Town Planning

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Town Planning

-by batch 2

• Town planning is the process of managing land resources. It

involves the control of existing and new developments, as
well as strategy preparation to ensure manage future
requirements. It is a dynamic process that changes in
response to policy, development proposals and local needs
• Town planners must try and balance the demands of
landowners and developers, with the needs and concerns of
the community and the policy framework.
• If planning is successful, it can provide protection for the environment, can promote and
facilitate regeneration, can help create and sustain communities, and can create new and
exciting places.
• Town planning maintains the best of the past while encouraging creativity and innovation in the
development of a sustainable future.
What is town planning?
• Physical, social and economic planning of an urban environment.
• It encompasses many different disciplines and bring them all under a single umbrella.
• The simplest definition of town planning is that it is the organization of all elements of town
Why is Town Planning Important?
• Parts of cities change too with city planning programs you can help prepare socioeconomic and physical
design plans on large scale that make improve the quality of life for people.
• You can preserve natural space, encourage economic growth and mobilize a thoughtful public. Planning
looks at the needs of people and the environment whilst respecting limits to development.
• Urban planning must recognise regional limits to development in order to maintain natural habitats and
biodiversity, which is so important to our continued existence.

Types of sustainable town planning include:

Preparation of Local Environmental Plans
Preparation of Development Control Plans and Management Plans
Preparation of Development Applications
Principles of town planning.
Some of the guiding principles of town planning are as follows
• Zoning. The town should be divided into suitable zones such as commercial
zone, maustriar zone, residental zone, etc
• Green Belt
• Housing.
• • Public Buildings.
• Recreation Centres
• Road Systems.
• Transport Facilities.
• Health.
• Technology.

Aims and Objectives of Town Planning:

• To avoid encroachment of zone over the other
• To protect environment improve health and safety
• To preserve the aesthetics in the design of all elements of town plan
• To ensure orderly development
• To create and promote healthy conditions and environments for all the people
• To make right use of the land for the right purpose by zoning
• Need of Town Planning:
• Urbanization is increasing
• Population is growing. planning is needed to make better use of resources

Need of Town Planning:

• Urbanization is increasing
• Population is growing. planning is needed to make better use of resources
• Social inequality
• Realizing a settlements economical potential by overcoming weakness such.
1. Lack of innovative urban development vision
2.Lack of coordination between departments responsible for urban development
3. Unsustainable development
4. Environmental degradation
Facing new socio-economic and climatic challenge
1. Urban security
2. Public health and safety
3. Global warming and climatic changes
4. Social changes

Town planning survey Work:

A survey we conducted to prepare an outline of the village showing the dwelling houses, tanks, streets,
electric poles, water supply lines and other important details of the area. In addition to this, another sketch
indicating our proposal to modernize the village with particular reference to residential locality, business
area, recreation
spaces etc
The following instruments were used for this work:
1. Total station with tripod
2. Plane table with stand and accessories
3. Chain with arrows
4. Tape
5. Ranging rods

The field work may be arranged as follows

1. Check the area and prepare a rough sketch.
2. Select the traverse station as suitable place.
3. The starting stations are fixed with reference to three permanent points and setup the plane table, add and
mark the station on the sheet.
4. Traverse the area using the plane table and all Important features are filled up intersection.
5. The plane tabling work is checked by taking 3 permanent objects in the area as check points.
6. And is plotted to the scale of 1:100.
Town Planning involves both control of existing and new development. "Strategic planning" is required to ensure
our resources are carefully managed to match our future needs and expectations. In the present scenario, a
variety of techniques have emerged for collection of data, assessment of existing conditions in a town, existing
land use survey, etc. Town planners use these techniques in survey, analysis, planning, implementation and
monitoring stages of the planning process.

Contour survey
• Contour survey illustrates the elevation differences across your land, in regular intervals, from the
lowest point to the highest point. Contour lines join points at the same elevation. The closer together
the contour lines are, the steeper the section
Need of contour survey in town planning ?

• contour maps helps you know how the topography and terrian of an area is, it helps to know the
rising and depression of a given area,hills, valleys, mountain, water ways and rivers etc…

• If you want an efficient water distribution and sewage collection systems, you want your
water source at the highest point of the community and the sewage treatment plant at the

• Contour maps can provide that exact type of information to design the most efficient system
for the community
Advantages of town planning:

• To attempt an orderly appropriate and balanced arrangements of land use.

• To develop healthy, attractive and efficient environment in the city.
• To promote a high level of culture.
• To create and maintain an attractive central core and make it the cultural, financial, commercial and
• entertainment centre.
• To provide an interrelated balanced transportation system adequate to meet the needs of everyone in
• the urban community.
• To encourage the attraction, retention and expansion of a sufficient number and variety of industries and
business activities to provide jobs to the people and to get more income to municipality.

• To create a sense of dignity, identity, pride and responsibility in the social environment.
• To suggest the schemes which will control the future growth and development of the city.

• To provide maximum educational and medical facilities.

• To provide maximum utility service facilities to reach all people of the city.
• To implement effective measure of slumclearance programmes in the city and
controlling the further development of slum in the city.
• Suggestions will be made to demolish old structures of public and private
• To suggest relocation, redevelopment and renewal of structure in the city.
• To create maximum green and open spaces in the urban limit.
• Measures will be suggested to control the pollution of air, water, noise etc.
• Improvement and modernization of water supply, sewerage, electricity etc.
• Improvement of site development for residential industrial, public and semi-
public use.

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