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Informal Communication: Organizational communication that is directed toward individuals needs and interests and does not necessarily

follow formal lines of communication.

Informal communications include both topics about work and personal interests. Work-related informal communications may be an attempt to get necessary information faster than the prescribed method.

Much of the informal communication takes the form of gossip and rumors.
oGossip is small talk about people. oPeople use gossip as a way to indicate
what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not acceptable.

Rumors are what people say among themselves to try to interpret and make sense out of what is happening.
oWhen there is an absence of facts about what is happening in an organization, especially during a time of change, rumors are spread in an effort to get at the facts. oRumors tend to circulate most during crises and conflicts and are often false.

Supervisors should not participate in the spreading of gossip and rumors.

oAs a member of management, the supervisor is expected to know and report the facts about company business.

Guidelines for keeping rumors and gossip under control include:

oDo not share any personal information about other employees.
Discuss matters concerning others only when they truly need to know.

oKeep company information to yourself until the organization makes an official announcement.

Grapevine: The paths along which informal communication travels.

oThe grapevine is important to supervisors because employees use it as a source of information.
Thus, the supervisor must expect that employees sometimes have information before the supervisor has delivered it. Rumors spread by the grapevine and the information may be incorrect especially in times of crisis or conflict.

Managers usually have no control over the grapevine. Steps the supervisor can take to ensure that some of the messages in the grapevine are positive and in line with the organizations objectives include:
oa. Regularly use the tools of formal communication to inform employees of the organizations version of events. ob. Use performance appraisal interviews as a time to listen to employees as well as give their information. oc. When necessary, issue a formal response to a rumor in order to clear the air.

Types of Grapevine
Messages transmitted through the grapevine are normally referred to as "rumors."

Wish Fulfillment Rumor

Identifying the wishes and hopes of employees

Bogey Rumor
Exaggerating employees fears and concerns

Types of Grape

Wedge Drivers Rumor

Aggressive, unfriendly and damaging. They split groups and dissolve allegiances

Home Stretchers Rumor

Anticipating final decisions or announcements. They tend to fill the gap during times of

Groups by which the rumor spread

Spontaneous Group When people are stressed or in an untrustworthy environment they wrong

on Premeditated Group Premeditated rumors spread within

Four Types of Grapevine Chains

The longer the strand the more distortion

and filtering affects Most inaccuracies occur in this chain

To Behave onclusion like

Rather than

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