Parts of Speech Presentation

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It is a word for a person, place, thing,
NOUN animal, or idea.

Nouns are concrete like dogs and


It can also be abstract like kindness,

and happiness.

Common like school or planets.

And proper like Dr. Morgan and the


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It is a word used in place Subjects: he, she
of a noun. Objects: him, her
Possessive: his, hers
Indefinite: nobody, all
Demonstrative: this, those
VERB A word or group of words that expresses an
action or being.

A verb tells what the noun does.

A linking or state of being verb tells you,

"The winner is me!"
It describes or modifies a
verb, an adjective, or An adverb tells where, how,
another adverb but never a and when.

The most commonly used

Many adverbs end in "-ly."
adverb is "very."

It usually
It is a word used
answers the
to modify or
question of
describe a noun
which one, what
or a pronoun.
kind, or how
It is a word placed before a noun or pronoun
N to form a phrase modifying another word in
the sentence.

The relationship can be spatial or in time.

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It joins words, phrases, Coordinating: for, and, nor
or clauses, and indicates Correlative: both, just, neither
the relationship between Subordinating: after, as if, just as
the elements joined.
It is a word used to express
Words of shock or surprise.
emotion. It is often followed
Wow!, Cool!, Awesome!
by an exclamation point.
Thank you!

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