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PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• Compression of the median nerve as it travels
through the wrist's carpal tunnel leads to
entrapment neuropathy.

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
• Multifactorial including both local systematic
• Synovial thickness and scarring of tendon
• Inflammation/ swelling of the tendons
• Overuse or repetitive wrist flexion, extension or
gripping activities
• Local trauma-fall/blow to the wrist with or
without radius or carpals #
• Rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes
PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
• Improper wrist postures
• Compressive forces from equipments
• Vibration against the tunnel
• Obesity
• Pregnancy

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Clinical features
Early symptoms:-
• Pain- can radiate up to forearm
-gripping/ holding onto objects
-shaking/ flicking hands
-constant and burning in nature
• Numbness
• Paresthesia
• Symptoms varying in thumb, index, middle and
half of the ring finger

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Progressive symptoms:-
• Hand Weakness
• Decreased fine motor coordination- loss of grip
• Clumsiness and thenar atrophy results from
sensory deprivation and weakness

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• Subjective assessment
Demographic data
History of present illness
Past history
Medical history
Occupational history
• Objective assessment
Pain assessment

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Manual muscle testing: wrist flexors/extensors,
thenar muscles,
lumbricals of index and middle fingers

Range of motion:1-3 digits flexion, wrist flexion

Special tests: Phalen’s test,
Hoffman’s Tinel's sign, Carpal
compression test
Investigations: X-ray, MRI(any nerve involvement)
EMG, Nerve conduction studies.

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Functional assessment
• Boston Carpal tunnel Questionnaire
• Brigham & Women’s Carpal tunnel Questionnaire
• Patient evaluation measures(PEM)

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Differential diagnosis
• Any dysfunction of the median nerve
• Cervicobrachial syndrome
• Median nerve entrapment syndrome
• Pronator teres syndrome
• Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome
• Injury to nerve digitales in palm

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Special tests
• Phalen’s test

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• The patient is asked to push the dorsal surface
of her hands together and hold this position for
30-60 seconds.
• This position will increase the pressure in the
carpal tunnel, in effect compressing the median
nerve between the transverse carpal ligament
and the anterior border of the distal end of the

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Carpal compression test

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• Patient position in standing or sitting.
• Patient forearm is supinated and then
examiner applies direct pressure over the
carpal tunnel (median nerve) between the
thenar and hypothenar eminence for 30
• Positive test indicates any numbness, pain or
paresthesia in the distribution of median nerve.

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Hoffman’s Tinel's sign
• Four digital taps to the median nerve just
proximal to the distal wrist crease

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• Patient education
• Reduce pain
• Improve sensory function
• Restore wrist ROM
• Restore muscle strength for wrist flexors
• Improve gripping strength
• Make the patient functionally independent
• Improve quality of life

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Conservative management
• Modifying symptom provoking wrist movement
• Non-surgical: corticosteroid injections, NSAID’s
Oral/ local glucocorticoid
• Surgical: carpal tunnel release

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

• Modification of activities
• Ultrasound and TENS
• Carpal mobilizations
• Median nerve glides and mobilization
• Tendon gliding exercises
• Muscle strengthening
• Dexterity exercises
• Precision exercises
• Static Wrist orthosis

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Median nerve glides

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Tendon glides

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Dexterity exercises

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Carpal mobilization

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Thank you…

PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

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