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By Group 4 - E6
1 What is minimalist lifestyle?

2 Common misconceptions about Minimalism

Benefits of Minimalism

4 The drawbacks of Minimalism

5 How to get started living a minimalist lifestyle


This lifestyle has its origins from the

Zen Buddhism of Japan and the
Minimalism art movement of America

It is a way of living that reduces the

belongings in the house to the minimum, only
keeping the essential items.

● Throw away stuff

Minimalist living is about quality, not quantity. Keep only
what is essential and meaningful to you.

● Wear the same outfit every day

Expressing yourself, not conforming to a standard. It
means choosing clothes that are versatile, durable, and

● Stingy and poor.

Be rich in experiences, not in possessions. It means
spending on what you value and need, and saving for
what you want and dream

● Be satisfied with your current life and giving

up on your aspirations

Find balance, not complacency. It means being grateful

for what you have and where you are, but also striving for
improvement and growth.

We all have different needs and preferences. But for

those of us who feel burdened by our possessions, or
who are simply curious about living with less,
minimalism can be a game-changer.

One of the most immediately

noticeable benefits of minimalism is
that it can help to create room in your
living space
When it comes to adopting a minimalist lifestyle, less One of the most immediately noticeable benefits of
stuff equals less clutter and more space. minimalism is that it can help to create room in
your living space
2. Save money and
One of the most unexpected minimalism benefits is
that you can save money and time.

By cutting back on purchases and finding satisfaction in what you

already have, minimalism can help you spend significantly less.
Selling your extra things can also put extra money in your pocket.
And because you’re no longer spending extra money on things that don’t bring you joy, you’ll
have more money to save or invest in experiences that are truly meaningful to you.

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we value

most and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. And
one of the things we value most is our health.
We all know the feeling of being
overwhelmed – too much work, too many
commitments, too much stuff. It’s no
wonder that studies have shown that
clutter can lead to increased levels of
stress and anxiety.
When you’re not constantly having to
worry about things that don’t matter,
you’re free to relax and enjoy the

As a result, being a minimalist has been shown to

improve mental and emotional health, as well as
physical health
When you adjust to a minimalist lifestyle, you open up mental room
for new ideas to take root and grow. When you declutter your physical
room, you create an environment that is conducive to creativity. And
when you let go of material possessions, you free yourself from the
need to acquire more stuff, which can allow you to pursue your
creative passions more fully.
5. Improved relationships
We all know that relationships can be complicated. From family
to friends to romantic partners.
So what does minimalism have to do with it?
When we simplify our lives and get rid of superfluous possessions, we also simplify our relationships. You’ll
have more time for the people you care about. Minimalism can help you concentrate on what’s really
important in life: quality time with the people you love.
You have the opportunity to meet good
teachers and friends. There is time to
improve quality relationships and
eliminate non-quality ones.
Cooperation for mutual development
with positive and hardworking people.
6. More freedom,
more happiness
Owning fewer things frees up both time and money, which in
turn can lead to a new sense of freedom. minimalism can bring
lasting happiness. By owning fewer items, we free ourselves
from the need to constantly acquire new things.
You can concentrate on activities
that you enjoy and relationships
that are important to you
Minimalism can bring lasting happiness. By owning fewer items, we free
ourselves from the need to constantly acquire new things.
Freedom is one of the most
valuable and happiness things you
can have in life. And minimalism
can help you attain it.
7. Better for
the environment
Too much furniture
By buying fewer new things and recycling, reusing, and repairing items we own, we can use significantly fewer
natural resources and produce less waste and pollution.
From improving mental health and reducing stress
levels, to a smaller environmental footprint and
more time for the things you love, becoming a
minimalist can have a huge impact on every area of
your life.
The Drawbacks
Of Minimalism
Lack of diversity

By limiting the number of

possessions and experiences, you
may miss out on new
opportunities, joys, and novel
Difficulty in discerning
essential needs

Headaches and dilemmas when it

comes to eliminating unnecessary
belongings and activities.
Difficulty in maintaining a
minimalist lifestyle

You may struggle with emotional shopping

and feel uncomfortable with restricting
items and conveniences in your daily life.
lonely or isolated

Minimizing possessions and avoiding social

activities can diminish connections with
others and create a sense of loneliness.
Not suitable
for everyone

Each person has their own

values, preferences, and goals,
and there may be different
elements essential to their lives.
How to Get Started Living a Minimalist Lifestyle
Overcome scarcity thinking
The first step to living a minimalist lifestyle is to overcome scarcity thinking, which is the
assumption that there are not enough resources to go around and that you have to take from
others to have for yourself

Eliminate clutter
Work on decluttering both your physical and mental clutter that is taking up space. What are the
unnecessary things, thoughts, activities, and people, you have in your life right now? It’s time to take
inventory and keep only the essential. This is an essential pillar of minimalist living.

Simplify your priorities

The third step to living a minimalist lifestyle is to simplify your priorities and focus on what truly mat
ters to you
You can following the KonMari method, donating or selling unwanted
items, and creating a realistic routine.
Let’s try practicing gratitude, giving generously, and trusting in
You also should creating a life philosophy, applying the 80/20 rule, and
saying no if you must.

=> To live a minimalist lifestyle, you need to overcome scarcity

thinking, eliminate clutter, and simplify your priorities.

1 Trần Thị Phương Thảo 1. What is minimalist lifestyle?

2. Common misconceptions about Minimalism

2 Đinh Thảo Nguyên

3. Benefits of Minimalism

3 Trịnh Thùy Dương

4. The downside to Minimalism

4 Nguyễn Giang Hà Phương

5. How to get started living a minimalist lifestyle

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