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-is the mating of animals from two different breeds, it is used by many commercial
producers and usually results in hybrid vigor.
-This improves some traits but all little effect on feed efficiency and carcass traits.

 X-liked Inheritance

-Is a pattern of inheritance for a genetic condition that occurs when a copy of a gene located on the X
chromosome has a genetic variant.
 X-linked inheritance patterns differ depending on the type of inheritance.

a. X –linked Recessive Inheritance

b. X-linked Dominant Inheritance

 An X-linked transmission pattern involves genes located on the X chromosome of the 23 rd pair.

 Recall that a male has one X and one Y chromosome. When a father transmits a Y chromosome, the
child is male, and when he transmits an X chromosome, the child is female. A mother can transmit only
an X chromosome, as both her sex chromosomes are X chromosomes.
 Recessive X linked conditions are always passed through the maternal line with the condition
appearing in males and being carried in females, but not usually expressed.
 Dominant X-linked conditions
can be passed from either affected
parent to their children. If the
father has the affected copy of the
gene he will only pass the
condition to his daughters and not
his sons. Mothers can pass X-
linked dominant conditions to
both their sons and daughters.
 An American geneticist who studied fruit flies, provided
the first strong confirmation of the chromosome theory.
 Morgan discovered a mutation that affected fly eye color.
He observed that the mutation was inherited differently by
male and female flies.
 Based on the inheritance pattern, Morgan concluded that
the eye color gene must be located on the X chromosome.
 The first white-eyed fly he found was male, and when this fly was crossed with normal, red-
eyed female flies, the F1​offspring were all red-eyed telling Morgan that the white allele was

 But when the F1​flies were crossed to each other, something strange happened: all of the
female F2​ flies were red-eyed, while about half of the male F2​ flies were white-eyed. Clearly,
the male and female flies were inheriting the trait in different patterns. In fact, they were
inheriting it in the same pattern as a particular chromosome, the X.
 Earlier, we said that female flies have an XX genotype and male flies have an XY genotype. If we
stick the eye color gene on the X chromosome (writing as w+,  for red and w for white), we can use a
Punnett square to show Morgan’s first cross:

 The predictions match the F1​ phenotypes, but this set of phenotypes could also be explained by a
gene that is not on the X chromosome, since all the flies were red-eyed (regardless of sex). So the
real test comes when the F1 flies are mated to make the F2 generation:
 By mating F2 files from the cross above, Morgan was able to obtain white-eyed females, which he then
crossed to red-eyed males. All the female offspring of this cross were red-eyed, while all the males
were white-eyed
 By mating F2 files from the cross above, Morgan was able to obtain white-eyed females, which he then
crossed to red-eyed males. All the female offspring of this cross were red-eyed, while all the males were

 This result makes sense if the eye color gene is on the X chromosome. The white females (Xw Xw) ,
provide the male offspring with their only X chromosome (Xw Y ,or white, males). Female offspring, in
contrast, get an additional X from their red-eyed fathers ( Xw+ Y), giving them Xw+ Xw genotype and
red eyes.
 Pulling together all of his observations, Morgan concluded (correctly) that the gene must lie on, or be
very tightly associated with, the X chromosome.

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