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Mining Cert. Eng.: Deniz ARIKAN

Safety Specialist (A)

MAD 238 01
Occupational Health and Safety in Mining
4th Week
4th Week
Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident


Ministry? Council?
Worker? Committee
Young Worker Occupational Disease?
Support Staff? Workers Representative?
Employer? Occupational Accident?
Workplace? Occupational Safety Specialist
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

•a) Ministry: Ministry of Labour and Social Security;
•b) Worker: any natural person employed at public or private sector workplaces, regardless of their status
in their relevant laws;
•c) Workers’ representative: any worker authorised to represent workers in matters such as participating in
occupational health and safety related activities, monitoring these activities, requesting measures,
making propositions and the like;
•ç) Support staff: any person with appropriate equipment and sufficient training who is specifically put in
charge of issues related to occupational health and safety such as prevention, protection, evacuation,
firefighting, firstaid besides their main duty;
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

• ğ) Employer: any natural or legal person or any institution and organisation which is not a legal entity
who has an employment relationship with the worker;
• h) Workplace: any organisation in which material and non-material elements and workers are organised
together to produce goods or services, where the employer is linked in qualitative terms to the goods or
services produced and which includes locations linked to the workplace organised under the same
management and other premises and equipment such as rest rooms, nursing rooms, canteens, sleeping,
washing, examination and maintenance facilities as well as physical and vocational training locations and
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

• i) Workplace health and safety unit: any unit established to provide occupational health and safety
services at the workplace with required equipment and personnel;
• j) Council: National Occupational Health and Safety Council;
• k) Committee: occupational health and safety committee;
• l) Occupational disease: any illness caused by exposure to occupational risks;
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

• e) Young worker: any worker who is of at least fifteen years of age but less than eighteen years of age;
• f) Occupational safety specialist: any engineer, architect or technician who are authorised by the Ministry
to work in the field of occupational health and safety and who have occupational health and safety
expertise certificate;
• g) Occupational accident: any occurrence taking place at the workplace or due to the performance of
work which leads to death or physical or mental impairment to the physical integrity of the victim;
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

• History Occupational Disease

• Back injuries in pyramid workers of Imhotep in ancient Egypt (2780 BC),

• Pliny dusty workplaces are associated with cough and shortness of breath (23-79 AC)

• Juvenal standing and varicose veins in workers and eye diseases in blacksmiths (60-
140 AC)
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) made sense of the relationship between radon gas
and lung cancer, the relationship between dusty environment and pneumoconiosis
and called it “miner's disease”. He also made recommendations for protection.

Paracelsus (1493-1541), on the other hand, emphasized the importance of

occupational health in the form of paying the health of the miners, and wrote a 3-
volume book.
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Dr. Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714)

permanently brought the importance of the
relationship between work and disease to
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

In Turkey;
With the Dilaver Pasha Ordinance in 1865, workers' rest and accommodation places,
holiday times and working hours were arranged to improve the situation of workers
working in coal mines.

With the Maadin Ordinance in 1869, it was compulsory to have a Mining Engineer,
a pharmacy and a physician in the mines.
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

The diagnosis of occupational disease proves that the business risks in the
workplace cannot be managed by the employer and that the worker is therefore in a
loss of function or disease.
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

In addition to the three occupational diseases hospitals (Ankara, Istanbul and

Zonguldak) currently in our country, public universities hospitals since 2008 and the
Ministry of Health Education and Research Hospitals have been authorized to issue
health board reports since 2011.
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Occupational disease is a temporary or permanent illness, physical or mental

disability that the insured suffers due to a recurring reason due to the nature of the
job he / she works or does, or due to the conditions of the job.

        (Law No. 5510 Art. 14)

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

• Risk factors in the

workplace • Occupational
Physical etc. Disease

• Personal and other

environmental risk
• Work-related
factorsc disease
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Entry ways of factors into the body;

  1. Lungs (respiration)
2. Skin (absorption)
3. Mouth (digestion)

Being affected by occupational diseases can be local or systemic.

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident
General Features of Occupational Diseases:
1. It has a unique clinical picture.
2. Disease factor is clear.
3. Disease agent or metabolite can be detected in the biological environment.
4. The disease can be created in an experimental setting.
5. The disease is highly observed among those working in that profession.
6. The cause of the disease is in the workplace and there is a causal link between work and
7. It can be protected from occupational diseases by technical and medical measures to be
taken in the workplace.
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

In order to call this disease Occupational Disease, it is necessary to

reveal its relationship with the profession in addition to the clinical
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

The principles of diagnosis

1.Clinical Evaluations,

  2. Laboratory Evaluations,

       3. Establishing Relationship with the Professional

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Clinical Evaluations,

1-Detailed inquiry of all the jobs that the person has worked so far 
2-Workplace exposures
3-The relationship of symptoms over time
4-The presence of other workers with similar complaints
5-Non-business influences
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Laboratory Evaluations

1. Radiological methods
2. Biochemical methods
3. Pathological examinations
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Establishing Relationship with the Professional

Occupational Hygiene Measurements

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Establishing Relationship
with the Professional

Occupational Hygiene
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Establishing Relationship
with the Professional

Occupational Hygiene
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Establishing Relationship
with the Professional

Occupational Hygiene
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Diseases with Chemicals

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Diseases with Chemicals

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Vibration -
1 Hz - Bone and joint injuries
10 Hz - Nervous, circulatory and motion system damages
500 Hz - Circulatory and nervous system damages
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Working in
4th Week : Occupational Disease and Occupational Accident

Öğr. Gör.: Deniz ARIKAN

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