Research Ethics RA

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Ethical Issues in Research and Its Administration

Peter Madsen Executive Director

Ethical Issues in Research and Its Administration

Conduct/Compliance Issues Vs. Problems/Dilemmas RA Ethics Cases and CRA Sample Test Participant Case Writing BREAK Discussion of Participant Cases


1. Data acquisition, management, sharing, and ownership 2. Mentor/trainee responsibilities 3. Publication practices and responsible authorship 4. Peer review 5. Collaborative science 6. Human subjects 7. Research involving animals 8. Research misconduct 9. Conflict of interest and commitment

Research Administrators Certification Council Body of Knowledge

D. Ethics and Professionalism: 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Bioethics 3. Human Subjects 4. Animal Care 5. Professional

Some Important Web Resources

Research Administrators Council

Associate Provost for Research & Academic Administration

Research Administrators Certification Council

Education & Certification Program in Research & Practice Fundamenta

Bioethics Resources on the Web

Conflicts of Interest Resources (UCSD)

Human Subljects

Animal Subjects

THE RAGING RIVER GAME There is a raging river which can be crossed only by means of a boat. The only boat is owned and operated by a person we shall call A (in order to protect the innocent as well as the guilty). On the same side of the River is a person, X, who is deeply and sincerely in love with a person C on the other side of the River. X goes to A, asking to be taken across the River and offering to pay whatever the charge for the service. A declines any money, but agrees to take X across the River, if X will sleep with A. Person X refuses, of course (!), but argues and then pleads with A to name some other price. A, however, remains firm. Person X leaves but returns a second day to seek a way across the River. A remains as adamant as before. In frustration, X seeks out a third person, B, who hears of the situation sympathetically, agreeing that A is certainly a rogue. But B says, "I have other matters concerning me just now and am not able to help you." In desperation X goes to A a third time only to be met with the same offer for the trip across the River. X finally agrees to the price and sleeps with A, who then delivers X across the River as promised. X and C are joyously reunited, until C asks how X got across the River. X truthfully replies, "I had to sleep with A to earn the trip across the River." C replies indignantly, "Out of my life ! I will have nothing to do with one who holds honor and principle so lightly! X, of course, is frustrated and desperate again, and appeals to Person D who replies, "I understand and am deeply sympathetic. I'd do anything I can to help you." (The curtain falls.)


Deontology Teleology Utilitarianism Situational Ethics Virtue Ethics Values Legality Policies and Codes Honesty and Integrity Benefit/Harm Test Equality Justice Rights Kantian Ethics Conscience Public Scrutiny

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