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First aid for poisoning

and choking
• Poisoning:
• Poisoning is a condition in which a person
ingests , inhales or through any media
comes in contact with a poisonous
substance capable of injuring health and
destroying life.

• It may be either accidentally or

• A poison is a substance which when taken
in sufficient amount is capable of
temporary or permanent damage to the
Routes of entrance of poison :
a)by mouth
b)by inhaling poisonous gases,chemical
vapours or fumes from fire.

c)injected poisons or drugs

d)poisonous snakes , fish insects infect into
the skin.

e)absorption via the skin eg:insecticides.

The types of poisoning are as follows:
a)alcohol poisoning

b)organophosphate poisoning

c)drugs poisoning
d)foods poisoning

e)gas poisoning

f)plant poisoning
g)snake bites , scorpion bites
The signs and symptoms of poisoning are as
b)abdominal pain

g)Pupils of the eyes may be abnormally

dilated or contracted


i)hallucination, delirious
j)respiratory difficulty, cyanosis

The aims for first aid for poisoning are as
to maintain an open airway , breathing,

to identify the poison

to get the casualty to seek medical aid or
hospital as soon as possible.
The first aid management for poisoning are
as follows:

a)assess the condition of the casualty by

checking his pulse, respiration.
b)call for medical help.
c)preserve any remains of poison, any box,
cartoons, bottle or other container which
may help to identify the poison, any
vomited matter.
d)if the victim has taken non-corrosive
poisoning and if he is conscious.

-induce vomiting by tickling the back of the

throat with a spoon or two fingers or
e)if the casualty is unconscious donot induce

If the casualty’s mouth and lips are burnt ,

the casualty might have taken corrosive
f)neutralize the poison by giving antidote.

An antidote is a substance when reacts

with the poison, makes it harmless.

For eg: if an acid has been swallowed , an

alkali such as chalk or milk of magnesia
should be given.
-dilute the poison by giving copious draughts
of water.

This will help to lessen the irritating effect

and to delay absorption in strong

It will also replace fluid lost by vomiting.

-give soothing drinks such as milk , barely
water, raw eggs or flour beaten up with
g)if the casualty is unconscious then,

-place him in recovery position or prone

position with the head turned to one side
and not resting on a pillow.
h)start resuscitation if not breathing.

i)seek medical help as soon as possible.

• Choking:
• Choking is a blockage of upper airway by
food or other objects, which prevents a
person from breathing effectively.

• Choking can cause a simple coughing fit

but complete blockage of the airway may
lead to death.
The signs and symptoms of choking are as
a)inability to talk.

b)difficulty breathing or noisy breathing.

c)coughing violently
d)skin , lips and nails turning blue or

e)loss of consciousness

f)prominent veins in neck and face

g)complaining of burning sensation in
substernal region.

h)the person desperately clutches his or her

throat or mouth and attempts to induce
The first aid treatment for choking are as

a)reassure the victim.

b)open airway and remove any false teeth or

foreign bodies.

c)encourage the victim to cough

d)help the victim to bend forward with the
head lower than the lungs.

e)firmly slap the victim between the

shoulder blades upto five times with your
This should help to remove the
f)check the victim’s mouth . If the
obstruction is visible , then take it out
with fingers.
g)stand behind the victim and wrap the arms
around his abdomen.

Clench the fist and thumb against the center

of the victim’s abdomen between the navel
and the bottom of his ribs.

Give the victim a sudden strong , upward

jerk. Repeat the jerk five times.
h)check the victim’s mouth again.

i)repeat the back slaps and abdominal

thrusts if necessary.
j)if the victim becomes unconscious , use the
following steps:

-lay the victim down on his/her back.

-sit over him/her with the heel of lower

hand on his belly between his navel and his
-give a strong upward push. But do it gently.

-if the victim is still unable to breath start

artificial respiration and transfer to

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