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Experiment title:


This experiment will test the hypothesis that

This is the idea you are testing

I predict that
Make specific (and numeric) predictions,
e.g. as x doubles, y will double.
You should write an explanation of the
science behind the hypothesis.


Control Variable Why it needs to be a control variable

Control variables are the things you keep the
  throughout the experiment.
Explain how it would affect the results if the
variable were not kept the same.
Equipment Diagram
Draw a diagram of how the
List all the
________________________ equipment should be set up.
equipment you are
________________________ Remember to label each piece of
going to use. equipment in the diagram.
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
Write a step-by-step_______________________________
_______________________________ set of instructions for
how to carry out_______________________________
_______________________________ your experiment.
It should be possible_______________________________
for someone to follow
_______________________________ _______________________________
your instructions and
_______________________________ reproduce the
experiment exactly
_______________________________ as you did it.
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________






Your independent variable should go on the left, the

  dependent variable should be in the next few columns


  (repeat each reading 3 times and calculate a mean of


  your repeats). Additional columns are for further


    calculations if required.

  Remember to put the units in the headings only.


Plot your graph on here. Make the graph as big as possible
with sensible divisions (each square should be a round
number or an easy decimal e.g. 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5).
Label the axes with units and use a sharp pencil to plot the
Draw a clear line of best fit, (do not just join up the dots!)
to show the general trend in the data. Your line might be
straight or might be curved. It might go through the origin,
it might not.
Don’t forget to use a title! (something simple, like ‘a car
rolling down a ramp’)
Circle any data points which clearly do not fit the trend, and
label them ‘Anomaly’.
I have found that
Describe the pattern which the line of best fit
This is
follows. Is the relationship proportional?
Explain the science behind the relationship.

I trust my conclusion because:
How reliable is your conclusion? Are the points on your
graph close to your line of best fit? Are your repeat
readings all similar to each other?
Strengths of the method:
What aspects of your method led to reliable results?
Sources of error Improvements to the method

What aspects of your method For each source of error,
to error in your results?
  suggest an improvement to
(error does not mean the method which would
  just where the  value reduce or remove this
you measured is different to source of error.
the true value.  
Causes of anomalies:
If you had any anomalies, explain here what may have
caused them, including why the anomaly is a higher/lower
reading than expected.

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