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Advance Translation

Redefining translation methods

and procedures/techniques
Redefining the methods
[] The way of particular translation process that
is carried out for the whole text.
[] It is used in revealing the overall meaning (the
whole text) of the SL to TL.
[] The method (macro-unit) will affect the way of
procedures (micro-units) that are translated.

= the method in translating ad., will differ to

poetry, and so on.
The hierarchy

TL Methods TL Procedures

and Ideology Method Procedures
(super (macro) (micro)

Foreignize SL Methods SL Procedures

Translation method: The V diagram

[] Translation methods can be traced in terms of

its emphasis on the SL or TL (Newmark, 1988).
[] SL emphasized methods
1. Word for word; pre-translation, the SL words
are translated singly (interlineal), out of
2. Literal; the SL grammatical constructions are
converted to their nearest TL equivalents,
the lexical words are again translated singly.
3. Faithful; produce the precise of TL
contextual meaning within the constraints
of the SL grammatical structures.
4. Semantic; emphasizes more on naturalness
than in faithful translation.

SL: John is too well aware that he is naughty kid.

TL: ……………………………………………………………………
[] TL emphasized methods
1. Adaptation; the freest form of translation; it is
used mainly for literary works; the SL culture
is converted/rewritten to the TL.
2. Free; focuses on the content of the TL text
rather than the structure.
3. Idiomatic; reproduces the message of the SL,
but tends to distort nuances of meaning by
preferring colloquialisms and idioms where
these do not exist in the SL.
4. Communicative; It aims at reproducing the
exact message of the SL text content and
context, but it emphasizes on acceptability
and readability of the TL.

SL: Nice guys finish at last.

TL: …………………………………
Redefining the procedures/techniques

[] The translator may encounter problems in the

translating: new words, non-translation, and
idiomatic expression (contextual meaning)=
non-translation (omission), borrowing,
neologisms (similar meaning), annotated
[] Strategies and procedures/techniques serve as
problem solving; strategies are part of the
process; procedures/techniques affect the
The translation procedures
(Vinay & Derbelnet in Venuti, 2004)

Direct Oblique
Procedure Procedure
s s

Translation procedures/techniques (Molina
and Albir, 2002)
[1] Adaptation; replaces the SL cultural terms
with the TL equivalent terms.
SL: dear sir TL: dengan hormat
SL: as white as snow TL: seputih kapas
[2] Amplification; introduces the details that are
not formulated in the SL; it gives additional
information about the SL terms.
SL: He speaks Indonesian.
TL: Dia bicara Bahasa Indonesia.
[3] Borrowing; a loan-word, pure or naturalized.
SL: durian TL: durian
SL: bambu TL: bamboo
[4] Calque; expresses a literal translation of SL
terms lexically or structurally.
SL: directorate general
TL: directorat jenderal
[5] Compensation; introduces the SL stylistic effect in
the TL since it can not be reflected the same
expression as in the SL.
SL: a piece of paperTL: selembar kertas
SL: a pair of scissors TL: sebuah gunting
[6] Description; replaces the SL term with a
description of its form or function.
SL: Makanan favoritku adalah pecel.
TL: My favorite food is pecel, a kind of salad topped
with peanut sauce.
[7] Discursive creation; establishes an equivalent term
that is out of context; it is often used for
translating the titles of movies, books, or novels.
SL: Malinkundang TL: The rebellious son
SL: Sleeping beautyTL: Putri tidur
[8] Established equivalent; uses a term or expression
that recognized by dictionaries or common
expression used everyday in the TL.
SL: They are as like as two peas.
TL: Mereka seperti pinang dibelah dua.
[9] Generalization; uses a more general term in
TL for specific term in SL.
SL: angkot TL: public transportation
SL: flat TL: rumah
[10] Linguistic amplification; adds linguistic
elements in TL; it is often used for
interpreting and dubbing.
SL: Up to you!
TL: terserah kamulah!
[11] Linguistic compression; synthesizes
linguistic elements in the TL, and it is often
used in interpreting or subtitling.
SL: Are you sleepy?
TL: Ngantuk?
[12] Literal translation; expresses word for word.
SL: The president gives me a present.
TL: Presiden memberiku sebuah hadiah.
[13] Modulation; changes the point of view of the SL to TL
(free or obliged); it is used when literal translation
produces unnatural result.
SL: Nobody doesn’t like him.
TL: Semua orang menyukainya.
SL: The problem is hard to solve.
TL: Masalahnya sulit untuk diselesaikan
[14] Particularization; uses more precise/concrete term in the
TL; opposite for generalization.
SL: public transportation TL: angkot
SL: rumah TL: flat
[15] Reduction; suppresses the SL information in
the TL; the opposite for linguistic amplification.
SL: He got a car accident.
TL: Dia kecelakaan.

[16] Substitution; changes the paralinguistic/

extralinguistic elements to linguistic elements.
SL: act of noding
TL: Ya!
[17] Transposition; replaces the SL grammatical categories
to the TL, words into phrases and so on; it is used due
to the grammatical differences between SL and TL.
SL: He got pens and books.
TL: Dia punya beberapa pulpen dan buku.

[18] Variation; changes the linguistic or paralinguistic

elements that affect the linguistic variation (tone, style,
SL: Keep on going!
TL: Gaskeun!
Translation works!
1. SL version:
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TL version: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Translation works!
2. SL version:
Frasa Idiomatis di antara Penutur Lokal Bahasa Sunda Banten:
Sebuah Studi Kasus
Penyelidikan terhadap bahasa-bahasa lokal di Indonesia sudah
banyak dilakukan, namun yang fokus membahas Bahasa Sunda
Banten, atau BSB, belum banyak dilakukan, terutama terkait frasa
idiomatis yang ada dalam BSB. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menggali informasi yang mendalam tentang: (1) bentuk frasa
idiomatis dalam BSB; (2) penggunaan frasa idiomatis dalam BSB; dan
(3) upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melestarikan frasa idiomatis
dalam BSB. Untuk menjawab ketiga masalah di atas, Kabupaten
Pandeglang dipilih sebagai lokasi riset, dengan melibatkan 27
informan yang dipilih secara justifikasi dan bola salju. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi kasus, dengan observasi,
wawancara, dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya.
Berdasarkan data yang digali dari para informan, diperoleh
temuan 94 frasa idiomatis sebagai bagian dari vokabuler BSB,
dan sebagian besar informan (17 orang atau 63%) menyatakan
bahwa frasa-frasa tersebut sudah jarang digunakan dalam
tuturan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perlu
segera dilakukan upaya konkret agar frasa idiomatis BSB dapat
terus digunakan melalui: (a) pembiasaan berbahasa Sunda
Banten di lingkungan rumah dan masyarakat, (b) dibuatnya
regulasi yang mengatur penggunaan BSB, (c) diterbitkannya
kamus BSB, (d) menjadikan BSB sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di
sekolah dan universitas, dan (e) pembatasan penggunaan
telepon pintar atau gawai lainnya.

TL version: …………………………………………………………………………………
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Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited: A
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Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. Prentice Hall Ltd.
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terms in Rainbow Troops Novel: Investigating translation
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Thank you

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