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How inventory eats into profits ..

Workings are illustrative for annual Rs 12000 lacs COGS

Inventory carrying Our Analysis indicate a significant opportunity of 10 to 50% of gross profits
of benefits by proper inventory management and control practices
depending upon ‘as is’ inventory turns
Space cost
Revenue (Rs Lacs) 16,000.00
Manpower COGS (Rs Lacs) 12,000.00
Gross Profit (Rs Lacs) 4,000.00
Deterioration Inventory Turns (Numbers) 12 6 4 3 2
Months of inventory ( Months) 1 2 3 4 6
Finance costs Total losses at current levels of capacity
290.00 180.00 1,070.00 1,360.00 1,940.00
utilization and performance (Rs Lacs)
Time to market
Total Gain Opportunity (Rs Lacs) 1,040.00 1,280.00 1,760.00 2,000.00 2,480.00
Pilferage These numbers illustrative for Indian MSME sector chiefly the manufacturing
sector. Assumed WACC = 7.5%, and shall vary for industries and organizations
Production Loss

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