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Advance Translation

Translation: Process and product

The preliminary
1. SL version:
A : What’s going on with her?
B : She’s in blue, she lost her cat.
TL version: …………………………………………………….
2. SL version:
A: Kamu dari mana?
B: Aku baru dari supermarket.
TL version: …………………………………………………….
3. SL version:
A: Anda dari mana?
B: Saya dari Indonesia.
TL version: …………………………………………………….
Translation process and product
[] Translating is not merely reproducing the text
literally but also contextually to find the
most equivalent (accurate, acceptable, and
readable) meaning.

[] To produce a good translation product,

translator should go through some processes
(Hoed, 2006); (Newmark, 1988); (Nida &
Taber, 1974).
First process: Translating
In this stage, translator reads the SL text to get the
whole message; he/she can use online translation
service, it cannot depend 100% on its product.
SL version
A : Where are you going?
B, C, D : We are going to meet Prof. Dave.
Will you join us?
A : Sure!
TL version …………………………………………………………
Second process: Revising the result
The translator checks and revises the TL text to ensure
its accuracy, acceptability, and readability; the TL
version can be put aside or under the SL to find more
SL version
A : Where are you going?
B, C, D : We are going to meet Prof. Dave. Will
you join us?
A : Sure!
TL version …………………………………………………………
Some things to be checked:
1. Typographical errors,
2. The numbered headings (bolded, italicized),
3. The idiomatic word combinations,
4. It contains “it” or “they” and it cannot tell what it refers
5. The text contains a great many words which the readers
won’t understand; they are not highly educated, they
are not experts in the subject matter of the text, and
6. The text is not written in a way appropriate to the
Third process: Proofreading
In this stage, the translation product that has
been revised will be read by proofreaders to
check whether the target text sounds natural.
The proofreaders could be the native of the TL,
or the TL experts.

The proofreaders will also detect inconsistencies

of the punctuation, capitalization, or
typographical errors.
SL version
A : Where are you going?
B, C, D : We are going to meet Prof. Dave.
Will you join us?
A : Sure!
TL version …………………………………………………………
Final process: Final revision
This is the final step. The TL text are ready to read by
TL readers. The translator (along with proofreader)
may check the result for final revision (whole check).

SL version
A : Where are you going?
B, C, D : We are going to meet Prof. Dave.
Will you join us?
A : Sure!
TL version …………………………………………………………
Translating works
SL version
A farmer must transport his dog, a duck, and a
bag of corn across a river. The boat he has to use
is very small— so small that he can take only
one of the three in the boat with him at a time.
TL version …………………………………………………………
Baihaqi, A. (2017). Penerjemahan dan kesepadan dalam
penerjemahan. Staisman Press.
Baker, M. (2011). In other words: A coursebook on
translation. Routledge.
Hoed, B.H. (2006). Penerjemahan dan kebudayaan.
Pustaka Jaya.
Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. Prentice
Hall Ltd.
Nida, E.A., and Taber, C.R. (1974). The theory and practice
of translation. E. J. Brill.
Thank you

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