PPH Figo 2022

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dr. Aristo Farabi, SpOG



The causes of postpartum hemorrhage match the four Ts that are

included in most instruction:
• Tone – decreased uterine tone or atony (70%)
• Trauma – birth canal injury (20%)
• Tissue – retained placenta or uterine clot
• Thrombin – any coagulation issue
Despite many identified risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage, most
cases occur unexpectedly.
 FIGO recommendations for prevention of postpartum

•  Oxytocin (10 IU intravenously/intramuscularly [IV/IM]) is recommended for the prevention of PPH for vaginal delivery and
cesarean section.4, 5
• In settings where oxytocin is unavailable or its quality cannot be guaranteed, the use of other injectable uterotonics (if
appropriate ergometrine/methylergometrine 200 μg IM/IV; hypertensive disorders can be safely excluded prior to its use)
or oral misoprostol (400–600 µg orally) or carbetocin 100 µg IM/IV is recommended for the prevention of PPH. 4, 5
• The combinations of ergometrine plus oxytocin or misoprostol plus oxytocin may be more effective uterotonic drug
strategies for the prevention of PPH ≥500 ml compared with the current standard, oxytocin. This comes at the expense of a
higher risk of adverse effects (vomiting and hypertension with ergometrine and fever with misoprostol). 7
• In settings where skilled birth attendants are not present to administer injectable uterotonics and oxytocin is unavailable,
the administration of misoprostol (400–600 μg orally) by community healthcare workers and lay health workers is
recommended for the prevention of PPH.4, 5
• Sustained uterine massage is not recommended as an intervention to prevent PPH in women who have received
prophylactic oxytocin.8
• Postpartum abdominal uterine tonus assessment for early identification of uterine atony is recommended for all women.

• Oxytocin (IV or IM) and CCT is the recommended method for removal of the placenta for the prevention of PPH in
cesarean delivery.4
FIGO recommendations for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage

• Intravenous oxytocin alone is the recommended first-line uterotonic drug for the treatment of PPH.3, 4
• If intravenous oxytocin is unavailable, or if the bleeding does not respond to oxytocin, the use of intramuscular
ergometrine, oxytocin–ergometrine fixed dose, or a prostaglandin drug (including sublingual misoprostol, 800 μg) is
recommended.3, 4, 9, 10
• The use of isotonic crystalloids is recommended in preference to the use of colloids for the initial intravenous fluid
resuscitation of women with PPH.4, 11
• Early use of intravenous tranexamic acid as soon as PPH is diagnosed but within 3 h of birth in addition to standard care is
recommended for women with clinically diagnosed PPH following vaginal birth or cesarean delivery. 12-14
• Administration of 1 g (100 mg/ml) tranexamic acid intravenously at 1 ml/min (i.e. administered over 10 min), with a
second dose of 1 g intravenously if bleeding continues after 30 min, or if bleeding restarts within 24 h of completing the
first dose. Reducing maternal deaths due to bleeding through scaling up of tranexamic acid for PPH treatment could have a
positive impact on health equity and improve outcomes among disadvantaged women, especially in LMICs. 15
• Uterine massage is recommended for the treatment of PPH. 3, 4
• The use of bimanual uterine compression or external aortic compression for the treatment of PPH due to uterine atony
after vaginal birth is recommended as a temporizing measure until appropriate care is available. 3, 4
• If women do not respond to treatment using uterotonics, or if uterotonics are
unavailable, the use of uterine balloon tamponade is recommended as an effective
nonsurgical technique that can potentially improve survival in women with PPH due
to uterine atony after ruling out retained products of conception or uterine rupture as
a contributing factor.3, 4, 16
• The use of uterine packing is not recommended for the treatment of PPH due to
uterine atony after vaginal birth.3, 4
• Uterine artery embolization can be another conservative management measure for
PPH if technical conditions and skilled human resources are available for its use. 17
• If bleeding does not stop despite treatment using uterotonics and other available
conservative interventions (e.g. uterine massage, balloon tamponade), the use of
surgical interventions is recommended.3, 4 Surgical interventions include the use of
compression suture techniques,18 uterine and hypogastric artery ligation, and
• The priority is to stop the bleeding before the patient develops coagulation problems
and organ damage from under-perfusion. Conservative approaches should be tried
first, rapidly moving to more invasive procedures if these do not work.
First response PPH bundle Uterotonic drugs
Isotonic crystalloids
Tranexamic acid
Uterine massage
Notes: Initial fluid resuscitation is
performed together with intravenous
(IV) administration of uterotonics. If IV
uterotonics are not available, fluid
resuscitation should be started in
parallel with sublingual misoprostol or
other parenteral uterotonics. If PPH is
in the context of placental retention,
the placenta should be extracted, and
a single dose of antibiotics should be
administered. If lacerations are
encountered, they should be repaired.

Response to refractory PPH bundle Compressive measures (aortic

compression or bimanual uterine
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
Non-pneumatic antishock garment
Notes: A continuing dose of
uterotonics (e.g. oxytocin diluted in
isotonic crystalloids) and a second
dose of tranexamic acid should be
administered during the application of
this bundle.

• uterine massage
• placement of two large bore intravenous catheters
• supplemental oxygen
• strict monitoring
• crystalloid isotonic fluid infusion,
• and avoidance of hypothermia.

• Vital signs are unreliable for recognition of shock because changes

occur late after high-volume blood loss. The shock index is a ratio of
heart rate to systolic blood pressure (HR/SYSTOLIC). A shock index of
0.9 or greater is associated with increased mortality, and a shock
index of greater than 1 increases the likelihood of blood transfusion.
• The rule of 30 is another tool for estimating severe blood loss. A drop
in hematocrit of 30%, a drop in hemoglobin of 30%, a drop in systolic
blood pressure of 30 mm Hg, and an increase in pulse by 30 beats per
minute all suggest a blood loss of 30%.

• Tranexamic acid inhibits fibrinolysis and can reduce mortality by up to

30% in postpartum hemorrhage. It is recommended for all women
with blood loss of at least 500 mL after vaginal delivery or 1,000 mL of
blood loss after cesarean delivery. It should be administered as 1 g
infused intravenously over 10 minutes, within three hours of
delivery. A second dose can be given for continued bleeding 30
minutes following the first dose.

Penatalaksanaan aktif Kala III:

- Oksitosin pada saat atau setelah persalinan
- Tarikan tali pusat terkendali
- Masase uterus setelah plasenta lahir

Perdarahan masif Tekanan darah Kehilangan darah  500ml Perdaraan

menurun Nadi meningkat pascasalin

Tatalaksana Sistematis Kompresi bimanual eksterna Oksitosin 20 Eksplorasi traktus genitalia bagian Pemeriksaan Pemeriksaan
IU dalam NaCl bawah dan uterus. Evakuasi bekuan plasenta pembekun darah
Infus kristaloid 500 ml selama 10 menit darah


Uterus lembek (Tonus) Robekan jalan lahir Retensio plasenta Gangguan pembekuan darah (Trombin)
Inversio (Trauma) Jaringan (Tissue) Jaringan (Tissue)

Misoprostol 1000 mcg rektal Jahit robekan Evakuasi Manual plasenta Transfusi:
PNPK Perdarahan Pasca Salin PP POGI Metilergometrin 0,2mg IM Karboprost hematom Koreksi inversio Kuretase Metotreksat - Fresh frozen plasma
0,25 mg IM uteri - Faktor rekombinan VIIA
- Transfusi trombosit

Kehilangan darah >1000 sampai 1500 ml Perdarahan


RIMOT: Transfusi RBC, trombosit dan faktor pembekuan darah. Pemberian

- RESUSITASI vasopresor, anestesi, hematologist, pembedahan, ICU, tampon uterus,
- INFUS 2 jalur jarum ukuran besar embolisasi pembuluh darah, ligasi dan jahitan kompresi, histerektomi
- MONITORING tekanan darah, nadi, produksi urin
H Help. Ask for Help
A Assess (vital sign, blood loss) and resucitate
E Establish aetilogy, ensure aviabioity of blood, acbolic (oxytocin, ergometrine, or Management
syntometrine bolus IV/IM)
M Massage uterus
O Oxytocin infusion, ergometrine bolus IV/IM, prostaglandins per rectal Medical
S Shi\ to the theatre. E(xclude retain products and trauma, bimanual Conservative Non
compression, abdominal aorta compression) Surgical Management
T Tamponade (balloonor uterine Gauze packing)
A Apply compression uterus (B-Lynch technique or modified)
S Systemic pelvic devascularization : uterine, ovarian, quadriple, internal iliaca
I Interventional radiologist, if appropriate, uterine artery embolization

Last Effort- Non -

Conservative Surgical
S Subtotal/total hysterectomy Management

Gulardi H.Wiknjosastro*, Ali Sungkar*, Novan Satya Pamungkas*, Budiman**, Iswan Syarif**, Agung Suhadi. The use of B-Iynch technique and Lasso Budiman technique to control post partum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. PIT
Penatalaksanaan Perdarahan Postpartum (Pervaginam)
• Pasang infus RL double line Primer /
• Berikan uterotonika tambahan Sekunder
• Cari penyebab


• Kompresi bimanual interna Bekuan Darah Sisa Plasenta
• Kompresi Aorta Abdominalis Ruptur
Bersihkan Plasenta
bekuan darah manual Repair
Tampon kondom kateter

Laparotomi Perbaiki
B-Lynch gangguan
• Hayman koagulasi
• Modifikasi Surabaya
Ligasi Arteri
• Uterina – ovarika
• Hipogastrika
Sekunder /
Histerektomi Tersier

Persalinan Normal


Uterotonika + Asam

Perdarahan berlanjut

Pemeriksaan dalam

Tampon Balon
Jika Trauma
A Comprehensive Textbook of pembiusan
An Essential Clinical Reference for Effective
2nd Edition

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