Lesson 52

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"Those who are wise will shine like the
brightness of the heavens, and those who
lead many to righteousness, like the stars
forever and ever."  Daniel 12:3  
Rules for StarLight coupon
• You must be seated in the
correct place
• You must pay attention during
lesson time. Only 3 warnings will be
given. Strictly NO TALKING to
each other during prayer time.
• You must remain steady. Ignore
those who disturb you. Remind
them to be quiet and pay attention.
Teachers to note:
There will be 2 distribution times.
• After praise & worship (no coupons for
those who talked to each other during prayer).
• After lesson teaching (those who were
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be awarded the coupons).

- Assign 1 teacher for the girls and 1 for

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responsible for distributing the coupons
Is heaven on top of the mountains?
How do we get to Heaven?

Do we climb up a Beanstalk
(like Jack) to go to Heaven?
Is there a staircase that
leads to Heaven?
Streets paved with gold
Gates of Pearl
So, what is heaven really like?

Are there enough rooms to house all of us?

What do we do in Heaven?

Do we need to study English, Math, Science

and Mother Tongue in Heaven?

Are the angels going to be our teachers?

John 14:2
约翰福音 14 : 2
2 在我父的家里有许多住处;若是没
zai wo fu de jia li you xu duo zhu chu; ruo shi mei you,
我就早已告诉你们了 .
wo jiu zao yi gao su ni men le.
我去原是为你们预备地方去 .
Wo qu yuan shi wei ni men yu bei di fang qu.
Heaven is our future home
tian tang shi wo men wei lai de
jia. ren.
Bible Story
And I saw a new heaven
and a new earth
For the first heaven and the
first earth had passed away
And the
sea no
longer is
And I, John,
saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of Heaven,
prepared as a
bride adorned for
her Husband
And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying,
Behold, the
tabernacle of
God is with men,
and He will dwell
with them, and they
will be His people,
and God Himself
will be with them
and be their God.
And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
And there will be no more death,
nor mourning,
nor crying out
nor will there be
any more pain;
for the first
things passed
And He sitting on
the throne said,
Behold, I make all things
new. And He said to me,
Write, for these words are
true and faithful.
And He said to me, It is done.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
To him who thirsts I
will give of the
fountain of the Water
of Life freely.
He who
overcomes will
inherit all things,
and I will be
his God, and
he will be My
But the fearful,
and the unbelieving,
and the abominable,
and murderers,
and whoremongers,
and sorcerers,
and idolaters,
and all liars,
will have their part in the Lake
burning with fire and brimstone,
which is the second death.
And one of the seven
angels who had the
seven vials full of the
seven last plagues came
to me and talked with me,
Come here, I
will show you
the bride, the
Lamb's wife.
And he carried me away in the
Spirit to a great and high mountain
and showed me that great city, the
holy Jerusalem, descending out of
Heaven from God,
having the glory of
God. And its light was
like a stone most
precious, even like a
jasper stone, clear as
And it had a
great and high
wall, with
twelve gates.
And on the gates
were twelve
and having
which are the
names of the
twelve tribes
of the sons of
From the east three gates,
from the north three gates,
from the south three gates,
and from the west three gates.
And the wall of
the city had
and in them
were the names
of the twelve
apostles of the
And he who talked with me
had a golden reed
to measure the city
and its
gates and
its wall.
And the city lies four-square, and the length is as
large as the breadth. And he measured the city
with the reed, twelve thousand stadia. The length
and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
And he measured
its wall, a hundred
and forty-four
cubits, according
to the measure of a
man, that is, of an
And the foundation of its wall was jasper;
and the city was
pure gold, like
clear glass.
And the foundations of the wall of
the city had been adorned with
every precious stone.
And the street of
the city was pure
gold, as
transparent glass.
And I saw no
temple in it, for
the Lord God
Almighty is its
even the Lamb.
And the city had no
need of the sun,
nor of the moon,
that they might
shine in it, for the
glory of God
illuminated it,
and its lamp is
the Lamb.
And the nations
of those who are
saved will walk in
the light of it;
and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it.
And its
gates may
not be shut
at all by day,
for there
shall be no
night there.
And they shall
bring the glory
and honor of the
nations into it.
And there shall in no
way enter into it
anything that defiles, or
any making an
abomination or a lie
but only those
who are written
in the Lamb's
Book of Life.

(Revelation 21)

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