Go Green

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Sustainability in building
From energy efficiency to environmental impact.
❏ Objectives
❏ Problem Statement
❏ Present Scenario
❏ Proposed Solution
❏ Implementing Tech
❏ Why it will work?
❏ Target Audience
❏ Bibliography
❏ Team

Decarbonizing present and future buildings

Implementing technology to track emissions of buildings and get personalized reports

Problem Statement
❏ If the world is to have a credible chance at limiting global warming to 1.5°C to avoid the worst impacts of climate change,
global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need to reach net zero by the early 2050s, according to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
❏ The buildings and construction sector accounted for 36% of final energy use and 39% of energy and process-related
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2018. On the contrary, final energy demand in buildings in 2018 rose 1% from 2017, and
7% from 2010.
❏ Additionally, since the majority of buildings that will exist in 2050 are already constructed, it is crucial to unlock efficiencies
in the existing building stock to achieve a net-zero future.
Present Scenario
❏ In 2021, the operation of buildings accounted for 30% of global
final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector
emissions. Both energy consumption and emissions rebounded
to above 2019 values, following the drop in 2020 from Covid-
19 restrictions.
❏ The building sector is, therefore, responsible directly and
indirectly for around one-third of global energy - and process-
related CO2 emissions.
❏ To align with the Net Zero Scenario, carbon emissions from
buildings operations need to more than halve by 2030,
requiring significant efforts to reduce energy demand through
clean and efficient technologies in all end uses.
Proposed Solution
To unlock the efficiencies of existing buildings we can incorporate the following features :

❏ LIGHTING AND HVAC ZONE CONTROL systems are employed to maximize the energy savings from the lighting, heating,
ventilation and air conditioning system and satisfy building codes, thus serving to provide the right amount of energy where
and when it is needed.
❏ THERMAL aids in maintaining steady heating and cooling temperatures during season changes throughout the year, thus
helping to ensure quality and comfort among the occupants inside and increase satisfaction.
❏ EXTERIOR AND ROOFING can be shaded to reduce the temperature rise inside and thereby reduce the usage of heaters
and ACs.
❏ EV CHARGING - About 90% of electric vehicle global charging stations are located in buildings, and smart charging can
determine the best time to charge
❏ SOLAR STORAGE helps solar contribute to the electricity supply even when the sun isn't shining by releasing the energy
when it's needed.
Implementing Tech
Today, IoT-enabled building management systems (BMS) coupled with smart building analytics provide
unprecedented insight into building equipment, maintenance, air quality and energy use.


❏ By using the right network-connected sensors and devices, we can gather actionable data from a full range
of building equipment. Presence detection, occupancy numbers, temperature, humidity, lighting, and energy
use are just a few of the variables that can be measured and, significantly, correlated.
❏ By using a central database, data will flow continuously from equipment and devices to it and we can gain
quick visibility into any integrated system and its issues so that adjustments can be made.
❏ Effective automation systems can be implemented to minimize the need for manual intervention, enhance
operational performance, and are ideal for managing energy-related objectives.
❏ With AI/ML, software can monitor and uncover patterns within large datasets and accelerate processes that
may otherwise take much longer
Why it will work?
❏ Enabling strategic preventive maintenance in place of potentially unnecessary servicing of equipment on a pre-
established schedule.
❏ Correlating building conditions and equipment to better understand relationships within the network and rapidly
identify faults.
❏ Generating practical suggestions for optimizing operational efficiency and reducing energy consumption, allowing for
faster and more effective decision-making.
❏ Increasing opportunities for automation and minimal reliance on manual intervention.
❏ Enhancing client experiences via customized reports and easily accessible dashboards.

Using IoT we can very easily control and monitor the aforementioned features of an energy efficient building.
Target audience

01 | Corporate and commercial buildings

02 | Government and Public Sector

03 | Healthcare and Hospitals

❏ IEA (2023), There’s more to buildings than meets the eye:
They hold a key to net zero emissions, IEA, Paris
emissions, License: CC BY 4.0
❏ IEA (2022), Buildings, IEA, Paris
https://www.iea.org/reports/buildings, License: CC BY 4.0
Ajoy Banik

Aashish Agarwal

Amrita Dutt

Indradeep Thakur.
Thank you.

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