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Grade 11-1 and 2
 This lesson will let students illustrate random
sampling, distinguish some terms on
population and sample, and able to identify
sampling distributions of statistics. This is a
significant lesson as it is observed anywhere
at any field or career path.
 1. Based on your outputs, is it possible that a single
person will be paired to himself to satisfy the
sample size of 2? Like for example, Aaron and
Aaron, Bryan and Bryan, and so on. 
 2. Imagine you are going on a beach trip with your
friends, and you are choosing from your five beach
polos and four shorts to pair. How many
combinations can be made?
Sampling Distribution

 A sampling distribution is a probability distribution of a

statistic that is obtained through repeated sampling of a
specific population.
 Suppose a sample of size 2 will be drawn from a
population consisting of Aaron, Bryan, Cliff and Denisse,
identify the sampling distribution of the outcomes.
 Proposition 1. A random sample of size n from a finite population
with N elements, taken without replacement, is a sample chosen
in such a way that each of the possible samples has the same
probability, 1/ , of being selected.

 Proposition 2. A random sample of size n from a finite population

with N elements, taken without replacement, is a sample chosen
that the NCn possible samples has the same probability, 1/ NCn, of
being selected.
Utilizing Proposition 2
Probability Sampling/
 First step, solve for the possible number of
outcomes. There will be N = 4C2 = = 6
outcomes. Aaron and Bryan
 Second step, knowing the number of Aaron and Cliff
outcomes, list down all outcomes from the
Aaron and Denisse
population. The sample size is two, so there
will be two samples taken at a time. Bryan and Cliff
Bryan and Denisse
Cliff and Denisse
 Lastly, identify the probability sampling of the

Probability Sampling/ Probability

Aaron and Bryan 1/6
Aaron and Cliff 1/6
Aaron and Denisse 1/6
Bryan and Cliff 1/6
Bryan and Denisse 1/6
Cliff and Denisse 1/6
Example 2:

 Suppose a sample of size 3 will be drawn without

replacement from a population consisting of the
elements 3,4,5,6 and 7, identify the sampling
distribution of the outcomes.
 N = 5C3 = = 10 outcomes
Probability Sampling/ Probability
3,4,5 1/10
3,4,6 1/10
3,4,7 1/10
3,5,6 1/10
3,5,7 1/10
3,6,7 1/10
4,5,6 1/10
4,5,7 1/10
4,6,7 1/10
5,6,7 1/10
Identifying the mean, variance and standard
  Population Sample


Considering example 2
Probability Sampling/ Probability
3,4,5 1/10
3,4,6 1/10
3,4,7 1/10
3,5,6 1/10
3,5,7 1/10
3,6,7 1/10
4,5,6 1/10
4,5,7 1/10
4,6,7 1/10
5,6,7 1/10
X Probability Probability
3 9 3,4,5 1/10 4
4 16 3,4,6 1/10 4.33
5 25 3,4,7 1/10 4.67
6 36 3,5,6 1/10 4.67
7 49 3,5,7 1/10 5
    3,6,7 1/10 5.33
    4,5,6 1/10 5
    4,5,7 1/10 5.33
    4,6,7 1/10 5.67
    5,6,7 1/10 6
TOTAL= 25 135   1 50
Frequency P(
4 1 16 1/10 4/10 16/10
4.33 1 18.7849 1/10 4.33/10 1.87849
4.67 2 21.8089 2/10 or 9.34/10 4.36178
5 2 25 2/10 or 10/10 or 1 5
5.33 2 28.4089 2/10 or 10.66/10 5.68178
5.67 1 32.1489 1/10 5.67/10 3.21489
6 1 36 1/10 6/10 36/10
TOTAL 10 178.1516 1 5 25.33694
 Population Mean:
= =5

 Population Variance:
= 27 – 25 = 2

 Population Standard Deviation:

= or approximately 1.41
 Sample Mean:

 Sample Variance:
= 25.33694 - 25.33694 – 25 = 0.33694 or approximately equal
to 0.34

 Sample Standard Deviation:


 Sampling distribution describes a range of possible

outcomes for a statistic, such as the mean or mode
of some variable, of a population.
 The population mean and sample mean of the
sampling distribution are equal.

 Identify the sampling distribution of the outcomes

with sample size of 3 to be drawn without
replacement from the population having elements
7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
 A group of STEM students in BSU-SLS planned to have an
online business as part of their Immersion. Their shares are Php
1,500.00, Php 2,000.00, Php 2,500.00, Php 3,000.00, Php
3,500.00, and Php 4, 000.00. A sample size of 4 is to be taken
from this population as part of their market analysis. (1 whole
sheet of paper)

a. Is the group of STEM students in BSU-SLS a population?  

b. Give the parameter and statistic in this situation.
c. What method of sampling is utilized in this activity? 
d. Identify the sampling distribution of the samples.

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