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What is STRESS?
- challenging stimuli or
things that happen to
people .
- subjective experience of distress in
response to perceived environmental
Stress is characterized by
feelings of tension,
frustation, worry sadness and

1. Home

2. School
Sources of Stress
1. Break up with a boyfriend or
2. Increased arguments with
parents and between parents.
3. The pressure of expectations
from self and others.
4. Change in parents’
financial status.
5. Serious illness or injury of a
family member.
6. Pressure at school, from teachers,
coaches, grades and homework.
7. Relationships with family and
Types of Stress
1. Eustress
- it is a kind of stress that is helpful in
promoting one’s growth and development
by providing sufficient challenges that
allow one to become more resourceful and
show initiative in problem-solving.
Eustress keeps a person alert,
motivated, and excited which results
in improved performance.
2. Bad stress or Distress
- these are negative changes in
Coping is the way people
try to deal with problems.
What differentiates the
reaction of people to
environmental stressors is
their coping style.
Types of Coping Style
1. Problem-focused coping
- dealing with the actual problems posed by
a stressful situation.
2. Emotion-focused coping
- it is more subjective as it considers the
difficulties challenging the feeling states of
the individual , and as such aims to comfort
and soothe the stressed person.
3. Avoidance coping
- happens when one would rather ignore the
stressors or fantasize being in a different
non-stressful circumstance either of which
does not solve the issue or truly bring about
true relaxation.
4. Social Support
- social assets, social resources or social
networks that people may use or turn to
when they need advice, help and protection.
Personal Ways of
Coping with Stress
Stress Management
- a set of techniques that people can use to
be able to manage their stressors.
1. Tackle the problem.
2. Create a stress journal or
include the topic in your
personal journal.
3. Develop a “stress relief toolbox.”
4. Recognize how you deal with
5. Find healthy ways to manage
6. Take care of yourself.
7. Reach out for support.
Any questions?
Performance Task: 30 points

“Brochure Making”

If you campaign on how to cope

with stress to other people, what
brochure would you want to
Criteria (40 Points)
• Attractiveness -10
• Content (Accuracy/Quantity) -10
• Writing Organization -5
• Writing Grammar -5
• Graphics/Pictures -5
• Sources -5
For tomorrow:

Bring your materials:

-1 short bond paper

-other materials
“My Personal
Stress Management Plan”


-Create a stress management plan.

-Identify and address the problem.
-List all your daily activities
- Use this “to do list”

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