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My role model in life

The population of the world is seven billion people. All of them
live, work, learn and reproduce, but very few of them have been
remembered by mankind throughout ages for their intellectual and
creative giving to the humanity. Those people are the models that
rising generations should follow.

My two role models in life

Maria Montessori is considered the best

role model for what she contributed to
education all over the world, to the
extent that an educational method is
named after her, “Montessori Method”.
The second role model that has a great
influence not only on the Arab world, but
also worldwide is Zaha Hadid, the well-
known architect who astounded the
whole world by her unique artistic
Why I choose those two models:

Why I choose those two models:

Maria Montessori is a great example in the field of education while, Zaha Hadid has
the same area in the field of architecture.

 They both inspired me to set an important goal in my life. This goal is to have a
unique teaching method in my field that is interior design. In this way, I will have a
unique teaching method like Maria’s method, and it will be related to the field of my
study of interior design like the field of Zaha.

 Therefore, both models are ideal to me and that is why I choose them to be my role

Maria Montessori

Why I choose those two models:

Maria Montessori’s Educational Method. River Valley Charter school 1925.

Maria Montessori’s life and struggles

Maria Montessori was born on August, 31st 1870 in Italy to well-educated parents. In 1876 she
joined the school in Rome where she demonstrated high skills and a great passion for learning.
In 1886 she entered the Technical Institute of Leonardo da Vinci hoping to be an engineer. That
was uncommon at that time as most girls were allowed to study the classics such as art and
languages rather than technical majors like engineering or medicine. After that she tried to join
the school of medicine that was only for males. However, she was not allowed to enter at first. In
1890 she was enrolled at the University of Rome to study physics, math and natural sciences. On
receiving her two-year diploma, she entered the faculty of medicine to be the first woman to join
the medical school in Italy. She encountered many hardships at the medical school because of
her male colleagues’ prejudice on one hand and her professors on the other hand. She passed all
this and became the first female doctor in Italy in 1896.

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Upon obtaining her doctorate of medicine, Maria In 1907 Maria started the first Casa Dei Bambini
found a job at San Giovanni Hospital In 1897. (the house of kids) . . BY the end of 1908 there had
Montessori joined a research program in psychiatric been five casa dei Bambini in Rome and Milan. .
clinic at the university of Rome which represents a Maria’s approach had a viral spread around the
turning point of her life. During this program, she world to the extent that all schools in Italy and
visited Rome’s Asylums where there were many Switzerland decided to use Maria’s method as a
mental-retarded children seeking parents. Her work standard system. The Montessori Method was
with the children began to be famous, and she published in a book, with the same name, in 1910.
delivered speeches at conferences all over the world. Moreover, it was translated into 20 languages, and it
was in the US Bestseller List. Now Montessori
schools are famous all over the world due to the
successful approach developed by a sincere person
like Maria Montessori.

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid’s life and study

Zaha Hadid , The Queen of Curves as named by The Guardian, was born on October
the two great figures mentioned above have their influence not only on
31st local
their 1950 incommunity,
the third big city
Iraq Limpressed
Mosul. Zahathe
up intheir
an great
works. Unless
encouraging Maria
family Montessori
atmosphere, and herhad had the
character spirit of challenge
was influenced by the and
perseverance, shestudied
environment . She couldmathematics
not have atachieved a method
the American of ineducation
University that
Beirut in 1968.
represents a great
She joined the help to
Association teachers and
of Architecture students
in London and all over the
graduated world.
in 1977. One the
In the
other hand, If Zaha convinced herself to lead a life of a normal girl to
same year she was appointed as a teacher.
enjoy life and be a mother, we would not have seen these great works of
art .

Zaha’s career

Why I choose those two models:

Zaha’s career life began with a partnership with Rem Koolhaas, her mentor at the university, at the
Architectural Association Metropolitan. However, she wanted to carry out her own ideas, so she
started to work on her own since 1979. She entered many competitions and many exhibitions as
well. The first victory was the prize she got in Hong Kong at the age of 32. This was her turning
point to move from such a competition stage to the real world where she encountered the real
challenge with the male architects. She gave up the partnership with her teachers and started her
own work in her office East of London. Not only was she an architect, but she was a furniture
designer and an interior designer as well.

Zaha’s achievements

Since 1987 Zaha has been recognized all over the

world. She got many positions in different
schools and universities around the world. Zaha
crowned all the rewards and positions she had by
winning the “Pritzker Architecture Prize” in
2004. Zaha died of a heart attack on March, 31st
2016 leaving a valuable heritage to the
humanity . The “ One Thousand Museum” Miami , US 2013

samples of her unique designs

The “Opus hotel” , Dubai , UAE 2007

samples of her unique designs

Zaha Hadid's Heydar Aliyev Center rises from the landscape in Baku, Azerbaijan(2013)


the two great figures mentioned above have their influence not only on
their local community, but they impressed the globe with their great
works. Unless Maria Montessori had had the spirit of challenge and
perseverance, she could not have achieved a method of education that
represents a great help to teachers and students all over the world. One the
other hand, If Zaha convinced herself to lead a life of a normal girl to
enjoy life and be a mother, we would not have seen these great works of
art .


Those two models of women have really
changed their world to a better world because
they gave the best version of themselves to the
world. Everyone can do the same if they exert
the necessary effort and time to achieve their
goals in life.



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