Time Management

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Time Management

Time Management 1
Benefits of time management

• Efficient
• Successful
• Healthy

Time Management 2
Obstacles to effective time
Unclear objectives


Inability to say “no”

Time Management 3
Obstacles to effective time

More interruptions

Periods of inactivity
Time Management 4
Obstacles to effective time
Too many things at once

Stress and fatigue

All work and no play

Time Management 5
What can we do?

Recognize that obstacles exist

Identify them
Employ strategies to overcome
Time Management 6
Set goals
• Specific
• Measurable

Time Management 7
Set goals
• Achievable
• Realistic
• Time-based
Time Management 8
• Do
• Delegate
• Delay
• Delete

Time Management 9
& Set Dea


Time Management 10

1. Address the urgent

2. Accomplish what you can early
3. Attach deadlines to things you delay

Time Management 11

Time Management 12
Learn when to say “NO”
• You can’t do
• Don’t undertake things
you can’t complete
• Remain consistent to
your goals

Time Management 13
Use your waiting time

• On public transportation
• At the doctor’s office
• Waiting for your plane
• On hold
• When you are early
Time Management 14
Use your waiting time


Letters or memos

Books or tapes

Time Management 15
Concentrate on the task at hand

• Focus on your goal

• Tune out interruptions

Time Management 16
Consider your personal prime time

• Morning?
• Evening?
• Late night?

Time Management 17
Celebrate your success

Time Management 18
• Set goals
• Prioritize
• Organize
• Learn when to say “NO”
• Use your waiting time
• Concentrate on the task at hand
• Consider your personal prime time
• Celebrate success

Time Management 19
The Big Rocks of Life

Time Management 20

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