain Vaisheshika Gunas
9. Pischila-Vishadha
10.Sankhya Darshana & Ayurveda
11.Explain Iccha-Dwesha
12.Agni Mahabhuta & its significance
TOPICS Examples
Chapter 1 – Pariksha 1. Define and explain Karya and Kaarana and write the
Chapter 2 – Aaptopadesha significance of Karya-Karana Siddhanta in Ayurveda.
Pariksha 2. Define Anumana, its types and explain Hetwabhasa
Chapter 3 – Pratyaksha Pariksha 3. Explain Anumana gamya Bhavas and their utility in
Chapter 4 – Anumana Pariksha diagnosis.
Chapter 7 – Karya-Kaarana 4. What is Chaturvidha Pariksha and explain its
Siddhanta importance in Ayurveda.
5. What are the Lakshanas of Karya-Kaarana and write
about Satkaryavada.
6. Explain Pratyaksha Pramana and enumerate Pramanas
accepted by other Darshanas
7. Define Aaptopadesha and write down Aapta Purusha
Lakshanas and utility.

TOPICS Examples
All Chapters 1. Indriyartha Sannikarsha Bheda
2. Pratyaksha Anuplabdhi Kaaranas
3. Shabda Vrutti
4. Yukti Pariksha Utility
5. Explain Saadrushya with examples
6. Distinguish between Tarka as Aprama and
tool in Anumana
7. Peelu Paaka and Pithara Paaka
8. Pancha Avyava Vaakya
9. Swabhavoparama Vaada
10.Trayodasha Kaaranas
11.Define Paksha, Sapaksha and Vipaksha
12.Arthapatti Pramana
Long Essay – 10 Mark
Q.1. Explain the utilities of Padartha – 15 Mark
Marking System
a) Definition of Padartha with Lakshanas – 1 Mark
b) Padartha Sankhya – 2 Mark
c) Utility of Saamanya Padartha – 2
d) Utility of Vishesha Padartha – 2
e) Utility of Guna Padartha – 3
f) Utility of Dravya Padartha – 2
g) Utility of Karma Padartha – 2
h) Utility of Samavaya Padartha - 1
Q.1. Explain the utilities of Padartha – 10 Mark

A) Introduction
B) Definition/ Lakshana of Padartha
षण्णामपि पदार्थानामस्तित्वाभिधेयत्वज्ञेयत्वानि।
C) Padartha Bhedas
According to Ayurveda – 6
सामान्यं च विशेषं च गुणान् द्रव्याणि कर्म च ।
समवायं च तज्ज्ञात्वा तन्त्रोक्तं विधिमास्थिताः।।
D) Utility of Saamanya & Vishesha in Ayurveda
• The samanya vishesha siddhanta is the fundamental and very prominent
principle of Ayurveda in general and in particular in the treatment of Ayurveda.
• The formation development vitiation, aggravation, alleviation of Doshas
Dhatus, Malas and the entire treatment is based on this principle only.
 Which means that the main aim of Ayurveda is the efforts
made for the maintenance of normalcy of Doshas, Dhatus
and Malas.
 For example, if there is Mamsa Kshaya then giving Mamsa
for vriddhi.
 Ksheera can be given for Shukra vriddhi.
 Whereas Vishesha is a reducing factor
 For example if Guggulu is used in Medo dhatu vriddhi to
decrease and hence Guggulu is Medohara.
 Vyayama, Running etc. are prescribed to reduce Sthoulya,
Prameha which are Karma Vishesha.
Importance of Guna in Ayurveda
 Guna reveals the significance of Dravya.
 Of the Dravya Guna Karma, Gunas are very important since we consume
substances for their properties(Guna)
 Ayurveda has explained 41 types of Guna, all of which have relevance in
 Treatments are basically of six types viz.
Brumhana Snehana Stambhana
Langhana Rukshana Svedana
 Application of Drugs (Dravya) and food basically depend on the Guna of drugs.
 The aggravation and mitigation of doshas is also based on excessive
consumption of similar Gunas and dissimilar Gunas respectively.
Importance of Dravya in Ayurveda
 According to Ayurveda dravya is that which where action and properties are
dependant and which is the material cause
 Dravya can be classified into three
a) Kinchita Dosha Prashamaka (E.g.- Madhu does Kapha Shamana)
b) Kinchita Dhatu Pradooshaka (E.g.- Viruddha Aahara does Tridosha Dooshana)
c) Kinchita Swasthya Hitakara (E.g. – Shastika Shaali)
Importance of Karma in Ayurveda
 In Pharmacology Karma means action of drug such as Vamaka, Virechaka etc.,
 It also denote thrrapeutic proceedures such as Pancha Karma.
Vamana Virechana Anuvasana Aasthapana Nasya

 In Shastra karma – Agni karma, Kshara karma etc

Importance of Samavaya in Ayurveda
 Samavaya is apruthak bhava of substance such as bhoomi and Gandha Guna
 Karma Guna of any drugs are inherent in the drug and they show the changes
because of samvaya principle.
Long Essay – 10 Mark
Q.2. Explain Saamanya Vishesha siddhanta and its importance in Ayurveda.
Marking System
I. Introduction – 1 mark
II. Saamanya Definition with shloka – 2 Mark
III. Saamanya Classification with examples – 3
IV. Vishesha Definition with shloka – 2
V. Vishesha Classification with examples – 3
VI. Importance/Application of Saamany-Vishesha Siddhanta in Ayurveda – 4
A) Introduction
 While explaining about Padarthas Charaka explained six Padrthas. Of which
Saamanya is the first Padartha.
सामान्यं च विशेषं च गुणान् द्रव्याणि कर्म च ।
समवायं च तज्ज्ञात्वा तन्त्रोक्तं विधिमास्थिताः।।
 The Saamanya-Vishesha Siddhanta is one of the most basic fundamental principle
in Ayurveda.
• The formation, development, vitiation, aggravation etc., of Doshas, dhatus etc.,
is based on Saamanya-Vishesha Siddhanta.
B) Saamanya Definition
सर्वदा सर्व भावानां सामान्यं वद्धि ृ कारणम।्
सामान्य एकत्वकरम ्।
ु यार्थता हि सामान्यम।्
Saamanya Classification –
a) Dravya Saamanya
b) Guna Saamanya
c) Karma Saamanya
i. Ubhaya-Vrutti Saamanya
ii. Eka-Vrutti Saamanya

Vishesha Definition
ह्रास हेतुर्विशेषश्र्च।
विशेषस्तु पृथक्त्वकृ त्।
विशेषस्तु विपर्ययः।
Vishesha Classification
iii. Dravya Vishesha
iv. Guna Vishesha
v. Karma Vishesha
Importance of Saamanya & Vishesha in Ayurveda
• The samanya vishesha siddhanta is the fundamental and very prominent
principle of Ayurveda in general and in particular in the treatment of
• The formation development vitiation, aggravation, alleviation of Doshas
Dhatus, Malas and the entire treatment is based on this principle only.
• Which means that the main aim of Ayurveda is the efforts made for the
maintenance of normalcy of Doshas, Dhatus and Malas.
• For example, if there is Mamsa Kshaya then giving Mamsa for vriddhi.
• Ksheera can be given for Shukra vriddhi.
• Whereas Vishesha is a reducing factor
• For example if Guggulu is used in Medo dhatu vriddhi to decrease and hence
Guggulu is Medohara.
• Vyayama, Running etc. are prescribed to reduce Sthoulya, Prameha which are
Karma Vishesha.
What is Chaturvidha Pariksha and explain its
importance in Ayurveda. – 10 Mark
A. Introduction – 1 Mark
B. Definition of Pariksha – 2 Mark
C. Pariksha Bheda – 2 Mark
D. Pramana/Pariksha Pratiphala (Importance) – 2 Mark
E. Importance of Aaptopadesha Pariksha – 2 Mark
F. Importance of Pratyaksha in Ayurveda – 2 Mark
G. Importance of Anumana in Ayurveda – 2 Mark
H. Importance of Yukti in Ayurveda – 2 Mark
A) Introduction
 Pramanas are the means or instruments in acquiring knowledge.
 Pariksha is the word used for Pramana in Ayurveda.
B) Definition of Pariksha
 Pariksha is derived from word ‘Paritaha Ikshanam’ which means examining the
object from all directions.
 According to Chakrapaani, Pariksha is orderly examination of an object in a
systematic way
परीक्ष्यते व्यवस्थाप्यते वस्तु स्वरुपमनयेति परीक्षा।
C) Pariksha Bheda
द्विविधमेव खलु सर्वं सच्चासच्च तस्य चतुर्विधा परीक्षा।
• In Charaka Sutrasthana, to prove the existence of Punarjanma, Charaka
explained four types of Pariksha, viz. they are –
Aaptopadesha Pratyaksha Pariksha Anumana Pariksha Yukti Pariksha
Pariksha (Ch.Su.)
D) Pramana/Pariksha Pratiphala (Importance)
• Valid or true knowledge of an object occurs with the help of Pramanas/Pariksha.
• After attaining complete knowledge and examination of patient and diagnosis of
the disease, treatment should be given in a scientific process. The entire process
is called Pratipatti Gnyana.
• The Pratipatti Gnyana is the result of Pariksha.
E) Importance of Aaptopadesha Pariksha
According To Charaka following attributes can be known by Aptopadesha –
Prakopa Aggravating factors like Snigdha/Rooksha dravyas etc.
E.g. Rooksha, Sheeta, Laghu dravyas like Kalaya beeja does Vata Prakopa

Yoni Involvement of source of doshas

E.g. Involvement of Vata and Rakta dosha in Vatarakta.
Uthana Mode of manifestation of disease.
F) Importance of Pratyaksha in Ayurveda
• Pratyaksha Pramana is very useful for the examination of the patient and
• Except Rasanendriya all the four Indriyas should be used for better diagnosis.
Anumana should be used for Rasanendriya Grahya lakshanas.
Examination through Color, shape, measurement and complexion;
Chakshusha Pratyaksha

Examination through Srotraja Gurgling sound in the intestine


Examination through Normal and abnormal touch such as pain,

Sparshana Pratyaksha tenderness etc.

Examination through Normal and abnormal smells of whole body

Ghranaja Pratyaksha
G) Importance of Anumana in Ayurveda
• Following factors can be known by Anumana Pariksha –
Sl. Factors Through Symptoms

1. Jatharagni Through The power of digestion

2. Bala Though The power to do exercise
3. Indriya Through Ability to perceive respective
Functioning objects
4. Manas Through Perception of Arthas
5. Vignyana Through Profession
6. Rajo Guna Through Attachments (Sanga)
7. Moha Through Avignyana
8. Krodha Through Abhidroha (Revengeful attitude)
H) Importance of Yukti in Ayurveda
Charaka described Yukti as one of the Pramanas in
To prove Punarjanma establishing the principle of the existence of Rebirth

For example Charka cited that a wise physician discard

drugs from a group which are not found useful and include
In Drug research some drugs which are not mentioned in group by utilizing
the power of reasoning.

Previous knowledge is not necessary for Yukti Pramana. All

In Experimental the experimental knowledge of Ayurveda is possible
evidence through Yukti Pramana only.

The knowledge of Samprapti (pathogenesis), Upashaya can

In Diagnosis be had from Yukti Pramana.
What are the lakshanas of Karya – Kaarana and write
about Satkaryavada. 10 Mark
i. Kaarana Lakshana – 1 Mark
ii. Kaarana Bheda – 3
iii. Karya Lakshana – 1
iv. Satkaryavada – 5 Mark
v. Importance of Satkaryavada – 5 Mark
What are the lakshanas of Karya – Kaarana and
write about Satkaryavada. 10 Mark
A. Introduction
• There is a cause (Kaarana) for every effect (Kaarya).
• This has led to different views regarding the Kaarana and Kaarya hence the name
Kaarya Kaarana Vaada
B. Kaarana Lakshana :-
• That which is responsible for Kaarya is called Kaarana. Hetu and Karta are the synonyms
of Kaarana.
• E.g. the union of Shukra and Shonita is the cause for Garbha (effect).
C. Kaarana Bheda :-
i. Samavayi Kaarana
• Samavayi Kaarana is also called Upadana Kaarana.
• Inseparable union with which the effect is produced is called Samavayi Kaarana.
• Example – Tantu (thread) is Samavayi Kaarana for Pata (cloth)
What are the lakshanas of Karya – Kaarana and
write about Satkaryavada. 10 Mark
ii. Asamavayi Kaarana
• The Cause (kaarana) which is inseparably united in same object with the
effect is called Asamavayi Kaarana.
• Example – Tantu samyoga (Kaarana) produces Tantu Rupa (Kaarya) or Red
color thread (kaarana) produces Red color cloth (kaarya).
iii. Nimitta Kaarana
• Nimitta Kaarana is the instrumental or external cause.
• Example – in the production of a cloth the weaver is the nimitta Kaarana
C. Kaarya Lakshana
• Kaarya or effect is that which is produced by Karta.
• Example – Normalcy of Doshas is the effect of treatment.
What are the lakshanas of Karya – Kaarana and
write about Satkaryavada. 10 Mark
• According to Sankhya philosophy that there is no difference between Kaarana
and Kaarya (cause and effect).
• It means existence of Kaarya in Kaarana in an invisible or unmanifested state.
• Example – Butter is always existed in milk but in an invisible form. Butter is
produced by churning the milk.
• Satkarya Vaada can be classified into –

Vivarta Vaada
1) असत् अकरणात्ः –
 Nothing is generated from non-existence.
 Example - Taila cannot be prepared from soil.
2) उपादान ग्रहणात्ः –
 To produce anything we should take the material cause of the effect.
 Example - For making book we should take paper.
3 सर्वसम्भवाभावात्ः –
 Specific Karana produces specific Karya. All will not be generated from anything.

 Example - we cannot produce a gold ring from a piece of wood.

4) शक्तस्य शक्यकरणात्ः –
 The Karana should have potency to produce the Karya.
 Example - Ghata cannot be produced from Tantu.
5) कारण भावात्ः –
 Karya is nothing but manifested state and the un-manifested state is itself called
What are the lakshanas of Karya – Kaarana and
write about Satkaryavada. 10 Mark
E. Importance of Satkarya Vaada in Ayurveda
• Parinama means change or transformation. When an object changes its original
form and transformed into another form it is called Parinama.
• Based on Parinama Vada Sankhya described the evolution process of the universe.
i. Dhatu – Utapatti
• From the Aahara, Rasa Dhatu and then Rakta Dhatu utapatti takes place
simultaneously, which is nothing but transformation.
ii. Vipaka
• The Parinama or the end product of consumed Aahara is Vipaka.
iii. Sroto Utapatti
• The Srotas are meant as the pathways for transportation of the evolving tissues.
This statement is ample proof for the admittance of the evolution as a theory in
Tarka 5 Mark

• अविज्ञात तत्वेऽर्थ कारणोपपत्ति तस्तत्व ज्ञानार्थ समूह: तर्क :।

(न्या.द. 1/40)

• अनुमान नाम तर्को युक्त्यपेक्ष:। (च.वि. 8/40)

A. Definition – Reasonable thinking or argument regarding
some topics for establishing facts is called Tarka.
B. Importance – Tarka is very important because
i. It helps in Pramana for attaining valid knowledge.
ii. It removes Mithya-Jnana
iii. It is the cause for clearing the doubt.
iv. It causes strengthening the arguments of both the
Tarka as Aprama vs Tarka in Anumana
Tarka in Anumana
• To condemn the statement of others
Tarka & in turn trying to establish facts
from their own statements.
• It is supportive of Anumana
Samshaya • To relieve all doubts, the cause is
Aprama Tarka.
• Tarka represents the sharp intellect
Viparyaya combined with thoughtful
(False consideration which is process to
knowledge) prove many suitable things.
• Tarka is nothing but Discussion on
परार्थानुमान / पञ्च अवयव वाक्य 5 Mark
2) परार्थानुमान 
• When the person imparts his अनुमान to another person, the process is called
परार्थानुमान . In this case a scientific method has to be used to explain it.
1) प्रतिज्ञा – Proposition Example – पर्वत: वह्निमान्
[Declaration of statement The mountain is fiery
to be proved]
2) हेतु – Reason [Cause for the Example – धूमात्
statement] Because of Smoke

3) दृष्टान्त – Example [Which Example – य: धूमवान् स वह्निमान् (व्याप्ति:)

indicates व्याप्ति ] यथा महानस: (दृष्टान्त)
Such as Kitchen
परार्थानुमान / पञ्च अवयव वाक्य - 5 Mark (Contd.)
4) उपनय – Application of व्याप्ति Example – पर्वत: (वह्नि व्याप्ति
which was inferred by विशिष्ट:)
repeatedly seeing • By repeated observation
wherever there is smoke of smoke associated
there is a fire. with fire applying the
same principle to the
smoke emitting from
5) निगमन – It is the repetition Example – धूमवत्त्वात् पर्वत: वह्निमान्
of प्रतिज्ञा i.e. Conclusion • The Mountain is fiery
because of smoke

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