Introduction To Statistics

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Introduction to


Data, Data What are you?

SING A We COLLECT you, oh it’s true.
SONG ANALYZE you that’s my plan
INTERPRET to understand
IN A TUNEOF TWINKLE Data, Data what are you?

1. What is 20% of 600?
a.30 b. 60 c. 120 d. 1200
2. What percent of ½ is 1/8?
a. 25% b. 50% c. 40% d. 80%

3. The graph is a___.

a. Bar graph
b. Polynomial graph
c. Line graph
d. Pie graph
Continuation of Pre-Assessment

4. Juka bought a cellphone at Php 2,500 and sold it to Leira for Php 3,200.
How much is her profit?
a. Php300
b. Php400
c. Php600
d. Php700
5.It is the science of collecting, classifying and presenting data.
a. Algebra
b. Geometry
c. Statistics
d. Trigonometry
Measuring the arm span: Stretch out both arms and measure the length
from the tip of a middle finger to the tip of the other middle finger.

Do you think students in this class have different arm spans?

How many in this class have the same arm spans? What is the
most common measure of arm spans?
a. Using a tape measure or a meter stick, measure your individual arm
span. Use the centimeter (cm) unit of length. Round off measures to
the nearest cm.
b. On the manila paper, write your measures individually.
Guided Questions:
a. What do these numbers represent?
b. Can we get clear and precise information immediately as we look
at these numbers?
c. How can we make these numbers meaningful for anyone who does
not know about the description of these numbers?
d. Based on your activity, what is the meaning of Statistics?
A. Guided
a.What does the
picture imply?
C. b. How can you
relate these
pictures to our

“Case Problem"
Suppose you were asked to make a study on the brand
preferences and satisfaction of consumers of famous laundry
soap in four different supermarkets. How will you do the
Instructions: Arrange the letters of the following steps
to statistical inquiry in a logical way:

a. Collecting relevant information

b. Defining a problem
c. Interpreting the data
d. Analyzing the data
e. Organizing and presenting the data
Business Banking Economics Education Mathematics

 Dispersion  Quality Products

 Assessment on student’s performance
Imports and exports  Precision in describing results on

 Law of Supply and Demand measurements
 Location of business  Cash Flow
 Planning for educational design and  Estimation of values
curriculum  Interest Rates
 Production planning  Inflation Rate
 Estimation on the number of
depositors  Policy planning for school system
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

1. Weather Forecasts

Do you watch the weather forecast sometime during the day?

How do you use that information? Have you ever heard the
forecaster talk about weather models? These computer models are
built using statistics that compare prior weather conditions with
current weather to predict future weather.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

2. Emergency Preparedness

What happens if the forecast indicates that a hurricane is

imminent or that tornadoes are likely to occur? Emergency
management agencies move into high gear to be ready to rescue
people. Emergency teams rely on statistics to tell them when danger
may occur.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

3. Predicting Disease

Lots of times on the news reports, statistics about a disease are

reported. If the reporter simply reports the number of people who
either have the disease or who have died from it, it's an interesting
fact but it might not mean much to your life. But when statistics
become involved, you have a better idea of how that disease may
affect you.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are
4. Medical Studies

Scientists must show a statistically valid rate of effectiveness

before any drug can be prescribed. Statistics are behind every
medical study you hear about.
5. Genetics

Many people are afflicted with diseases that come from their
genetic make-up and these diseases can potentially be passed on to
their children. Statistics are critical in determining the chances of a
new baby being affected by the disease.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

6. Political Campaigns

Whenever there's an election, the news organizations consult their

models when they try to predict who the winner is. Candidates
consult voter polls to determine where and how they campaign.
Statistics play a part in who your elected government officials will be
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

7. Insurance

You know that in order to drive your car you are required by law
to have car insurance. If you have a mortgage on your house, you
must have it insured as well. The rate that an insurance company
charges you is based upon statistics from all drivers or homeowners
in your area.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are

8. Consumer Goods

Wal-Mart, a worldwide leading retailer, keeps track of everything

they sell and use statistics to calculate what to ship to each store and
when. From analyzing their vast store of information, for example,
Wal-Mart decided that people buy strawberry Pop Tarts when a
hurricane is predicted in Florida! So they ship this product to Florida
stores based upon the weather forecast.
10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics Are
9. Quality Testing
Companies make thousands of products every day and each
company must make sure that a good quality item is sold. But a
company can't test each and every item that they ship to you, the
consumer. So the company uses statistics to test just a few, called a
sample, of what they make. If the sample passes quality tests, then
the company assumes that all the items made in the group, called a
batch, are good.
10. Stock Market
Another topic that you hear a lot about in the news is the stock
market. Stock analysts also use statistical computer models to
forecast what is happening in the economy.
Statistics is the science of collection, organization, analysis, and
interpretation of data.
Importance of Statistics

a. Business

 Production Planning
 Quality of products
 Location of business
 Advertising of products
 Financial resources
 Capital resources
b. Banking
 Cash flow
 Interest rates
 Lending feasibility
 Estimation on the number of depositors

c. Economics
• Imports and exports
• Inflation rates
• Per capita income
• Law of Supply and Demand
d. Education
• Assessments on student’s performance
• Planning for educational design and curriculum
• Policy planning for school system

e. Mathematics
• Dispersion
• Precision in describing results on measurements
• Estimation of Values
Match each field of study under Column A to its importance of
statistics under column B
Column B
a. Monitor status of customers,
employees, orders, and production.
Column A b. Study of the size, vital characteristics of
1. Education the population, and how they might change
2. Psychology over time.
3. Business and Economics c. Determine attitudinal patterns, the
4. Medicine causes and effects of misbehavior.
5. Demographics d.Assess students’ performance and
correlate factors affecting teaching and
learning processes.
e.Collect information about patients and
diseases and to make decisions about the
use of new drugs or treatment.
1. Follow-up
Give another importance of statistics that use in your home.

2. Study
Study the fields of statistics.

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