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Sistemas educativos y políticas

educativas en el proceso de
enseñanza aprendizaje de inglés
como lengua extranjera

Unit 1
Public Policy

Topic 1
Public Policies in Ecuador

Alberto Altamirano P.
Get acquainted with the most
important Ecuadorian public policies
and to analyze the fulfillment of these
in an educational institution.

Welcome to the subject: Educational Systems! Educational Systems is a
subject which tries to integrate contents from the syllabuses you’ll receive
during this semester, that s why it is included within the integrative chair.
Throughout it youre going to analyze the Ecuadorian public policies and
analyze school systems and contexts.

Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

Examples of public policy in different sectors of the country

UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Reducing poverty improving access to Public Safety Policies: Reduce crime rate,
healthcare and education, promote improve public safety (more police), investing
environment sustainability (reduce carbon in technology (cameras, GPS tracking devices)
emissions) (De Paula and Santoyo 2020)
(Gubert and Machado 2021)

Education Policies: Universal access to Environmental Policies: Reduce

education, construction of schools and deforestation, protect biodiversity, creating
teacher training programs. protected áreas, reducing carbon footprint
(Beltran and Galarza 2019) (Rivas 2021)
Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

In 2008, Ecuador's government promoted the formulation of sectorial public policies with a
human rights approach at the national level.

The National Secretariat for Planning and Development (SENPLADES) is strengthening the
capacities of public servants in this area with the support of the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights (OACNUDH).

Public policies in Ecuador seek to guarantee all rights and a good living for Ecuadorians,
including health, education, nourishment, and safety.

Ecuador has implemented important public policies to provide universal human rights for
good living and safety, and to support the main socio-economic priorities.
Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

The Organic Law on
PUBLIC Intercultural Education

National Development
Plan (PND 2017-2021)

Constitution of the
Republic of Ecuador
Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

Constitution of the • Is the supreme legal document that establishes the rights and
obligations of citizens and the state.
Republic of Ecuador • It recognizes the plurinational, intercultural, and decentralized
character of the country (Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador, 2008)

National • Is a strategic planning instrument that guides the actions of the

Development Plan Ecuadorian government to achieve its objectives in economic,
social, and environmental matters. (SENPLADES, 2017)
(PND 2017-2021)

The Organic Law on • Approved in 2011, aims to guarantee the right to a quality
education that respects the diversity of cultures, languages, and
Intercultural knowledge systems present in Ecuador. (Asamblea Nacional del
Education Ecuador, 2011)
Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies

Who is in charge of public policies?


Subtopic 3: Ecuadorian public policies
Education and public policies in Ecuador
Public policies play important roles in social life, consequently in education.

Laws are created to improve education.

Policies feed the educational system in all their organizational structures.

Education aims to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society.

They are engaged in transmitting, developing and forming cultural, ethical, and aesthetic values.

Educational institutions should privilege academic excellence and the link with the community.

Teachers guide their pedagogical actions based on regulations.

Educational laws feed on The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.

Class Activity 2
Discussion about public policy in Ecuador
You are going to have a debate in your groups about the different kinds of public
policy that exist in Ecuador. In your discussion you must mention:

• The types of policies that exists (not everyone, just the most important for you)
• Give examples of specific policies that are currently in place
• Mention possible outcomes (both positive and negative)

You must debate this information in a video conference (3 – 5 minutes long)

Practice speaking about the topic and getting some knowledge before your record
Class Activity 2
Discussion about public policy in Ecuador
When you have finished recording your video:

Save your video, make it viewable to anyone with the link, and copy and past the
link in a document that you will upload to the Drive folder for ‘week 2 class


The deadline to submit this activity is Sunday May 7th 2023

• Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador. (2011). Ley Orgá nica de Educació n Intercultural. Retrieved from
• Beltran, C., & Galarza, M. (2019). La Educació n en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo del Ecuador: 2017-2021. Revista de Investigació n
Académica, 6, 1-14.
• Constitution of 2008. (n.d.). Republic of Ecuador. Retrieved from
• De Paula, A., & Santoyo, S. (2020). Seguridad ciudadana en el Ecuador: políticas pú blicas y sus efectos. Revista de Ciencia Política, 40, 43-
• Gubert, M., & Machado, C. (2021). Ecuador and the 2030 Agenda: Progress, Challenges and the Way Forward. Sustainable Development,
29, 122-134.
• Ministerio de Educació n. (2017). Plan Nacional de Educació n 2017-2021.
• Ministerio de Finanzas. (2017). Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2017-2021 para el Buen Vivir: Tercer Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir
• Rivas, C. (2021). Aná lisis de la política ambiental en Ecuador: Balance y perspectivas. Revista del Instituto de Investigació n de la Facultad
de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 5, 49-67.
• Secretaría Nacional de Planificació n y Desarrollo - Senplades Portal. Available in:
• Thomas R. Dye. (2005). Understanding Public Policy. Prentice Hall. Available in:

Thank You


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