Problem in Nails (Roziel)

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Problem with Nails

Pale Nails
White nails with a rim
of darker color at the tip
of the nail is called
Terry's nail and often a
sign of a severe liver
disease called cirrhosis.
Yellow Nails
The so-called
"yellow nail
syndrome" occurs in
patients with serious
pulmonary disease.
Bluish Nails
In this condition, the
nails are really normal
in color but the nail bed,
the tissue that lies
beneath the nail, is blue.
• This is commonly called
nail bed cyanosis and is a
sign of poorly oxygenated
blood or more accurately
unoxygenated hemoglobin,
the oxygen carrying protein
in red blood cells.
Rippled Nails
Nail pitting is a
classical sign of
psoriasis in the nail.
This appears as tiny
holes in the nail surface.
Rippling of the nail
surface is seen in patients
with dermatitis of the
fingertips. This can be a
result of atopic dermatitis,
irritant dermatitis, or
allergic contact dermatitis
Split or Cracked Nails
Brittle nails,
onychoschizia and
onychorrhexis, are often
a condition of the
Dark Lines Beneath the
There are a number of
reasons for the appearance
of a linear brown or black
streak extending from the
cuticle to the tip of the nail.
Since it is not possible to
visualize the source of the
color since it resides in the
nail matrix below the nail
fold, it is frequently a cause
for anxiety in the patients and
their doctors. A biopsy may be
required in order to be sure it
is not a form of skin cancer.
Ring worm
it usually appears at the point
where the nails emerge from
the skin.
Is a thickening of the nails. This
can happen when the toenails
are not trimmed properly.
Very thin, and lack of keratin
and thus tend to split easily.

Ingrown Nails
The corners of the nail
press into the skin and
cause inflammation.
White spots
Frequently appear on the
nail plate a condition called
Leuconychia causes such as
diet, obesity and allergy.
Thank you 
For Listening ;)

Roziel B. Paeste

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